Lernen Sie, wie man target in einem Englisch Satz verwendet. Über 100 handverlesene Beispiele.
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Your point may be a little off target, but it certainly is close.
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A man of weak will is the target of criticism; even his friends would badger him into correcting his defects.
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This seminar will target senior marketing leaders from Japanese firms.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
The first attack missed the target.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Aim the gun at the target.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
The bullet glanced off the target.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
His behavior was often a target of criticism.
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He picked up the rifle and aimed it at the target.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
He hit the center of the target with his first shot.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Her success made her the target of jealousy.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
She aimed at the target.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Kunihiko hit the target with his first shot.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
I aimed my gun at the target.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
The arrow hit the target.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
The arrow fell short of the target.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
It stopped short at a result far from the 10% taken as the target.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Is the name 'Shinosuke' a target for teasing?
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Aim at the target with this gun.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Take aim at the target.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Every time I practice shooting, I miss the target.
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Tom's shot missed the target by two feet.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
The center of a target is called a "bull's eye."
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
You hit the center of the target.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
The arrow missed its target.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
A good way to boost reading and listening skills in a target language is to read or listen to the news.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Which is your target?
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The bomb missed its target.
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If one in one hundred rounds does not hit the target, it's not first-class shooting.
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No matter how low the target, always aim higher.
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Tom aimed his pistol at the target.
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This is our primary target.
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Appreciate the little things in life - they will bring you to a bigger end target.
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What effect do I want to have on the target reader?
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If a person has not had a chance to acquire his target language by the time he's an adult, he's unlikely to be able to reach native speaker level in that language.
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Tom wanted to get in a little target practice before he went into the office.
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Pickpockets target tourists.
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Thus, the ethical issue remains: Should cigarette makers be allowed to target global markets?
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Change target.
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What's the target?
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Esperanto is both a target language as well as a source language for translations.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
The soldiers had target practice in the morning.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
They hit the target.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
You're aiming too low to hit the target.
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If you stare at the sky, you'll miss the target.
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We all missed the target.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
You missed the target.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Tom hit the target.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
She missed a target.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
The text is deemed as fluent in the target language.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Their multimedia campaign included commercials on television and radio, print advertisements in newspapers and magazines, online advertising on websites geared toward their target audience, as well as flyers posted and distributed throughout the community.
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The readers are the real target of interviews.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Tom missed the target.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Tom aimed at the target.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
The United States intends to achieve an economy-wide target of reducing its emissions by 26%-28% below its 2005 level in 2025 and to make best efforts to reduce its emissions by 28%. China intends to achieve the peaking of CO₂ emissions around 2030 and to make best efforts to peak early and intends to increase the share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption to around 20% by 2030.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
I thought I'd get in some target practice.
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The Three Forks is a bar serving beer, and its target audience are travellers.
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Eventually, he hit the target.
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Dan became the target of dangerous criminals.
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The target is in sight.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
I see the target.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
I can see the target.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Target was targeted by cybercriminals.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
It's estimated that 40 million debit and credit card numbers were stolen from Target.
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Tom was right on target.
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Advertisers can target ads on Facebook based on users' profiles.
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It was slightly off target.
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Tom's accusations were on target.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Who was the target audience?
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Tom is an easy target.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
I hit the target.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Fadil was a desirable target for Layla because of his wealth.
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She was an excellent target for teasing because she always took things so seriously.
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They are the target market for this product.
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To target these young people is wrong – because they have done nothing wrong.
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To target these young people is wrong – because they have done nothing wrong. It is self-defeating – because they want to start new businesses, staff our labs, serve in our military, and otherwise contribute to the country we love. And it is cruel.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Sami couldn't see his target.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Sami was a desirable target for Layla because of his wealth.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
We've hit our sales target.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Sami is the perfect target.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Sami was the easy target.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Sami was an easy target.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Listening to music in your target language is a fun way to improve your fluency.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Israel uses high-tech killing machines to target densely populated areas in Gaza.
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Lions often target sick or injured animals.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
I thought that I'd get in some target practice.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Sami isn't an easy target.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Sami does a lot of his Christmas shopping at Target.
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Using Linux in your target language is a great way to learn new vocabulary and gain practical experience.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
I fired my gun, but missed the target.
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The candidate became the target of growing opprobrium as his past misdeeds came to light.
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Anne was an excellent target for teasing because she always took things so seriously.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Sami was a target again.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights defines anti-Semitism as “rhetorical and physical manifestations directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities. Such manifestations could also target the state of Israel, conceived as a Jewish collectivity, but criticism of Israel similar to that levelled against any other country cannot be regarded as anti-Semitic.”
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Mennad could become a target for criminals.
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After five shots, they hit the target.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
I'm interested in target shooting.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
I missed the target.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
You will be in trouble if you become the target of a tax audit.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
The jets dived at their target.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Tom became a target of cancel culture after some Instagram photos he posted were associated with pedophilia and child trafficking by the Wayfair conspiracists.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Tom throws the ball at a target.
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