Englisch Beispielsätze mit "options"

Lernen Sie, wie man options in einem Englisch Satz verwendet. Über 100 handverlesene Beispiele.

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What other options do I have?
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Please inform me what options are available to me.
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What payment options are available?
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They'll be attacked if they carelessly express an original viewpoint, so they only report on the safe options.
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What other options are there?
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You can adjust game configuration options when starting the game for the first time.
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The group box "Image Layout" shows different options for displaying the image in the picture box. There are four layouts to choose from. With Center, your image will be centered in the picture box. With Auto size, your image will be auto sized. With Stretch, your image will be resized to the size of the picture box and with Autozoom, your image will be zoomed to the picture box.
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Whichever is better out of two options is also best out of those options.
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Whichever is better out of two options is also best out of those options.
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The search function has too few options.
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In any decision one makes there is a weighing of options.
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We should weigh the options carefully before making a decision.
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What options do I have left?
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Tom had no options left.
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Tom considered his options.
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Tom asked if there were any other options.
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Tom advised Mary to take some time to think over her options.
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The CEO got paid in stock options.
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You have two options: São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.
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Call options give the right to buy a security for a certain amount, called the strike price, by a given date. Puts convey the right to sell.
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He considered his options carefully before deciding.
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Consider your options carefully.
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I chose between two options.
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Consider the options.
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I'm checking options.
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I don't see any options.
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I carefully considered my options before making my decision.
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I carefully considered my options before proceeding.
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I don't have a lot of options.
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I have three options for you.
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All options are on the table.
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In which case your options reduce to the previous case.
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I'll have to seriously reconsider our options.
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I'm afraid you've run out of options.
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I'm investigating the options.
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We always have options.
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They're out of options.
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We're out of options.
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I'm out of options.
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Tom closed his eyes for a moment and considered his options.
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That doesn't leave me with a lot of options.
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We discussed a number of options.
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Tom didn't leave me any options.
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Tom is considering his options.
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Tom weighed his options.
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What are Tom's options?
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Those are your options.
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What are our options?
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What are my options?
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You only have two options.
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I've narrowed it down to three options.
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We must consider all options.
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Tom considered his options carefully.
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Tom considered his options for a moment.
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Tom weighed his options for a moment.
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We don't have a lot of options here.
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What other options do we have?
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You only have two options to select.
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Tell me what my options are.
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Could you tell me what my options are?
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At least you have options.
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We're running out of options.
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Don't make the same mistake twice. There are plenty of other options.
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The way I see it, we've got three options.
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Tom doesn't like either of his options.
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There are no options.
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You're running out of options.
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What are the options?
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There are no other options.
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You have only three options to select.
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Workers must have a place to invest their hard-earned savings that provides an appropriate balance of risk and return, and many private sector providers do not offer retirement savings options tailored to smaller balance savers.
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Tom is looking around for options.
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You should learn not to limit your options.
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We have a few questions concerning Tom's options.
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Tom seems to be weighing his options.
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Can we go over my options?
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You have only two options.
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You have two options.
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You have only three options.
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You have at least three options.
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You have three options.
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There are only three options.
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We only have three options.
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There are three options.
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Are there any other options?
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There are a couple of options.
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There are always options.
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There aren't any options left.
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Every good restaurant has vegetarian options.
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I've been doing research over the last few days about how I might make money from the project, but I think all my options will require a severe shift in the way I live, which is a tricky thing.
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We don't have many options.
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They have several options.
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We have three options.
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They have options.
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Are there any better options?
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Those are all fine options.
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Tom's options are limited.
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There are several options.
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The options are unlimited.
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There are other options.
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There are options.
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Sehen Sie sich auch die folgenden Wörter an: politics, ascendancy, monarchs, subjects, rebellion, Sarah, discerning, realize, prank, orchestra.