Frases de ejemplo en Inglés con "interest"

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David has a keen interest in aesthetics — the qualities that make a painting, sculpture, musical composition, or poem pleasing to the eye, ear, or mind.
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My interest is in the future because I'm going to spend the rest of my life there.
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I have no interest in putting my money into your dreams.
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A bank lends us money at interest.
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Banks charge higher interest on loans to risky customers.
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It is difficult to peg the direction of interest deregulation.
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Bank lending is rising because of lower interest rates.
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Falling interest rates have stimulated the automobile market.
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Interest rates will rise due to monetary tightening.
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Apart from earning money, I have no interest in real estate.
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Thank you for your interest.
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The phenomenon of interest is in itself, a most interesting subject.
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Teachers stimulate the students' interest, have them think, ask questions, and debate among themselves.
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Machinery robs work of creative interest.
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Canned food doesn't interest her.
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We are working in the interest of peace.
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Our interest converges on that point.
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Interest on loans is high at present.
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Bob lost interest in rock music.
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I put on an air of interest.
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Bill just wanted to comfort Monica, but she interpreted it as romantic interest.
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Tom showed interest in the plan.
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Nobody anticipated such a sharp decline in interest rates.
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I have lost interest in it.
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The loan bears an 8% interest.
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The fact was of interest to the scientists.
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That incident drew his interest.
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I lost half my interest in the project.
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The teacher aroused our interest.
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The loan carries 5.5% interest.
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The drama on TV was so popular that it stirred up people's interest in the period.
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Do you have any interest in sports?
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This deposit bears three percent interest.
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This loan will carry very heavy interest.
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There is nothing special interest to me.
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The matter touches your interest.
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What are the points of interest here?
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This is the very reason why I take no interest in art.
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A good many people have an interest in things American.
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The picnic was canceled for lack of interest.
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My uncle has a deep interest in art.
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Just because a certain book does not interest readers does not mean that the fault lies in the book.
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Read such books as interest you.
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I have no interest in ordinary people.
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You share his interest in this book?
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I have lost both principal and interest.
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There has been more interest in clever words than in the real problems.
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It's in your interest to go.
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We borrowed money at high interest.
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If students today had more free time, they might show more interest in politics.
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It is regrettable that young Japanese today should show little interest in the traditional culture of their country.
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You must take an interest in current events.
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All of us have an interest in history. In a sense, we are all historians.
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We must always consider the public interest.
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All of us have some interest in history. In a sense, we are all historians.
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My interest quickened.
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My son took an early interest in politics.
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I have a great interest in the Wars of the Roses.
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I find interest in the social page in that newspaper.
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I've lost interest in golf.
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I have an interest in cello and piano.
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I traveled in the interest of my company.
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Modern art has no interest for me.
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I realized that what I had chosen didn't really interest me.
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I lost interest in my work.
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I have an interest in photography.
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I have a keen interest in politics.
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I have not the slightest interest in his plans.
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I lent her 500 dollars free of interest.
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I have little, if any, interest in popular songs.
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I don't have much interest in cooking.
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I have little interest in history.
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I take great interest in history.
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We borrowed at 5% interest.
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We have a majority interest in the company.
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We have a 50% interest in the company.
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Interest in the game has dropped off.
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For the first time, he stood to take a real interest in his studies.
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Women automatically lose interest in him after exchanging a couple of words.
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I have not the least interest in detective stories.
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My interest in politics is strictly academic.
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Accrued interest will be paid into your account.
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I lost interest in collecting stamps.
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The teacher tried to interest the students in current events.
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You need to show a genuine interest in the other person.
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The public interest was directed at his judgement.
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Anyone can cultivate their interest in music.
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Interest accrued from the money left in my savings account.
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Corporate borrowing from financial institutions is rising due to the low interest rate.
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I have an interest in Oriental ceramics.
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Japan's ODA largely consists of concessionary yen credit repayable in 30 years, carrying an interest rate of 2% or so.
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Where he will live doesn't interest us.
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His main interest is in history.
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He shows interest in winter sports.
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He showed interest in the plan.
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He showed an interest in the book.
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What degree of interest did he show?
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He still keeps up his interest in music.
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He doesn't show any interest in science.
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He worked day and night in the interest of his firm.
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He lends money at a high rate of interest.
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También echa un vistazo a las siguientes palabras: noble, uncle, aunt, regard, style, everlasting, grumbles, identical, brand, definitely.