Frases de ejemplo en Inglés con "habits"

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The second half of a man's life is made up of nothing but the habits he has acquired during the first half.
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You must form regular habits.
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You must rid yourself of bad habits.
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Your poor memory is due to poor listening habits.
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The habits of highly intelligent people offer a clue as to how to do that.
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It is not easy to get rid of bad habits.
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Bad habits are easy to get into.
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It's easy to fall into bad habits.
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Bad habits die hard.
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It's very hard to get rid of bad habits.
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How easily one acquires bad habits!
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One acquires bad habits very easily.
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He was cured of his bad habits.
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Managers like Paula Grayson, however, are trying to persuade them to change their habits.
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Countries vary in customs and habits.
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Children imitate their parents' habits.
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I am widely different from my little sister in character and habits.
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Passions weaken, but habits strengthen, with age.
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Eating habits differ from country to country.
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People differ in habits.
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Human beings seem to find it difficult to give up their old habits.
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Old habits die hard. This is particularly true of politics.
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You can't expect a man to change his habits at once, girl.
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I have these little habits that show themselves when I least expect it, so I have to watch myself.
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Old habits die hard.
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Cats show emotional habits parallel to those of their owners.
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Speaking of his eating habits, they're revolting aren't they?
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He is conservative in his habits.
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They have the same habits.
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Good habits should be cultivated in childhood.
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Good eating habits are essential.
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Now that you mention it. Yeek, Hideki's habits are rubbing off on me!
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Oh boy ... when they hang out with you for long everyone ends up picking up your bad habits.
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I think that our living together has influenced your habits.
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Habits are difficult to break.
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It's easy to pick up bad habits.
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If you pay attention to your foreign friends, you may be surprised that their customs and habits are different from yours.
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Of all the preposterous assumptions of humanity over humanity, nothing exceeds most of the criticisms made on the habits of the poor by the well-housed, well- warmed, and well-fed.
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I think you should change your eating habits.
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The years have only given him bad habits.
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And then she let slip a not-so-subtle innuendo about my drinking habits.
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Now it's time for you to change your habits.
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Over the past ten years, people have become increasingly aware that they need to change their eating habits.
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The doctor told me that I should change my eating habits.
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Could you tell me about Tom's eating habits?
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Those were drinking days, and most men drank hard. So very great is the improvement Time has brought about in such habits, that a moderate statement of the quantity of wine and punch which one man would swallow in the course of a night, without any detriment to his reputation as a perfect gentleman, would seem, in these days, a ridiculous exaggeration.
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Man is a slave to habits.
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You're picking up some bad habits from us.
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It had been made a condition with these clerks that they should not marry; so that those who lived to be old had to take care of themselves, to attend to their own comforts, and even to light their own fires, when they had any to light. Many of them were very aged; lonely old boys, with strange thoughts and eccentric habits.
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Old habits are hard to break.
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You are entirely correct; habits play a very large role in people's lives.
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Childhood is a stage of life in which people adopt a large proportion of their eating habits.
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You'd better change your eating habits.
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Mary had noted a distinct change in Tom's behavior and work habits.
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Eating habits in China have been rapidly becoming Americanized in recent years.
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I don't believe that if I changed my habits I could become healthier.
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What an unfailing barrier against vice, immorality and bad habits are those tastes which lead us to embellish a home, to which at all times and in all places we turn with delight, as being the object and the scene of our fondest cares, labours and enjoyments; whose humble roof, whose shady porch, whose verdant lawn and smiling flowers all breathe forth to us, in true, earnest tones, a domestic feeling that at once purifies the heart and binds us more closely to our fellow beings.
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One of the employees' habits is to gather in some bar or restaurant at the end of the workday to get drunk and forget their miserable life until the next day.
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Tom has a lot of bad habits.
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Tom needs to change his eating habits.
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Can people change their habits?
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Bad habits are not easily broken.
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Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.
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Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.
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Be careful of your thoughts, for your thoughts become your words. Be careful of your words, for your words become your actions. Be careful of your actions, for your actions become your habits. Be careful of your habits, for your habits become your character. Be careful of your character, for your character becomes your destiny.
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Be careful of your thoughts, for your thoughts become your words. Be careful of your words, for your words become your actions. Be careful of your actions, for your actions become your habits. Be careful of your habits, for your habits become your character. Be careful of your character, for your character becomes your destiny.
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Be careful of your thoughts, for your thoughts become your words. Be careful of your words, for your words become your actions. Be careful of your actions, for your actions become your habits. Be careful of your habits, for your habits become your character. Be careful of your character, for your character becomes your destiny.
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It must be supposed that reading was one of his morbid habits, as he fell upon anything that came into his hands with equal avidity.
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We gave up the bad habits.
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Now the world in general doesn't know what to make of originality; it is startled out of its comfortable habits of thought, and its first reaction is one of anger.
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Tom doesn't have any bad habits.
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I know Tom's habits pretty well.
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I don't know your habits.
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One is never too old to unlearn bad habits.
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How have your reading habits changed?
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What bad habits do you have?
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What are some of your bad habits?
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Do you have any bad habits?
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Layla's habits didn't change.
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Some habits are difficult to break.
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Stop feeding your bad habits.
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Holmes was certainly not a difficult man to live with. He was quiet in his ways, and his habits were regular.
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The landlady had become so accustomed to my late habits that my place had not been laid nor my coffee prepared.
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He was coarse in his habits and brutish in his ways.
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Crime is terribly revealing. Try and vary your methods as you will, your tastes, your habits, your attitude of mind, and your soul is revealed by your actions.
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I don't think Tom has any bad habits.
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Tom said he didn't have any bad habits.
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Mary said she didn't have any bad habits.
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I don't think Tom and Mary have any bad habits.
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It's easy to develop bad training habits.
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He has mysterious habits.
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Habits turned into abuses.
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Tom said that he didn't have any bad habits.
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I don't think I have any bad habits.
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I have a lot of bad habits.
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It isn't easy to get rid of bad habits.
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Sami's new habits led him to a terrible fate.
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Getting rid of bad habits is hard.
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It's hard to get rid of bad habits.
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I have to change my habits.
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Haphazard eating habits caused the castaway's food supply to be quickly depleted.
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También echa un vistazo a las siguientes palabras: Mathematics, part, science, continue, discovered, gone, ocean, dreams, reflected, phrase.