Frases de ejemplo en Inglés con "irritated"

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Even the merest little thing irritated him.
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The answer irritated me.
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Don't get so irritated. Rushing things will cost you more time in the end.
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The mother becomes irritated and frankly, but gently, tells Beth to leave the room.
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"Why?" asked the daughter, a trifle irritated.
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I couldn't but be irritated with you.
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I was irritated by his indecision.
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The more he waited, the more irritated he became.
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The way he looked at me irritated me very much.
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His ambiguous reply made her all the more irritated.
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He was irritated by the sound.
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He was irritated by her delay.
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He seldom gets angry or irritated.
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I am often irritated by her selfishness.
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Her constant complaining speech irritated me.
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He became irritated.
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My eyes feel irritated.
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The daughter was irritated with her mother, who always broke her promises.
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Since the book is about animals, I was irritated that the animals behaved like people.
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Why are you irritated?
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He got a little irritated when he was approached by beggars.
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The soap irritated my eyes.
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When an English speaker realises that a foreign person they are speaking to doesn't understand one of their sentences, they repeat it, the same way, but louder, as though the person were deaf. At no point does it come to their mind that their vocabulary might be complicated or that their expression might most probably be ambiguous to a foreigner and that they could reword it in a simpler way. The result is that not only does the person still not understand, but they get irritated at being considered deaf.
Translate from Inglés to Español

Tom is irritated.
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Tom looks irritated.
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Tom is pretty irritated.
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Tom became irritated by Mary's silence.
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I know you're irritated.
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Tom was really irritated.
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Tom became irritated.
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Tom is irritated by Mary's constant yelling.
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Tom was irritated.
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"Link, can I see you for a minute?" asked the King in a slightly irritated tone. "'Sup?" "What is this?" The King pointed at a large stained piece of cloth he was holding. "A potty." "Ew." The King felt rather displeased but let the matter drop, along with the piece of cloth, as a more urgent subject was at hand.
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Tom looks somewhat irritated.
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I irritated her, so she made me go.
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The flickering black-and-white television set irritated my weary eyes.
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He sounded irritated.
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She sounded irritated.
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Tom sounded irritated.
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Tom became more and more irritated.
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Tom tried not to be irritated.
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I'm irritated by that.
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I was irritated by what Tom did.
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They started to get irritated.
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They have started to get irritated.
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I irritated him.
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Tom was irritated by the delay.
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Mary is easily irritated, and often flips her lid.
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But this decision failed to content the Methymnaeans, who, in a great fury, seized Daphnis and would have bound him, had not the villagers, irritated at such behaviour, sprung upon them as thick as starlings and rescued the young goatherd, who, on his side, began to fight in his own defence.
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Tom has to be irritated.
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Tom must be irritated.
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Tom may be irritated.
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Tom might be irritated.
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Tom told Mary that she should quit pretending to be irritated.
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Tom told Mary that she should stop pretending to be irritated.
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I wonder if Tom is irritated.
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I know that Tom is irritated.
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I'm sure Tom will be irritated by the traffic noise.
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I think Tom is irritated.
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I doubt very seriously that Tom will be irritated.
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The woman talking on her phone seemed irritated.
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I hope Tom isn't irritated by all this noise.
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Tom will probably be irritated by that noise.
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Tom is likely to still be irritated by that.
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Tom wasn't very irritated by the noise.
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I doubt if Tom will be irritated.
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I don't think Tom is irritated.
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Tom should've been irritated by that.
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Tom told me that he's irritated.
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Tom said Mary is probably still irritated.
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Tom said Mary was likely to be irritated.
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Tom is likely to be irritated.
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Tom told Mary that he was irritated.
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Tom must've been irritated.
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Tom seldom gets irritated.
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Tom said he's irritated.
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Tom said Mary was irritated.
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You look irritated.
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Tom said Mary is irritated.
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You looked like you were irritated.
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Tom told me that he was irritated.
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Tom looked like he was irritated.
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Tom seemed to be very irritated.
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Tom is probably still irritated.
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You look like you're irritated.
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Tom looks like he's irritated.
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Tom told me he was irritated.
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I was irritated by the noise.
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Tom seemed to be irritated.
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Tom told me that he thought Mary was irritated.
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Tom seemed irritated.
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Tom looked irritated.
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Tom seems irritated.
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Mary said that she was very irritated.
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Mary told Tom that she was irritated.
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Mary told me that she was irritated.
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Mary looked like she was irritated.
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Mary said that she was irritated.
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Mary looks like she's irritated.
Translate from Inglés to Español

Tom is going to be irritated by that noise.
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Tom said that he was very irritated.
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También echa un vistazo a las siguientes palabras: instead, It's, because, want, alone, won't, happen, Sometimes, he, can.