Frases de ejemplo en Inglés con "increased"

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The cost of life increased drastically.
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Proponents of increased import duties are at odds with each other.
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The number of tourists has increased greatly in recent years.
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Tourists have increased in number.
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Our class has increased in size.
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With every increase of scientific knowledge, man's power for evil is increased in the same proportion as his power for good.
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The driver increased his speed.
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Instead of stopping, the rain increased.
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Also, increased temperatures may require that lubricants be changed frequently.
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The number of Japanese who live on bread has increased.
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Bus service must be increased in frequency.
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Having fallen victim to increased competition, the company went bankrupt.
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The number of visitors to Singapore has increased year by year.
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This has increased family income.
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This only increased his desire to be revenged on the murderous duke.
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The number of traffic accidents has increased in recent years.
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Her mother, Mrs Brown, increased the amount of vegetables in her diet.
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The number of people suffering from AIDS has increased.
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Our rates increased in April.
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The output of this factory has increased by 20%.
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Despite a shortage of steel, industrial output has increased by five percent.
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Recently the demand for this product has increased faster than the supply.
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Recently, the number of foreigners working or studying in Japan has increased.
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Recently the number of cars has greatly increased.
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Recently the number of worms increased.
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The number of cars driven in the city has increased.
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The number of private colleges has increased.
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Accidents have increased in number.
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The number of people suffering from heart disease has increased.
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The government has increased its financial aid to the developing nations.
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Production has remarkably increased.
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The oil companies increased the price of gas again.
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While the birth rate is intended to be decreased in developing countries, that of developed nations is selfishly planned to be increased, resulting in the difficulty of getting mutual consent.
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GNP increased at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 4.5% in the fourth quarter.
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The amount of carbon dioxide has increased by 10 percent.
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Japan's import of manufactured goods has increased considerably.
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Manufactured imports into Japan have increased considerably.
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Daily commodities increased in price.
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His salary was increased by ten percent.
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He demanded that his salary should be increased right away.
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He demanded that his salary be increased.
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He has increased his proficiency in English greatly.
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They increased the territory of the empire.
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Her weight increased to 50 kilograms.
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The plane increased speed.
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Trade increased the country's wealth.
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The exports increased by 30 billion dollars.
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Taking advantage of the popular boom in Korean drama, workers selling Korean goods have increased.
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Many people suffer from heart disease in Japan, but in Libya those having heart attacks have also increased a lot recently.
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The Labor Party's vote increased at last year's election.
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There is no piety in the world which is not the result of cultivation, and which cannot be increased by the degree of care and attention bestowed upon it.
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The workers are complaining that their hours have been increased.
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The city increased the number of traffic signals at major intersections.
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100 per cent of us die, and the percentage cannot be increased.
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Production at this factory has increased by 20%.
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The output at this factory has increased by 20%.
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They said inspections should be increased.
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They worried about increased political tension in Asia.
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Imports of British goods increased.
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The price of these supplies quickly increased.
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Truman's popularity increased.
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The price of everything increased.
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Violence increased soon afterward.
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Brand desirability among girls age 7-13 increased fivefold after the marketing department changed the company mascot to a talking pony.
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My waist size has recently increased. I guess it's middle-age spread.
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We have no reason to believe that prices will be increased.
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Your family has considerably increased since my last voyage.
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I do many things at the same time, so not only am I reading things by Akutagawa, I've also increased the amount of time I spend reading in English and I also read a little in German every day.
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The dollar exchange rate has increased dramatically.
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In the 19th century, the number of immigrants increased rapidly.
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The price of a litre of petrol has been increased by 12 rupees.
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The cost of living increased dramatically.
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The Ministry of Education increased the proportion of indigenous language usage in the schools.
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My neighbour thinks that people do not know what to expect in increased awareness of outer space because it could cause a paradigm shift in society.
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The population of Russia, as well as its progress in civilization, has considerably increased within these last hundred years.
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Security was increased in the city.
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The family fortune has increased a great deal.
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They've increased the salaries.
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The number of employees has increased lately.
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Overtraining leads to increased sympathetic activity.
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The export of cotton has increased.
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Inge was taken to the house of some rich people, who lived at a distance, and who treated her as their own child, and dressed her so fine that her pride and arrogance increased.
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The cost of living has increased drastically.
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Game of Thrones has been credited with an increased popularity of fantasy themes and mainstream acceptance of the fantasy fandom.
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The place where we used to buy that has increased their prices.
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Corn yields in the U.S. have increased fivefold over the past seventy years, thanks to advances in agricultural technology.
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Taxes on French perfumes have been increased in the United States.
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The police have increased their shoreline patrols.
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The major caveat that is preventing me from travelling more is increased travel expenses.
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The number of times it happened increased.
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Smart action on climate change now can drive innovation, strengthen economic growth and bring broad benefits – from sustainable development to increased energy security, improved public health and a better quality of life.
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The global annual average temperature has increased by more than 1.5 degrees F between 1880 and 2012.
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The Southwest is the hottest and driest region in the United States. Climate changes pose challenges for an already parched region that is expected to get hotter and, in its southern half, significantly drier. Increased heat and changes to rain and snowpack will send ripple effects throughout the region and its critical agriculture sector.
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Climate change threatens human health and well-being in many ways, including through impacts from increased extreme weather events, wildfire, decreased air quality, threats to mental health, and illnesses transmitted by food, water, and disease carriers such as mosquitoes and ticks. Some of these health impacts are already underway in the United States.
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Climate change impacts on biodiversity are already being observed in alteration of the timing of critical biological events such as spring bud burst, and substantial range shifts of many species. In the longer term, there is an increased risk of species extinction.
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U.S. average temperature has increased by 1.3°F to 1.9°F since record keeping began in 1895; most of this increase has occurred since about 1970.
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The intensity, frequency, and duration of North Atlantic hurricanes, as well as the frequency of the strongest (Category 4 and 5) hurricanes, have all increased since the early 1980s.
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Winter storms have increased in frequency and intensity since the 1950s, and their tracks have shifted northward over the United States.
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Average U.S. precipitation has increased since 1900, but some areas have had increases greater than the national average, and some areas have had decreases.
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Executive departments and agencies should offer Americans increased opportunities to participate in policymaking and to provide their Government with the benefits of their collective expertise and information.
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Salaries have increased.
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También echa un vistazo a las siguientes palabras: abusing, Joan, Arc, refused, renounce, voice, heard, none, Shocked, events.