Frases de ejemplo en Inglés con "break"

Aprende a usar break en una frase en Inglés. Más de 100 ejemplos cuidadosamente seleccionados.

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I slept a little during lunch break because I was so tired.
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Sometimes hockey players get so competitive that fights break out.
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You have been thinking about this problem the whole morning. Take a break; go eat lunch.
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Can you break away from your parents?
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Did you break the window on purpose or by accident?
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Toil and worry caused his health to break down.
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Don't break a mirror.
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Pretty soon we'd better wrap up this break and get back to work.
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Let's take a break for coffee.
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I wish I could break the habit of smoking.
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Let's take a break for a change.
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Give me a break.
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School will break for the summer.
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School will soon break up for the summer vacation.
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When does your school break up?
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When does school break up?
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We must work hard to break down social barriers.
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Break this glass in case of fire.
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In case of fire, break the glass and push the red button.
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In case of fire, break this window.
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We've got to break out tonight or I'll go crazy!
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Give me a break. If you have something to say, stop making faces and say it.
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What would you do if war were to break out?
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You'd better break off smoking.
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Can you break a 10,000 yen bill?
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After waiting all day, the workers were still looking for a break in the weather so they could resume the search.
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Let's take a break.
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But love can break your heart.
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We must try to break the deadlock.
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Lori suggested that we should take a ten-minute coffee break.
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If a fire should break out, I would make off with my flute.
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If you break the clock again, you'll catch it from Mommy.
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Day will break soon.
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Plastic does not break easily.
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Let's take a coffee break, shall we?
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Peter didn't intend to break the vase.
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For what purpose did you break into the house?
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In any industry a reputation can make or break people.
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Come what may, I will not break my word.
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In any case, it's wrong to break a promise.
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Tom is the last person to break his promise.
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People usually find it very difficult to break the ice when they meet someone extremely attractive for the first time.
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Let's have a tea break somewhere around there.
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How can you break the news to her?
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Why don't we break off for a while and have some coffee?
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Give me a break, will you?
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Give me a break, please.
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What do you say to having a coffee break?
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If the sun were to rise in the west, I would not break my word.
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You must take care not to break it.
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It would break if you dropped it.
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Does that mean you want to break up?
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You mustn't touch it, because it'll break easily.
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The bamboo gave but did not break.
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A generous tax break will be provided to foreign companies that set up factories in the area.
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The war didn't break out by accident.
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The branch bent but did not break.
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We cannot rule out the possibility that civil war will break out in that country.
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Let's break up the party.
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Can you break this thousand-yen bill?
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This car is going to break down.
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This work is enough to break my back.
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We want to break off this negotiation.
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It'll take a few days to break in these shoes.
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Please take care not to break this vase.
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Could you break this ten dollar bill?
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I'd like to break this 100 dollar bill into four 20 dollar bills and twenty singles.
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Take care not to break the glasses.
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Let's take a 10-minute break.
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Let's take a break now.
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The coffee break is an American institution.
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When all the group members are silent, somebody must break the ice.
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It is not good for you to break your promise.
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If a nuclear war were to break out, mankind would perish.
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War may break out at any moment.
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A war may break out at any moment.
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So, when are you going to break down and buy a house?
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When and where did the war break out?
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Once you break the seal, you can't return the tape.
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Albert is the last person to break a promise.
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You shouldn't break promises.
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Your mother is trying to break up our marriage.
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Break off with such a man as that.
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Let's break off for half an hour and have some coffee.
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I have been writing since two o'clock without a break.
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After a ten-minute break, we resumed our rehearsal.
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Let's have a ten-minute break.
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We have a break from 10:40 to 11:00.
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Do you think they'll break the 10-second barrier in the 100-meter dash?
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Could you break a 1,000 yen note?
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John said, "Hey guys, let's take a break."
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The police were forced to break into the apartment through the window.
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Never break your promise.
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I've done half the work, and now I can take a break.
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The branches gave but did not break.
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Don't break the branches.
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Don't break off the branch.
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I'm so mad I want to scream and break everything!
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You can trust that I will never break my promise.
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We really hope another war will not break out.
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My cousin is the last person to break his promise.
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También echa un vistazo a las siguientes palabras: exaggerated, cast, wavers, lee, permit, utmost, landed, top, fired, federal.