English example sentences with "tight"

Learn how to use tight in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

Being a teacher, you must learn to keep a tight rein on your emotions.

These shoes are too tight. They hurt.

Check all the loose knots and fasten them tight.

If we hang tight, I'm sure we can make it through these bad times.

I'll work that into my tight schedule.

Pull the rope tight.

Hold the racket tight.

Bob was always in a tight spot with the police.

I'm traveling on a tight schedule. I don't have the time.

They're a little tight.

Sit tight.

The skirt clings tight to her legs.

The collar is too tight round my throat.

Hold on tight, otherwise you will fall off.

This is a bit too tight around my neck.

This hat is too tight for me.

This coat is a little tight across the back.

These shoes are so tight that I can't put them on.

These shoes are too tight.

These shoes are too tight to get into.

This lid is so tight I can't open it.

This skirt is a little too tight.

This jacket is a tight fit.

These jeans feel too tight. May I try on another size?

Monetary policy in United States has been characterized by tight credit over the months.

Sleep tight, Sean.

A tight belt will interfere with circulation of the blood.

Shut the door tight.

Good night, sleep tight.

They were hanging tight until the police came to rescue them.

A lot of companies are going under lately because banks are so tight with their money.

I fastened the box tight with a rope so that it wouldn't break up.

Don't let go. Hold on tight.

The supply-demand balance is tight.

I am in a tight place.

Bodybuilding is his hobby so he has a very firm tight body with lots of muscle definition.

She kept a tight rein on the purse strings.

Recollect my mother holding me tight.

We are traveling on a tight budget.

Good grief! I had no idea you had been placed in such a tight spot.

With the extra rehearsals, work is really tight.

"What're you doing?" "The household books. Our finances are pretty tight so we have to do things properly."

Kim is so tight, if you stuck a lump of coal up her ass, in two weeks you'd have a diamond!

This suit is tight on me.

A sick soul that holds on tight to anger and hate will never heal until it lets go of those demons.

Insurance companies everywhere are facing hard times and have become even more tight fisted about payouts.

Those pants are a little too tight in the waist.

The new boss runs a really tight ship.

These shoes are too tight to wear.

They're really tight.

You should avoid tight fitting clothes if you are pregnant.

My boots were so tight, and the path so steep, that I injured the toenails of both of my big toes.

This lid is too tight for me to open.

Hug me tight.

Hold the eggs tight or you'll break them.

Hold the ladder tight.

We have a tight schedule.

It's obvious that he's not used to living on a tight budget.

Tom likes to wear tight pants.

I cannot wear these pants. They are too tight.

My tight wad husband took me to McDonald's for our anniversary.

He has a tight schedule.

She has a tight schedule.

I have a tight schedule.

My schedule is really tight right now.

In spite of his tight schedule, Tom always has time to spend with his children.

I'm on a really tight schedule this week.

I understand that Tom is on a tight schedule, but I'd really appreciate it if I could get an appointment with him.

I hope Tom can fit me into his tight schedule.

I have an extremely tight schedule for tomorrow.

I have a tight schedule this weekend.

I have a pretty tight schedule today.

I had a very tight schedule last week, but this week I'm relatively free.

She loves to wear tight clothes.

Tom held Mary tight.

I think Mary's dress is too tight.

Hang on tight.

The ring is tight.

Though the best be in sight, / It's the worst I grip tight.

Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite.

A tent with a floor and a zipper is bug tight.

Sleep tight.

Hold Tom tight.

We're pretty tight.

Hold on tight.

It's too tight.

Just sit tight.

Hang on tight!

He found himself in a tight spot.

Hold the rope tight.

This collar's too tight.

Honey, I know the budget is tight, but do you think we could splurge a bit and have a night out at a fancy restaurant this weekend?

He's tight with money.

Try hard to hold it tight!

I have a very tight schedule.

I run a tight ship.

I can't untie this knot; it's too tight!

The boots are tight around the calf.

That was tight.

I'm on a tight schedule.

We were really tight.

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