English example sentences with "baby"

Learn how to use baby in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

This baby penguin is too cute!

He's sleeping like a baby.

On May 18, a young Japanese couple was arrested after their one-year-old baby was found wrapped in a plastic bag and dumped in a gutter.

The company recalled all the baby food made in July.

Hum baby to sleep.

Some hospitals hand out free samples of baby milk.

Left alone, the baby began to cry.

Left to itself, the baby cried itself to sleep.

The baby in the cradle is very pretty.

Look at the baby sleeping in the cradle.

Look at the cute little baby sleeping in the cradle.

We are going to have a baby.

Mary is going to have a baby next month.

Milk nourishes a baby.

Mick named the baby Richard.

The baby doesn't walk yet.

What a cute baby! May I hold her?

The babysitter tried to sing the baby to sleep.

Look at a baby sleeping in the bed.

What a cute baby! Peek-a-boo!

At last, the baby fell asleep.

A teenager sometimes acts like a baby.

My mother will attend to the baby while I go to the dance.

For him, that will be like taking candy from a baby.

I wish you wouldn't drive so fast. You're making the baby sick!

Look at the sleeping baby.

The mother used her own milk to nourish the baby.

The mother laid her baby on the bed softly.

The noise will wake the baby up.

The sole survivor of the crash was a baby.

The twins looked after the baby.

I saw the baby carried out of the burning house.

The baby soon fell asleep in the cradle.

The baby fell asleep in the cradle.

The baby takes after his mother.

The baby was the very image of his mother.

Is the baby able to walk?

The baby is able to walk.

It was not until the baby was fed that he stopped crying.

Who does the baby take after?

The baby weighed seven pounds at birth.

The baby showed a normal development.

The baby woke up in the middle of the night.

The baby transferred its affection to its new mother.

The baby is asleep.

The baby did nothing but cry.

The baby wept to sleep.

The baby kept crying all night.

The baby cried on and off all night.

The baby lay sleeping in the cradle.

The baby cried for milk.

The baby is crawling.

The baby often annoys the mother.

The baby will be able to walk soon.

The baby was fast asleep.

The baby was named Ichiro after his uncle.

The baby was sleeping all day long.

It fell to me to take care of the baby.

I did the washing while the baby was sleeping.

The baby can stand but can't walk.

The baby fell asleep.

The baby really takes after its father.

The baby cannot even walk, much less run.

The baby was named Alfred after his grandfather.

The baby is cutting his teeth.

The baby never kept still while I was taking his picture.

The baby did nothing but cry all last night.

The baby cried itself to sleep.

That baby does nothing but cry.

The baby has been crying for almost ten minutes.

The baby cannot walk yet.

The baby began to crawl.

The baby is called Tom.

The baby tried to get at the red candle on the table.

The baby seemed to be sleeping a sound sleep.

The baby is playing with some toys.

The baby was taken care of by its grandmother.

The woman pressed the baby to her.

The woman was asked to make allowance for the poor health of the baby.

The child played the baby to his mother.

The baby was named John after his uncle.

She was alone with her baby in the house.

The noise frightened the baby.

Was the baby crying then?

You will learn to love your baby.

Will you please put the baby to bed?

Steve, I heard you were the baby of the family.

John tried not to wake the sleeping baby.

Janet, tend to the baby, please.

Jim went into the room quietly lest he should wake the baby.

Keep an eye on the baby for a while.

A baby deer can stand as soon as it's born.

This is the cutest baby that I have ever seen.

The baby cannot use a spoon yet.

Is this baby a he or a she?

This baby is 3 weeks old.

Cathy is coming to see our baby tonight.

Mother bathed the baby.

The baby almost choked on a piece of candy.

Elmore James got nothin' on this, baby.

Well, I didn't buy them, but later someone brought three baby kittens to the Gorilla Foundation.

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