English example sentences with "struck"

Learn how to use struck in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

I'm at the hospital. I got struck by lightning.

The clock in the church tower struck nine.

A curious disease struck the town.

I barely missed being struck.

The orchestra struck up nostalgic music.

It was all-or-nothing and we struck out spectacularly.

We were struck dumb with astonishment.

The batter struck out swinging.

At last a good idea struck me.

The tree was struck by lightning.

That name struck a chord.

The island was struck by the typhoon.

The idea struck me as absurd.

The sight struck me with wonder.

The motorbike struck the telephone pole.

The news was about my company, so it struck close to home.

Smith struck Jones out.

Kelly struck a match and put it to his pipe.

The flu struck the metropolitan area.

It has just struck eight, hasn't it?

A string of disasters struck the region.

The house was struck by lightning yesterday.

The three batters were struck out quickly.

The child got angry and struck at his mother.

A good idea struck me.

The proverb's message struck me to the core.

I saw the house struck by lightning.

It struck me that the girl was trying to hide something.

I struck up an acquaintance with him.

I struck on an idea that could change his mind.

The clock struck ten.

He had just finished his homework when the clock struck ten.

The clock has just struck ten.

The clock has just struck three.

The clock has already struck noon.

A good idea suddenly struck me.

The ship struck northward.

The typhoon struck the city, causing great damage.

The typhoon struck the Kanto district.

The big tree was struck by lightning.

The man suddenly struck me on the head.

As I was struck on the head, I was unconscious for some time.

No sooner had he struck the match than the bomb exploded.

The gun went off while he was cleaning it, and the bullet almost struck his wife.

His house was struck by lightning.

His plan struck them as impractical.

His words struck terror into her.

He was struck off the list.

He struck me in a passion.

He struck his fist on the table.

He struck a match.

He struck a match, but quickly put it out.

He struck me in the face with his fist.

He was struck with polio when he was five.

He struck at me with a stick.

He struck me a blow on the face.

He struck me a heavy blow in the face.

He had words with his friend and then struck him.

Their ship struck a rock.

I struck up an acquaintance with her.

Her behavior struck me as silly.

Her car struck against the gatepost through her carelessness.

A good idea struck her.

She was struck dumb at the news.

She struck high notes on the piano.

She struck me as a tactful girl.

The eerie silence struck terror into their hearts.

A good idea suddenly struck her.

A big tree in the field was struck by lightning.

Lightning struck the tower.

It's also scary when the lightning strikes across the sky, but what's really scary is the sound. Once, my house was struck by lightning and since then I've become even more scared.

The Japanese archipelago is struck by a terrible heat wave.

When a strong earthquake struck suddenly, my mom just walked around the house in shock.

The creatures were struck dead, one after the other, with amazing precision and effectiveness.

Tom has been struck by lightning three times.

The boxer struck his opponent hard.

Tom struck the wall with his fist.

I struck a match in the darkness.

Methinks I am like a man, who having struck on many shoals, and having narrowly escap'd shipwreck in passing a small frith, has yet the temerity to put out to sea in the same leaky weather-beaten vessel, and even carries his ambition so far as to think of compassing the globe under these disadvantageous circumstances.

He struck a match and lit the candles.

Unfortunately, three days ago a magnitude 8.8 earthquake struck off the Pacific coast of Japan's Tohoku region.

Then the Germans struck again.

One of the bullets struck McKinley in the stomach.

The girl was struck with grief.

She said that a good gin and tonic is like summertime in a glass, and it struck me as being too true.

He was suddenly struck with chest pain.

Tom was struck by lightning and died.

The pike is not yet struck.

Lightning struck his house.

Tom was struck by lightning.

He survived being struck by lightning.

Shortly thereafter, Antiochus was struck with an incurable disease in his bowels and worms bred so fast in his body that whole streaks of his flesh sometimes dropped from him.

The clock struck half past 12.

The coin was struck by a die.

He struck up friendships with the most unlikely people.

I was surprised when I got a call from my daughter's workplace, saying that she had suddenly collapsed. She had struck her head, so I was worried, but was relieved when I was notified by the hospital that they had found nothing wrong with her.

Do you remember the earthquake that struck Armenia in 1988?

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

He's love struck.

Like a bolt of lightning, a haiku struck me this morning, then vanished.

Unexpectedly, I struck fortune.

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