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The wealthy, self-indulgent young man felt oddly drawn to the strict, ascetic life led by members of some monastic orders.
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Insofar as possible, our examples will be drawn from English.
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The picture has been drawn well as yet.
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John's face was drawn.
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Detailed maps for this area have not been drawn.
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The curtains were drawn slowly.
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I feel like I'm being drawn into your eyes.
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The plans have been drawn up.
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Our constitution was drawn up under American guidance.
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I have never drawn anything in my life.
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I felt drawn toward her.
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The game was drawn.
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It made Grandfather's day when his granddaughter gave him a picture she had drawn of him.
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I felt drawn toward him.
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I felt drawn to his story.
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He has drawn up a will.
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He has drawn his last breath.
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NB: This was drawn a long time ago so the quality is low.
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When the articles of incorporation are complete it is essential to go to the notary public's office to undertake certification of the articles drawn up.
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2. Draw a boomerang shape on the card with a pen. Cut out the boomerang you've drawn.
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We are shaped by every culture, drawn from every end of the Earth, and dedicated to a simple concept: E pluribus unum: "Out of many, one."
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The Paris syndrome is a type of culture shock. It's a psychiatric term used to describe foreigners who start living in Paris, drawn to the image of the city as a center of fashion, don't adapt well to the local customs and culture, lose their mental balance and exhibit symptoms close to depression.
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A woman in movement clothed in what resembles a bikini is drawn on a Sicilian mosaic from 5th century Rome.
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When we come to die, we shall be alone. From all our worldly possessions we shall be about to part. Worldly friends — the friends drawn to us by our position, our wealth, or our social qualities, — will leave us as we enter the dark valley. From those bound to us by stronger ties — our kindred, our loved ones, children, brothers, sisters, and from those not less dear to us who have been made our friends because they and we are the friends of the same Saviour, — from them also we must part. Yet not all will leave us. There is One who "sticketh closer than a brother" — One who having loved His own which are in the world loves them to the end.
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Shimamura, while he was in the inn's entrance, looked at the nearby mountain bathed in the strong smell of fresh leaves and went to climb the mountain as if drawn by this smell.
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The exhibition has drawn much attention from the public.
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Iaido is a form of swordsmanship in which one strikes down an attacking opponent with one blow of the sword quickly drawn out of its sheath, whether the practitioner is sitting or walking.
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Tom entered the room with his gun drawn.
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Well done! You have drawn this picture nicely.
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I haven't drawn for years.
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With eyes or with hands, we greeted each other. I don't remember who started the talking that day, but I do remember my eyes being drawn toward him, and within seconds, I found my heart full of affection for him.
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Have you ever drawn an animal?
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He'll be drawn on a hurdle to be half hanged, and then he'll be taken down and sliced before his own face, and then his inside will be taken out and burnt while he looks on, and then his head will be chopped off, and he'll be cut into quarters. That's the sentence.
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I hate it, yet I'm uncontrollably drawn to it.
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To give away yourself keeps yourself still, and you must live, drawn by your own sweet skill.
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I've drawn a map.
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What conclusions can be drawn from this?
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This circle was drawn by a compass.
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The noble lady drove by towards the baron's mansion with her three daughters, in a gilded carriage drawn by six horses.
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The wagon was drawn by twelve pair of donkeys, all of the same size, but all of different color.
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My name was drawn.
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Let H be the base of the perpendicular drawn from point A to the line BC.
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I'm ambivalent about the itinerary for our overseas trip which my brother has drawn up.
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They were drawn to each other like magnets.
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They were drawn to each other by a magnetic attraction.
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The plans were drawn up, but the deal fell through.
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The picture of Mary that Tom had drawn took John's breath away.
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Mary could not turn away from the picture of Sleeping Beauty that Tom had drawn.
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Mary could not stop looking at the picture of Sleeping Beauty that Tom had drawn.
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A quadriga is a chariot drawn by four horses.
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Proverbs are short sentences drawn from long experience.
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The artist's drawing was drawn with charcoal.
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I'm very drawn to you.
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To the porch, came flying a golden carriage drawn by six splendid white horses.
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Santa Claus is usually drawn as roly-poly. He is almost never skinny.
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The King now understood how the Queen he had had for some time past had been so ill-tempered. He at once had a sack drawn over her head and made her be stoned to death, and after that torn in pieces by untamed horses.
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The police approached the suspect with their guns drawn.
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Three hours later, the King was loitering around the castle, looking for something to busy himself with. "Fuck, I'm so bored," he grumbled in exasperation. "The kids are at school. Gwo's at work. Impa's at the hospital. Ganon—" Suddenly the King heard an incomprehensible cry and turned around to see Fari rush past him. "Damn, Fari, what was that?!" "Piss off, Your Majesty!" Fari yelled at the top of his lungs. "My... PMSing as usual, I see," the King continued to mutter dejectedly. "Shit, I'm so fucking bored. Nothing good on TV. Nothing good online. Nothing good to eat." As he was about to leave the dining hall, his eyes were drawn to a cinnamon jar standing lonely on the table. A spoon of cinnamon was placed conveniently next to it. In a saner state the King may have been reasonably suspicious about it, but now he was so exhausted from boredom that any opportunity to relieve it for a minute felt like a blessing. "I wonder what ground cinnamon tastes like," said he nonchalantly and put the spoon in his mouth.
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The ancient Greeks believed that the Sun rode across the sky in a chariot drawn by four white horses driven by the god Heleius.
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It is essential that any sample is as representative as possible of the population from which it is drawn.
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Even the wealth of the wide sea will be diminished if the cloud that has drawn its waters up does not give them back again in rain.
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The men entered the warehouse with their guns drawn.
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Then the bear ran to her wheelbarrow, threw off her bear's skin, and touched it with the magic wand that the witch had given her. In a moment the skin was changed into an exquisite ball dress woven out of moon-beams, and the wheel-barrow was changed into a carriage drawn by two prancing steeds.
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The first snowplows were drawn by horses.
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I knew that she had drawn well in her childhood.
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Cops came with guns drawn, as I was talking to the owner on the phone.
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The line is to be drawn somewhere.
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"Thus was he handled for one year and ten months; after which time, by the advice of physicians, they began to carry him, and then was made for him a fine little cart, drawn with oxen, of the invention of Jehan Denyau."
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I'm drawn to you.
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The hearse was drawn by eight black horses.
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The first seven games were drawn.
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Layla found herself drawn to Fadil.
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He is no longer a city dweller who has even once in his life caught a ruff or seen how, on clear and cool autumn days, flocks of migrating thrushes drift over a village. Until his death he will be drawn to freedom.
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To be at daggers drawn.
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Layla found herself drawn to Sami.
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Sami and Layla were drawn to each other.
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The centre of gravity of any triangle is at the intersection of the lines drawn from any two angles to the middle points of the opposite sides respectively.
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The fairy started off at once, and arrived, about an hour later, in a fiery chariot drawn by dragons.
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Each had a separate employ — in sharpening the pruning hooks, in suspending the mill-stone for pounding the grapes, after they had been trodden underfoot, or in preparing dry osiers, stripped of their bark, which were to serve as torches, so that the must might be drawn off during the night.
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The anchors of the vessels stuck so fast in the mud that they could not be drawn up. The oars as soon as dipped were shattered in pieces.
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He found her making some cheese of the milk she had drawn from her ewes and he told her the good news.
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This picture was drawn by Tom.
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Over the years, they've drawn several maps of the moon.
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He came here with his victim in a four-wheeled cab, which was drawn by a horse with three old shoes and one new one on his off fore-leg.
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I stared in silence at Sherlock Holmes, whose lips were compressed and his brows drawn down over his eyes.
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It is a mistake to confound strangeness with mystery. The most commonplace crime is often the most mysterious, because it presents no new or special features from which deductions may be drawn.
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His face was lean and haggard, and his brown parchment-like skin was drawn tightly over the projecting bones.
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Sami descended into the basement, pistol drawn.
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Sami was drawn to Layla's sweet, simple nature.
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Sami was really drawn to Layla.
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Layla was immediately drawn in.
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His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow, And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow; The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth, And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath.
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Every truth is a road drawn through reality.
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She raised her veil as she spoke, and we could see that she was indeed in a pitiable state of agitation, her face all drawn and gray, with restless frightened eyes, like those of some hunted animal.
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Sami found himself drawn to the beautiful hairdresser.
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Sami found himself drawn to Layla's charm.
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Sami was instantly drawn to Layla.
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"Caesar, a Trojan – Julius his name, / drawn from the great Iulus –, shall arise, / and compass earth with conquest, heaven with fame."
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"And deep within the sides of pine / and caverns of the womb by stealth enclose / armed men, a chosen band, drawn as the lots dispose."
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A contract was drawn up, stipulating that each party must pay a fee to the local government.
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Have you drawn any pictures recently?
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