Englisch Beispielsätze mit "depends"

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It depends on the context.
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"When will you be back?" "It all depends on the weather."
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It depends what you mean by "believe" in God.
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Your success depends upon whether you work hard or not.
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Your success depends on whether you pass the STEP examination or not.
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It all depends how you handle it.
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Your success depends on your efforts.
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Whether you will succeed or not depends on your efforts.
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Kyoto depends on the tourist industry.
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Our success depends on whether he helps us or not.
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Our success depends upon whether you will help us or not.
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The success of our business depends on the weather.
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Price depends on costs and demand.
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The popularity of a web site depends on its content.
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How much beer people drink largely depends on the weather.
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Whether or not beer gardens get a lot of customers depends on the weather.
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What kind of sports we play depends on the weather and the season.
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I'm not sure about that. It depends.
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It all depends on the weather.
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That depends on whether you are interested or not.
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Whether we will go on the trip depends on the weather.
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The country's foreign trade totally depends on this port.
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That organization depends on voluntary contributions.
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Your success in the enterprise depends on your effort.
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The country's economy depends on agriculture.
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I may go there, but that depends.
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Yes, well, that depends.
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Everything depends on her answer.
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Everything depends upon your decision.
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Everything depends on whether you pass the examination.
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Everything depends on what you will do.
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It all depends on whether they will support us.
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Junko still depends on her parents for her living expenses.
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This means that our perception of any situation depends only partly on sensory signals being received at that time.
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When energy supplies are in question all that depends on them is also in question.
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How much we pay you depends on your skill.
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My brother still depends on our parents for his living expenses.
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Happiness depends not so much on circumstances as on one's way of looking at one's lot.
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Happiness depends, not so much on circumstances, as on one's way of looking at one's life.
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Whether we go or not depends on the weather.
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The prosperity of a country depends more or less on its citizens.
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The prosperity of a country depends upon its citizens.
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Now, Tom depends on his parents very much.
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As to your final grade, that depends on your final examination.
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Our success in this work depends on your efforts.
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Whether we play tennis tomorrow depends on the weather.
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Our fate depends on your decisions.
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Our life depends largely on oil imported from other countries.
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My happiness depends on you.
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Your success in the examination depends on how hard you study.
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A car in itself is neither good nor bad; it depends on the driver.
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Whether we find a joke funny or not largely depends on where we have been brought up.
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I think it depends.
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That depends, but usually about three times a week.
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A man's happiness depends on what he is rather than on what he has.
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A man's worth depends on what he is, and not what he has.
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The fate of the hostages depends on the result of the negotiation.
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The character of men depends more on their occupations than on any teaching we can give them.
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Whether you succeed or not depends on your own efforts.
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Whether you will succeed or not depends upon your own exertions.
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Whether you succeed or not depends on how hard you study.
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Success depends on your own exertions.
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Success depends mostly on effort.
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Success depends on your efforts.
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Success often depends on one's temperament.
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The economy of Aomori Prefecture depends heavily on apple growing.
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The price depends on the size.
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My brother depends on me for money.
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I guess it depends on the weather.
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It really depends on when.
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Japan depends on overseas countries for the supply of raw cotton.
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Japan depends on imports for raw materials.
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Japan depends on the Middle East for 70% of oil it consumes.
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Japan depends on foreign countries for oil.
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Japan depends on other countries for oil.
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Japan depends on foreign trade.
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Prosperity depends on hard work.
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Whether he has the operation depends upon the availability of the organ.
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Whether he will succeed or not depends upon his health.
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His success depends on his efforts.
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Whether he will succeed or not depends on his efforts.
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It is on his father that he depends.
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His answer depends on his mood.
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He depends on his parents for his university fees.
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She depends on her husband for everything.
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She still depends on her parents.
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She depends on her parents for living expenses.
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Much depends upon the result.
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It depends on the strength of the flame, the pan used and the type of ingredients.
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It's ludicrous to continue business operations while selling off bit by bit the land on which your business depends.
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When indicating 'tense' in Chinese, as shown above, there are 'particles', 'time-specifying words' and also many cases where it depends on context.
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When you swallow a dangerous substance, what you need to do depends on what you swallowed.
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I suppose that depends on how good you are. I'm counting on you!
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"When will you come back?" "It all depends on the weather."
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The future of humanity remains undetermined, as it depends on it.
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I don't know. It depends on the price.
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It depends on the weather.
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It depends on the person, but using "sir" for women (a title of honour for men) is very rude.
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Beauty cannot be determined objectively but depends on personal aesthetic criteria.
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Whether a dough is a success only depends on the quality of the flour, never on Qdii's cooking skills.
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The acceptability of a social gesture depends on innumerable cultural factors.
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Sehen Sie sich auch die folgenden Wörter an: saddle, horse, died, Mathematics, part, science, continue, discovered, gone, ocean.