English example sentences with "trip"

Learn how to use trip in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

Round trip? Only one-way.

This will be a good souvenir of my trip around the United States.

How are you? Did you have a good trip?

You always like to trip me up, don't you?

You must be tired after such a long trip.

Reading kills time on a train trip.

The trip back was very comfortable.

Enjoy your trip.

I hope you had a nice trip.

A pleasant trip to you!

We went on a school trip to Nara.

You will benefit by a trip abroad.

I've been invited on a trip abroad, but I don't want to go.

We had native guides on our trip to the mountain.

The purpose of our trip is to visit a new factory.

Our trip was unattended by adventures.

All the family set off on the trip.

What do you say to making a trip with me during the summer vacation?

Because it was summer vacation, I took a trip.

My father implied our summer trip was arranged.

Did you buy a round trip ticket?

Round trip or one-way?

We thought it would rain; nevertheless, we started on our trip.

Do you mind if I join your trip to the country?

Have a safe trip.

Did you have a good time on your trip to London?

I should cancel my L.A. trip.

A trip to the Riviera should do you good.

If I had the money, I would make a trip around the world.

Is everybody ready for the trip?

I hope your business trip to France was successful.

Brian studied English for this trip.

Bill put aside a hundred dollars for his trip.

The trip was canceled because of the terrible storm.

A trip to Hawaii will cost you about 200 dollars.

What do you think of the idea of making a bus trip?

The passport important on your trip.

Let's take a trip to New York.

Everything was allowed: You could kick, trip, hit, or bite your opponent.

I want to go somewhere on a trip.

Please tell me about your trip.

During the recent trip to America, I made friends with Jack.

The trip will cost anywhere between $1000 and $2000.

Who planned that trip?

The trip will take at least five days.

The trip will take at least a week.

The trip cost me a lot.

The trip calls for a lot of money.

Whether we will go on the trip depends on the weather.

The trip gave us no end of pleasure.

I found the field trip very educational.

Choose from this list the things you'll need on your trip.

Mr Smith, whose car I borrowed for this trip, is a rich lawyer.

A little knowledge of Spanish will go a long way toward making your trip to Mexico enjoyable.

I had to cancel my trip on account of the strike.

Get ready for the trip at once.

John was busy preparing for his trip.

George calculated the cost of the trip.

Jack bores me with stories about his trip.

Jim is about to take a trip to southeast Asia.

Is this your first trip abroad?

This trip will become a pleasant memory.

Who were your companions on this trip?

The trip is farther than I expected.

She completed the trip in less than 20 hours.

During my last spring vacation I took a job in a restaurant to help pay the costs of my trip abroad.

This guide book will help you to make plans for the trip.

This guidebook is handy to take on a trip abroad.

Let's put this money aside for our summer trip.

Please be careful not to trip over the carpet.

My neighbors say they're going on a family trip to Hokkaido.

How did you like your trip to Australia?

I crossed the equator for the first time on my trip to Australia.

When did you get back from your trip?

Some day we'll take a trip to India.

A travel agent arranged everything for our trip.

A trip to America this summer is out of the question.

A trip to America is out of the question.

A trip to America was equivalent to a two-year salary for her.

Seeing that movie is something like taking a trip to India.

You have only to set out on a trip by yourself.

I look forward to seeing you on my next trip to your city.

You were so nice to me, and I had a really pleasant trip. Thanks so much.

Your sister didn't go on a trip, did she?

Let's make it about a three-day trip.

With regard to our appointment on February 27, I regret to inform you that I will not be able to keep it because my business trip schedule has been changed.

One hundred dollars will cover all your expenses for the trip.

A trip to the Moon is no longer a dream.

It will not be long before we can take a trip to the moon.

It is generally believed that a trip to the moon will be made possible during this century.

Kenji told his friends a story about his trip to India.

In the afternoon I must arrange for the trip.

There was little traffic, so we made good time on our trip to New York.

Fine weather added to the joy of our trip.

I never went to Hiroshima on my trip.

I changed my mind and decided not to go on a trip after all.

Up to the present we have enjoyed our trip very much.

I'm going to keep track of all the expenses on this trip.

I feel I was able to get back to nature on this trip.

Will you go on the next bus trip?

We got to know each other rather well on our recent trip.

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