English example sentences with "notebook"

Learn how to use notebook in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

Let me put down your new phone number in my notebook.

I'll lend you my notebook.

The notebook came loose.

I copied a passage from the book into my notebook.

The notebook is not yours. It's his.

Jim set out to write something in his notebook.

Write these words in your notebook.

This is a green notebook.

Copy this page in your notebook.

How long may I borrow this notebook?

I can't find my notebook here; I must have put it elsewhere.

Whose notebook is that?

Please show me your notebook.

"Where is my notebook?" "It is on the chair."

The policeman wrote it down in his notebook.

I borrowed the notebook PC from the junior staff member.

I sat down and opened my notebook.

Now notebook computers are as common as lunch boxes.

I lost my notebook today.

At first I tried to write everything down in my notebook.

My notebook is in the desk.

Bring my notebook back to me, please.

Always bring your notebook to my class, will you?

I want a notebook.

He wrote it down in his notebook.

I mistook a notebook for a textbook.

I will give you a notebook.

Would you write your name in my notebook?

Put your name on the notebook in case you forget it.

It was his notebook that was stolen.

I copied in my notebook whatever he wrote on the blackboard.

He wrote down her name in the notebook.

He took a notebook out.

He put down his thoughts in his notebook.

He was busy copying his friend's notebook.

He copied his friend's notebook with precision.

She wrote down something in her notebook.

She transferred the picture in the book to her notebook.

I took down her telephone number in my notebook.

The old man saw my notebook and smiled at me.

Will Apple's new model notebook be announced on schedule?

The girl, her eyes shining brightly from that single hint, makes her cute cat-motif automatic pencil run across her notebook.

This is my notebook.

I need a notebook to write my notes.

Our life is like a notebook of which pages are covered with all the moments, both the goods and bads, the ups and downs.

I write everything down; I feel uneasy without my notebook.

Yes, she wanted. I gave her your notebook.

She decorated her notebook with gum wrappers so the cover was all shiny.

John Wilkes Booth carried a notebook.

Whose is that notebook?

What is this notebook for?

Is this your notebook?

Tom drew a happy face on the cover of his notebook.

Tom fanned himself with his notebook.

I got my notebook stolen.

In her notebook, she drew a copy of the picture that was in the book.

Pass me that notebook.

Write these new vocabulary words in your notebook.

This word has been in my notebook for a long time.

My notebook is pink.

Here's my pink notebook.

The German scientist Erich von Wolff, who measured the rate of iron (Fe) in various vegetables, had a mistake in adding the decimal point when copying the data from his notebook.

The notebook is lying on the table.

Get your notebook.

Jot it down in your notebook.

Mary wrote something in Tom's notebook while he was away from his desk.

While Tom was away from his desk, Mary drew a caricature of him on the cover of his notebook.

I use a three-ring binder for all my subjects instead of a notebook for each one.

Tom took out his notebook and wrote something in it.

Tom closed his notebook and put it in his briefcase.

Tom scribbled something in his notebook.

Tom gave Mary his notebook.

Tom scribbled down some details in his notebook.

Tom jotted down something in his notebook.

Tom jotted something in his notebook.

Tom put away his notebook.

Tom shut his notebook.

Here is my pink notebook.

Take your notebook and take notes.

Tom copies dirty example sentences he finds in his dictionary into his notebook and memorizes them.

Tom tore out a couple of pages from his notebook.

There were important notes in that notebook.

Tom got his notebook and pen ready.

Tom pulled a small notebook from his pocket.

Tom pulled out a notebook and pen.

Tom pulled out his notebook and pencil.

Tom put his notebook away.

Tom took out his notebook and started writing.

Tom reached into his jacket and pulled out a small notebook.

Tom sat at the counter, typing on a notebook computer.

Tom sat under a tree, sketching something in his notebook.

Tom handed Mary a notebook.

Tom flipped through the pages of his notebook.

Did Tom tell you what was written in the notebook?

I will make a note in my notebook.

Give me the notebook.

Tom handed Mary the green notebook.

I brought a small notebook where I am going to write my observations.

Tom wrote down something in his notebook.

Tom didn't write anything in his notebook.

Tom got his notebook out.

Also check out the following words: Sometimes, he, can, strange, guy, I'll, do, best, not, disturb.