English example sentences with "tax"

Learn how to use tax in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

The income tax rate increases in proportion as your salary rises.

In general, people were against the consumption tax.

We give foreign tourists the privilege of tax exemption.

The company moved its corporate domicile to Hong Kong for tax purposes.

Our representative argued against the new tax plan.

The plan announced Tuesday calls for $54 billion in tax cuts.

The price doesn't include consumption tax.

Allan was lucky and passed the tax accountant examination.

Our tax system is still without coherent philosophy.

President Reagan's tax program has not worked.

If I thought I could get away with it, I wouldn't pay tax at all.

A 5% consumption tax is levied on purchases of most goods and services.

What sort of thing must I pay tax on?

Where can I get hold of a good tax lawyer?

A new tax has been imposed on cigarettes.

There is a heavy tax on tobacco.

Does that price include tax?

A generous tax break will be provided to foreign companies that set up factories in the area.

The price includes tax.

The tax bill was passed yesterday.

The tax bore hard on the peasantry.

The work will tax his health.

The work is a heavy tax on my health.

The work will be a great tax on his time.

The company's profit amounted to $250 million before tax.

These goods are free of tax.

Please pay the tax on the items over there.

Is there any tax on this?

This amount includes tax.

Commodity tax is not included in the price.

A heavy tax was imposed on whiskey.

A 10% tax will be withheld from the payment to you.

Theoretical physics was child's play to Einstein, but he couldn't figure out his income tax.

You have a personal tax exemption of 500,000 yen.

Tax cuts are often used as a major fiscal tool to stimulate the economy.

Honesty doesn't pay under the current tax system.

Candidates traded blows over the proposed tax cut.

High tax and poor sales bankrupted the company.

The reduced price of luxury goods is just window dressing to make the new consumption tax look better.

The government finances are severely constrained because of falling tax revenues.

The tax reform will not touch the banking industry.

This tax is applied to all private-sector enterprises.

The mayor thought that he should investigate the decline in tax revenues.

Many of us are hostile to the consumption tax.

We must look to the government for a tax cut.

We must pay the tax.

We were in favor of reforming the tax laws.

I am of the opinion that the tax should be abolished.

I bought a camera free of tax.

We pay an income tax at varying rates according to the size of income.

A man of wealth has to pay a lot of income tax.

A special tax is imposed on very high incomes.

The Prime Minister stated that he would not introduce a new tax without the consensus of public opinion.

An income tax is levied on any income that exceeds deductions.

The consumption tax is now 5 percent in Japan.

The introduction of the new tax is expected to affect the entire economy.

A new tax was imposed on wine.

The new tax system comes into effect next year.

The new tax law is full of loopholes.

In asking voters to approve the new tax, the President appealed to reason.

People are crying out against the new tax.

The government imposed a new tax on cigarettes.

The government has imposed a new tax on wine.

Will the government raise the consumption tax soon?

The government will tax your income.

The government makes us pay tax.

The government started tax reform.

The government decided to impose a special tax on very high incomes.

The government imposed a new tax on farmers.

Tax wise, it is an attractive arrangement.

He wished to keep the bank accounts separate for tax purposes.

Where should I pay the tax?

Please pay the tax.

The pressure for tax reform is growing.

The tax agent allowed the deduction.

Tax officials are zeroing in on income tax evasion.

Tax officials are zeroing in on income tax evasion.

The voters won't put up for a tax hike.

The tax increases affected our lives greatly.

Many consumers rose up against the consumption tax.

Most Japanese opposed a tax increase.

The price includes the consumption tax.

Opinion against the direct tax was dominant.

The company announced a profit of $200 million after tax.

A special tax was imposed on imported cars.

A 5% consumption tax is levied on most goods and services in Japan.

In Japan, the payroll tax is usually withheld from the monthly salary.

An individual with an annual income of more than 15 million yen is required to file his or her final tax return in March.

I wonder if his tax returns will stand close examination.

He clinched the election when he came out against a tax increase.

He schemed to evade tax.

He was accused of evading tax.

He was arrested on charges of tax evasion.

They claimed credit for tax reduction.

They cry out against the new tax.

They falsified the account balances to evade the tax.

They are in favor of the reform of the tax laws.

She is an old hand at spying on tax evaders.

Father is trying to figure out his tax.

They charge tax on liquor in the U.S.

How much is it including insurance and tax?

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