English example sentences with "asking"

Learn how to use asking in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

She's asking how that's possible.

Stop asking me for a drink! Go get it yourself.

She's asking for the impossible.

You are still asking yourself what the meaning of life is?

You are asking too much for this car.

Do you know what you're asking?

After asking for my key at the front desk, I took the elevator to my floor.

Not knowing that Nancy had left him, I put my foot in my mouth by asking Paul how she was.

He who is afraid of asking is ashamed of learning.

I think it's worth asking.

To do so is asking for trouble.

That's asking too much.

He sent me a letter asking if the book had reached me.

The islanders are asking us for help.

The painting is not worth the price you are asking.

John helped himself to several pieces of pie without asking.

Now stop asking questions, Pip. I'm busy.

You may have it for the asking.

Here is her letter asking us to take care of her only son.

May I have the honor of asking you?

It is no use asking a favor of that man.

I'm rather hesitant about asking him a favor.

There's a lady asking for you.

That guy is always asking his parents for money.

Anyone who criticizes him is asking for trouble.

"How do you do, Mr James?" "Fine, thanks for asking. Nice to meet you."

I'm asking you to do this because I trust you.

A stranger came up, asking me the way to the museum.

I had scarcely entered the class before the students started asking questions.

Some smart alecks cut in when I was asking her to marry me.

How about asking her to join our trip abroad?

It is no use asking me for money.

You are barking up the wrong tree by asking me to betray my country.

I find no shame in asking questions.

I remember asking an old man the way.

That salesman was persistent in asking me to buy a car.

In asking voters to approve the new tax, the President appealed to reason.

My baby began crying, asking for milk.

My son often worries me by asking a lot of questions.

There are enough accidents without asking for one.

All our catalogues are free for the asking.

Try to be as polite as you can when asking directions.

It is no use asking him again.

There is no use in asking him for assistance.

It's no use asking him for help.

It is a good idea asking him for help.

There's little merit in asking him for help.

He had the nerve to take my car without asking.

He was asking about your health.

He is always asking for money.

He's always asking silly questions.

He took my umbrella without so much as asking.

He went from door to door asking for contributions.

He armed himself with all the facts before asking questions at the meeting.

He is above asking questions.

He proposed asking her to lunch.

He used her bike without asking permission.

What do you say to asking her to come and help us?

It is no use asking for her help.

She kept on asking me questions the whole time.

She drove my car without so much as asking.

She went out without even asking me to have a seat.

She took my umbrella without so much as asking me.

Nothing is lost for asking.

It's no use asking me for money.

If you mess with drugs, you're asking for trouble.

I'm not asking for the moon.

My friend sent me a letter asking how I was.

Thank you for asking me, but maybe next time.

The flower is yours for the asking.

A brewery we finance has made a new sweet sake and brought some to us asking us to try it.

In the Netherlands, if a child is too insistent on asking for a cookie, he might be punished and get no cookie.

We yelled at her, asking her to pay attention.

I'm a little hesitant about asking her for a favor.

I have no intention of asking him.

I feel awkward about asking him again.

He strongly cried out asking for help.

You're asking for too much.

As I found out later, the man who showed up on my doorstep asking for help was speaking Quechua.

The atheist completely flummoxed her opponent in the debate by asking, "And who created God?"

Just as I was asking her to marry me, an impudent fellow jumped in.

Why are you asking if you know it all?

What do you have to lose by asking her out on a date? A little pride maybe?

Your brother is asking for help.

Gabrielle, a striking 6'1" woman, was tired of enterprising young men asking her how the weather was up there.

Stop asking me for a drink! Go and get one yourself.

He had the gumption to take my car without asking.

The distributors are asking for an exceptional margin.

I don't like teachers who like students who don't like asking questions.

Please forgive my asking such a personal question.

You're asking the wrong person.

If you don't mind my asking, why did you go out yesterday?

OK. I think I understand what you're asking.

Thanks for asking, she is fine.

There is nothing wrong with knowledge obtained by asking.

I wish I could figure out how to finish this project without asking for help.

Tell them that someone was asking for them here.

Tom has no intention of asking Mary to the upcoming dance.

Tom has a lot of guts asking Mary for a loan.

I doubt that Tom would ever consider asking Mary to marry him.

Tom wrote to his father asking for money.

Also check out the following words: copied, Henry, reticence, retract, previous, statement, win, speaker, using, rhetorical.