English example sentences with "save"

Learn how to use save in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

Death is only a horizon, and a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight.

In which folder did you save the file?

We must cut our expenses to save money.

Everybody will have to pitch in to save the environment.

Schools have tried to limit their use by not allowing them to be used in math classes, although they allow them in science lessons to save time.

Save it on the external hard drive.

We have to save for a rainy day.

I must save her at all costs.

I must save the drowning child by all means.

Mr. Mitsubishi is drinking at home to save his drinking money.

All the workers went home save one.

The doctor tried hard to save the wounded boy.

The doctor arrived in time to save her.

The doctor tried every possible means to save his patient.

What doctors should do is to save lives and fight against death.

Punish the wicked and save the weak.

The word processor will save you a lot of trouble.

I had hoped to save more money.

I'm going to save more money.

If I had wings to fly, I would have gone to save her.

This guy is really wishy-washy. He couldn't make a decision to save his life.

Save for a rainy day.

You should always save money for a rainy day.

You should save some money against a rainy day.

Bill dived into the river to save the drowning child.

Let's take advantage of the bargain sale and save money.

You can save face with a happy smile.

I'm trying to save room for dessert.

That will save me the trouble of writing to him.

That will save me a lot of trouble.

That would make it impossible for him to save face.

We did everything we could to save the boy.

How brave of him to jump into the water to save the little girl!

The function of the machine is to save work.

The machine will save you much time and labor.

The doctor did everything possible as a physician to save the life of the dying child; he also gave his blood to help the child weather the storm.

Zen's latest mission is to save the Earth from ecological destruction at the hands of a plant-destroying madman.

Don't waste money on clothes, Julie. Save money!

Save your appetite for the big dinner.

Computers will save you much time and energy when you deal with figures and graphs.

Computers will save you a lot of time.

Computers can save us a lot of time and trouble.

Computers save us a lot of time and trouble.

This will save you a lot of trouble.

Can you save this seat for me?

You will save time if you adopt this new procedure.

This dog is trained to save people in the mountains.

This PC will save you a lot of trouble.

If you do it this way, you can save several hours.

Greenpeace is fighting an uphill battle to save the environment.

I'm trying to save money.

Can you save enough money for the down payment?

You may spend or save at will.

Save money against the unexpected for when it's necessary.

I have no job, so I can never save money.

Your help will save us a lot of work.

You will save your father a lot of worry if you simply write him a letter.

It will pay you to save a part of your salary each month.

Save your breath.

Nothing but a miracle can save her now.

Nothing but your love can save her now.

Please save my place.

His bravery to save the child from drowning is above praise.

I realized then that this awful cellar was the only place that could save our lives.

We should save wild animals.

We should save money for a rainy day.

We have to save money against a rainy day.

We had better save our time and money.

My boyfriend plans to save up and buy a sports car.

I save what money I got.

We used the computer in order to save time.

I used a computer in order to save time.

If you make your own clothes, it will save you money.

You'll save yourself a lot of time if you take the car.

You will save yourself a lot of time if you take the car.

God save the Queen.

Nothing but God can save you.

Save your strength.

I am working to save for my college tuition.

The President called on everyone to save energy.

There is no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval.

To save the earth, all of us must do something.

It was prudent of you to save money.

In the long run, we can save a lot of money by buying this machine.

A high household savings rate in Japan is attributed, among other things, to people's desire to save money to buy a home.

His aim in life is to save money.

His invention will save hours in manufacturing our product.

He tried to save something from his travel expenses.

He instantly agreed to it, and I presently found that I could save half what he paid me.

He worked hard so as to save more money.

He pinched and scraped for many years to save money.

He never drinks save on special occasions.

He works every day save Sundays.

He risked his life to save her.

She is trying to save as much money as she can.

She could not persuade him not to waste half an hour to save a few pennies.

She worked hard in order to save money.

She tried to carry out her plan to save money.

Save money for a rainy day.

Nothing but peace can save the world.

Save me some ice cream.

Also check out the following words: sine, cosine, values, included, punishment, man's, habits, acquired, nowhere, malnourished.