English example sentences with "during"

Learn how to use during in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

I slept a little during lunch break because I was so tired.

During summer breaks, I ate dinner at midnight.

The second half of a man's life is made up of nothing but the habits he has acquired during the first half.

During winter I sleep with two blankets.

Meg called you during your absence.

I feel indebted to you for your help during my illness.

Bears also tend to sleep more during the day than at night, although in the summer, with twenty-four hours of light, this does not apply.

During prohibition days, racketeers used to rub each other out to get control of the rum-running racket.

Can you take notes for me during the professor's talk?

He stayed there during the vacation.

During the interval, Takashi and Harumi got a drink at the theater bar.

Let's have some coffee during recess.

I spent idle days during the vacation.

During the vacation, I read the entire works of Milton.

During the vacation my sister and I stayed at a small village at the foot of Mt. Fuji.

He is lively during recess.

I did nothing during the holidays.

Please come and see us sometime during the vacation.

We can say that Japan was fighting a constant battle against hunger during the war.

During the press conference, the President touched on foreign relations.

Students must keep silent during a class.

No admittance during the performance.

The sea ice is highly variable - frozen solid during cold, calm weather and broken up in large areas of open water during storms.

The sea ice is highly variable - frozen solid during cold, calm weather and broken up in large areas of open water during storms.

It would help us if you would reserve the following hotel during our conference.

We had to do without oil during the war.

Prices have risen by 50 percent during the past ten years.

I usually went to bed at ten during the summer vacation.

I visited Hokkaido during summer vacation.

I'm thinking of going to the States during the summer vacation.

They visited us at the camp during summer vacation.

What do you say to making a trip with me during the summer vacation?

Did you go anywhere during the summer vacation?

During the summer vacation, I made friends with many villagers.

I worked in a post office during the summer vacation.

I delighted in going to his farm during the summer vacation.

Tourists poured into Karuizawa during the summer vacation.

I'm just going to rest during the summer vacation.

Many young people go abroad during summer vacation.

I'm looking forward to your visit during summer vacation.

During summers, I used to go to Miami.

We live in the country during the summer.

We listened to the teacher during the English lesson.

He began to tremble during the movie.

It rained heavily all day, during which time I stayed indoors.

Being a doctor helped me greatly during the journey.

Many great men went through hardship during their youth.

It was during my college years that I took up tennis.

Our army attacked the enemy during the night.

He brushed up his English during his stay in London.

During my stay in London, I met him.

During his stay in London, he is going to visit his cousin.

I remember singing scales every day during music lessons.

Recession is a temporary falling off of business activity during a period when such activity is generally increasing.

During the rush hours we find it difficult to get a taxi around here.

There ought to be more buses during the rush hours.

Going to school during the rush hour is tiring and unpleasant.

Yuji told his friend a story about his adventure during the summer vacation.

It's best to wear a cap on your head during the cold Moscow winters.

Bob went through many dangers during the war.

During lunch in the hotel dining room, the girl named Stella collapsed, and when Dr. Stewart examined the body he said...

Betty read four stories during the vacation.

I think that a new fruit drink will go over big during the summer.

I would appreciate it if I had the opportunity to meet with Mr Brown again during his stay in Chicago.

Haruyo is undoubtedly under stress during this entrance-examination season.

I visited him at intervals during my stay in Paris.

A parasol is used during the summertime to shade the face.

During the bubble, people dreamed of a life of leisure.

If only I'd sold that property during the economic bubble, I wouldn't have suffered such a big loss.

Emma was much in evidence during the party.

Tom hurt his left knee during practice, so John had to play the game in his place.

Tom was given detention for talking during class.

I heard Tom snoring during the class.

Secret police moved among the crowd during the demonstration.

During the recent trip to America, I made friends with Jack.

During the tour he broke apart from the group and found his own way.

The dancers really came to life during the Latin numbers.

It was in 1912 that the Titanic sank during her first voyage.

A fire broke out during that night.

The merchant accumulated tremendous fortune during the postwar era.

The bill is expected to be enacted during the present session.

The jewel was stolen during the night.

The ladies are looking after the children whose parents are employed in factories during the daytime.

The unpopular politician was frequently given the razz by the crowd during his speech.

The island is covered with ice and snow during the winter.

It rained a great deal during the winter.

During that winter, writing occupied most of my free time.

The store offered special discounts during the summer.

That street was very noisy during the day.

The town was destroyed during the war.

A lot of people starved during that war.

One king after another succeeded to the throne during those few years.

The boy was accused of cheating during the exam.

You must not speak Japanese during the class.

He backed us up during that incident.

The army was involved in a number of brilliant actions during the battle.

Many peasants died during the drought.

The family lived a wretched life during the war.

The station is almost empty during what would normally be the afternoon rush.

Thousands of people died during the plague.

The hotel remains closed during the winter.

Also check out the following words: regards, sake, complaints, wrongdoing, disgrace, estimation, move, untidy, similar, whichever.