English example sentences with "battle"

Learn how to use battle in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

We won the battle.

We can say that Japan was fighting a constant battle against hunger during the war.

A sailor frequently has no time to get his sea legs after leaving port before a battle starts.

We fought a hard battle.

We had the luck to win the battle.

It will be very important whether we win the battle or not.

Bill is really fighting the battle of the bulge.

Napoleon's army lost the battle of Waterloo in 1815.

Napoleon's army now advanced and a great battle begins.

It was the last battle that ended the war.

Many soldiers were wounded in the battle.

The army was involved in a number of brilliant actions during the battle.

This battle left Napoleon master of Europe.

A fierce battle was fought here.

This is the place where the battle of Hastings took place.

This is the place where the battle took place.

Greenpeace is fighting an uphill battle to save the environment.

The troops were in battle array.

A fierce battle was fought by the soldiers.

Today's game will be a crucial battle; the result will be decisive.

It seems that much damage was done by yesterday's battle.

Making a good start is half the battle.

The first blow is half the battle.

The battle ended in a triumph for the Romans.

The battle is not always to the strong.

After the battle they delivered the town to the enemy.

The battle robot JA went berserk.

Peace-keeping troops moved in to restore calm after the battle.

The battle was won at the price of many lives.

Many men were badly wounded in the battle.

Men and women went into battle.

The enemy flung fresh troops into the battle.

The allies defeated the evil empire in the fierce battle.

He fought a last-ditch battle.

He opened up the verbal battle.

He is said to have taken part in the battle.

He was wounded in the battle.

He was slain in battle.

He demonstrated his courage by his actions in battle.

He died a soldier's death in the battle in the cause of democracy.

The battle ended before they got there.

They fought a fierce battle.

They lost the battle.

They died in battle.

They won the battle at the cost of many lives.

They fought a fair battle with the enemy.

News of her son's death in battle drove her mad.

The soldiers are ready for battle.

Young and old went to battle.

You say po-tah-to I say po-tay-to. Rika is just that sort of girl. There's no way to win a battle of words with her.

What's more, our first battle is to defeat that dragon!

The revolutionary government, while raising troops from the masses and fighting a defensive battle, established a republic and executed Louis XVI.

He shouted at the top of his voice, "This is a battle we cannot lose."

I'm not going to get into a battle of wits with you; I never attack anyone who's unarmed.

Many soldiers suffered terrible wounds in the battle.

Knowing is half the battle.

The returning soldiers were commended for their bravery in battle.

I'm going to put them in a room and let them battle it out.

When two armies met, they drew up and fought a pitched battle.

After a battle casualties are usually heavy.

They had been defeated in battle.

They had a battle plan they were sure would succeed.

He had time to prepare his men for battle.

Sometimes the Allies could not avoid battle.

Hitler and his allies had won battle after battle.

Hitler and his allies had won battle after battle.

I heard the sound of battle.

It was not one battle, but many.

The Battle of Fort Sumter was over.

The North won the Battle of Shiloh.

The Battle of North Africa was over.

Another fierce battle was ready to begin.

That half of the battle would not be easy.

The Battle for Monterrey lasted three days.

The Battle of Gettysburg lasted three days.

The battle quickly became a blind struggle.

A fierce battle took place at Monte Cassino.

Eighteen minutes later, the battle was over.

The battle quickly became fierce and bloody.

The battle was an important defeat for Japan.

But very soon, the battle would become fierce.

For the first time, his army went into battle.

The battle was fierce and unbelievably bloody.

The Battle for Belleau Wood lasted three weeks.

This time, the battle would be among diplomats.

Many of Pope's men were not prepared for battle.

One of the events was the Battle of New Orleans.

The South had won the Battle of Chancellorsville.

When the battle ended, not a Texan was left alive.

Too many Confederate soldiers had fallen in battle.

The battle took place near the Little Bighorn River.

There were celebrations along the battle lines, too.

Pershing's forces were not sent directly into battle.

Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto launched the battle.

Nicholas Biddle began to see that the battle was lost.

A Union army doctor watched the battle from a distance.

Northerners had expected to win the Battle of Bull Run.

The Battle for Quebec was the turning point in the war.

The two sides fought fiercely in the Battle of Iwo Jima.

I think that this will be the last battle of the war.

In the battle of ideas, science defeated conservatism.

Also check out the following words: alone, won't, happen, Sometimes, he, can, strange, guy, I'll, do.