English example sentences with "rock"

Learn how to use rock in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

Passing through the strong wind, the planes rock like this, but don't worry.

Look out for rock slides.

The rock rolled down the hillside.

Sitting on the rock, she sang a sweet song as she combed her hair.

A rock stuck out from the bank into the river.

Seen from a distance, the rock looked like a human face.

Seen from a distance, the big rock looks like an old castle.

Which do you like better, rock music or classical music?

Rock and roll was a creation of the young generation.

Rock is the music of the young.

Rock appeals to young men and women.

Do you have any rock CDs?

It is unusual to see rock stars wearing a tie!

The rock concert was called off because the singer fell ill.

I've done rock climbing and deep-sea diving and slept in an Indonesian jungle.

It's getting dark early around here. The sun seems to drop like a rock when autumn rolls around.

Makoto found his true love on top of Ayers Rock. She's from Osaka.

Mike, do planes usually rock like this?

Bob lost interest in rock music.

I think that most young people like rock music.

This is Brian Rock.

I'm going to rock the boat.

I didn't like rock music at first, but it soon grew on me.

I love biking and hard rock concerts.

It was hard as rock.

Don't step on that rock. It's going to fall.

The rock projected over us like a roof.

There were no holds for hand or foot on the rock.

The volcano poured molten rock.

When the rock singer appeared on the stage, the audience at the concert clapped loudly.

The rock star is an idol of the teenagers.

What does this rock look like?

This rock has the shape of an animal.

Rock breaks scissors. Scissors cut paper. Paper smothers rock.

Rock breaks scissors. Scissors cut paper. Paper smothers rock.

Try as we may, we cannot swim to the rock.

That old man must be off his rock.

A monster lay on a rock near the top of the mountain.

Modern heroes are represented by rock stars.

I hung the laundry out to dry last night and by morning it had frozen hard as a rock.

We pushed the rock hard in vain.

When my bicycle hit the rock, the front tire blew out.

Riding my bicycle, the boy ran into a big rock.

I don't like noisy music, such as rock.

I love rock.

I love rock musicians.

I love music, especially rock.

I classify his music as rock.

We blew up a huge rock with dynamite.

At first I did not like rock music, but now I do.

Seen at a distance, the rock looks like a squatting human figure.

Seen at a distance, the rock looked like a human face.

A rock fell from above.

The rock has been blasted to make a new course for the stream.

She walked carefully so as not to stumble over a rock.

A big rock rose out of the sea.

A big rock stuck out from the bank into the river.

Suddenly the plane begins to rock and the seat belt signs come on.

Strife is the rock on which the party split.

Japanese young people like rock and jazz.

When the bomb was dropped, I felt the house rock back and forth.

He hid himself behind a large rock.

He stopped a moment to kick a rock.

He is keen on rock music, but she is even more so.

He is known as a rock singer.

He organized a summer rock festival.

He built his house on rock.

He hit his head against a rock.

He pulled with all his strength, but the rock would not move.

Their ship struck a rock.

They lifted the rock by means of a lever.

They deposited their bundles on the rock.

She is absorbed in rock music.

My mother says she doesn't find rock appealing.

A fallen rock barred his way.

Seen at a distance, the rock looks like a human face.

"Rock-paper-scissors, OK?" "Rock." "Sciss... paper." "You cheated!"

Puffy AmiYumi is a Japanese rock band.

For rock it's hard to know on what basis you should call something 'hi-fi'.

And I would not be standing here tonight without the unyielding support of my best friend for the last 16 years, the rock of our family, the love of my life, the nation's next first lady, Michelle Obama.

No matter how hard I try, I can't swim to that rock.

Rock, paper, scissors.

Though I may be in the jaws of death, I am as a firm as a rock.

A good word may split open a rock, but a bad word - a head.

He threw a rock into the pond.

The rock was moved by dynamite.

My neighbours who built their house upon a rock ended up with a damp basement.

I love rock music.

Between a rock and a hard place.

Tom is attempting to climb the rock.

Jazz fusion is a combination of rock and jazz.

I accidentally kicked a large rock and broke my toe.

This old bread is as hard as a rock.

He's enamored of the idea of becoming a rock star.

Not five minutes after he started running, he tripped on a rock.

The Court has no fears for the safety of the Christian religion. It does not believe that the rock upon which Christianity stands can ever be shaken.

There is a rock in my shoe.

Everyone is happy with the decision, so please don't rock the boat.

Poetry must be new as foam, and as old as the rock.

The rock star's induction into the Hall of Fame was predicted by all.

There was a big rock concert in 1970.

Also check out the following words: fat, gonna, shoot, him, real, fish, mere, plushy, saying, probably.