English example sentences with "dead"

Learn how to use dead in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

Half an eye is very useful actually, because an animal can see half of another animal, which wants to eat it, and can get out of the way, and it will eat the animal, which has only one-half eye or only 49% of an eye, because this to it will not be enough, and the animal, which was eaten up, will have no children, because it is dead.

It's a dead end.

You must give him up for dead.

Don't you know that he has been dead for these two years?

I'll look after your affairs when you are dead.

A bear will not touch a dead body.

I found, to my surprise, that she was dead.

Faith which does not doubt is dead faith.

Strange to say, he met someone who was said to be dead.

The man who stops learning is as good as dead.

We could not but give him up for dead.

Do you enjoy making me feeling like the dead?

The station is dead ahead.

If you move a step, and you will be a dead man.

Move a step, and you'll be a dead man!

After drinking all night, Bob was dead to the world.

The doctors thought he was dead, but today he is still alive and healthy, and has a job and a family.

If it wasn't for the doctor's treatment, that patient would be dead.

I'm dead to love.

Romeo, believing that Juliet was dead, decided to kill himself.

Liz has been dead for eight years.

The lion ripped the flesh from the dead giraffe.

If the brain is dead, we should let the patient die.

It's the dead of the night.

One more step, and you'll be a dead man.

We got dead drunk.

One of the twins is alive, but the other is dead.

At last the boy was given up for dead.

The taxi stopped dead at the traffic signal.

The road came to a dead end.

Is the bird alive or dead?

After the conflict there were many dead on both sides.

The man is all but dead.

The treaty is now a dead letter.

The boy was given up for dead.

The boy dug a grave for his dead pet.

The boy tried to saw off the dead branch.

The girl closely resembles my dead mother.

The toll from the accident was 5 persons dead and 100 persons injured.

The dog was dead.

I'm dead against the plan.

Both the brothers are dead.

The dead body was identified by a mole on the cheek.

Is the snake alive or dead?

And when I've gone, don't tell him I'm dead.

Stella really is dead!

But, then again, Latin was already a "dead language" by that time.

Where on earth do you suppose she is going in the dead of night?

This town is really dead at night.

With these new boots of mine, I hope to knock them dead.

I never see this picture without thinking of my dead mother.

The dog is as good as dead.

I cannot look at this picture without thinking of my dead mother.

Is the mouse dead or alive?

Local people wouldn't be caught dead here.

The injured were carried to the hospital, and the dead to the church.

He is dead drunk.

My father turned a dead ear to my requests.

The maid was dead tired of her household chores.

I caught a pickpocket dead to rights when he stole my money.

Mr. and Mrs. Williams adopted a child whose parents were dead.

He rose from the dead, so to speak.

With the President dead now, the new policies will have to await government approval.

A woman brought an old picture of her dead husband, wearing a hat, to the photographer.

If I had taken that plane, I would be dead now.

Cut down that dead tree, or it will fall down on your house.

I never see you without thinking of my dead son.

Do you think he is dead?

Einstein has been dead for nearly forty years.

A dead leaf fell to the ground.

I am dead tired from walking around all day.

The police found the politician dead in his room.

It is wrong to divide language into "living" and "dead".

A fund was launched to set up a monument in memory of the dead man.

A man whose wife is dead is called a widower.

I wish myself dead.

He wished himself dead.

You mustn't speak ill of the dead.

Dead men tell no tales.

I wish I was dead.


Speak well of the dead.

One third of the friends I grew up with are dead.

We felt dead from the five-hour trip.

We have to do something for the dead.

We found some dead fish in the river.

We gave him up for dead.

He cut me dead.

My uncle has been dead for three years.

My aunt has been dead for two years.

Both my grandfather and grandmother are dead.

My father has been dead for ten years.

My mother has been dead these three years.

My mother is dead too.

I cannot accept the fact that he is dead.

I was all but dead at that time.

I'm dead set against the plan.

I often think of my dead mother.

I swept up dead leaves.

I could not accept that my wife was really dead.

I heard a strange sound in the dead of night.

Also check out the following words: bother, wait, love, curious, Congratulations, visit, us, possibility, unlikely, shouldn't.