English example sentences with "animal"

Learn how to use animal in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

Half an eye is very useful actually, because an animal can see half of another animal, which wants to eat it, and can get out of the way, and it will eat the animal, which has only one-half eye or only 49% of an eye, because this to it will not be enough, and the animal, which was eaten up, will have no children, because it is dead.

Half an eye is very useful actually, because an animal can see half of another animal, which wants to eat it, and can get out of the way, and it will eat the animal, which has only one-half eye or only 49% of an eye, because this to it will not be enough, and the animal, which was eaten up, will have no children, because it is dead.

Half an eye is very useful actually, because an animal can see half of another animal, which wants to eat it, and can get out of the way, and it will eat the animal, which has only one-half eye or only 49% of an eye, because this to it will not be enough, and the animal, which was eaten up, will have no children, because it is dead.

Half an eye is very useful actually, because an animal can see half of another animal, which wants to eat it, and can get out of the way, and it will eat the animal, which has only one-half eye or only 49% of an eye, because this to it will not be enough, and the animal, which was eaten up, will have no children, because it is dead.

Life in prison is worse than the life of an animal.

A cow is a useful animal.

Cows are more useful than any other animal in this country.

Although rainforests make up only two percent of the earth's surface, over half the world's wild plant, animal and insect species live there.

Roger is a party animal.

He sits upright, not crouched over his plate like an animal at a feeding trough.

The hunters captured the wild animal with a strong rope net.

A cheetah runs as fast as any animal.

It's the animal in me that wants it.

What an animal it is!

What animal is it?

They are nature's laboratory for all kinds of plant, animal and insect life.

You must catch the animal alive.

Is it possible for me to raise the animal?

When we saw the animal so near us, we ran away in terror.

The animal struggled to get out of the cage.

That animal feeds on flesh.

The animal died from hunger.

The animal made a squeaking sound.

The small animal gave off a bad smell.

Soon after the accident they found a live animal there.

This is a kind of animal that lives in the sea.

This is an animal found in that desert.

What do you call this animal in Japanese?

This animal is just working for rewards.

This animal is very clever.

This animal is bigger than that one.

There seems to be some genetic problem with this animal.

This rock has the shape of an animal.

The koala is an animal peculiar to Australia.

A fox is a wild animal.

Parrots are the only animal that can imitate human speech.

In India, the cow is a sacred animal.

The dolphin is a very intelligent animal.

No animal can exist without plants.

The whale is the largest animal on the earth.

The dog is a faithful animal.

A dog is sometimes a dangerous animal.

A dog is a faithful animal, so it is said to be a friend of man.

A dog is a faithful animal.

A dog is a clever animal.

It is said that the fox is more cunning than any other animal.

Parks are to the city what lungs are to the animal.

Man is also an animal in a broad sense.

An insect is a small animal and it has six legs.

It was not until yesterday that we noticed the animal missing.

The child watched the animal with amusement.

I have a friend whose father is an animal doctor.

I'm glad to see such a beautiful animal.

I know the name of this animal.

We have learned much about survival from lower forms of animal life.

We are in danger of making life impossible for a large number of animal species.

I noticed that a small gray animal was looking toward us.

An elephant is a strong animal.

An elephant is an enormous animal.

An elephant is a very large animal.

The elephant is the largest land animal.

The animal in the top left-hand corner is meant to be a dragon.

Along with the plants, animal life, too, was developing in harmony with the strict requirements of the land.

Man is above all things the talking animal.

Man is a social animal.

Man has the gift of speech which no animal has.

Man is the only animal that can use fire.

Man is the only animal that can make use of fire.

Man is the only animal that uses fire.

Man is the only animal that possesses language.

Man is the only animal that can speak.

Man is the only animal that can laugh.

Man is a social animal by nature.

Man is the only animal that talks.

Man is the only animal that can talk.

Human and animal life are influenced by their reactions to the atmospheric environment.

People came to see the strange animal in the zoo one after another.

War arouses the animal in man.

A big animal ran away from the zoo.

The largest animal on Earth is the gigantic blue whale.

To this extent, it has the characteristics of a great complicated balance between plant life and lower forms of animal life.

An animal has no moral sense.

Man is the only animal that laughs.

Animal bodies are made up of cells.

Zoology deals with the study of animal life.

A dairy cow is a useful animal.

The horse is a very useful animal.

The horse is a domestic animal.

A horse is a friendly animal.

A horse is an animal.

The horse is a useful animal.

He knows almost nothing about that animal.

He set a trap to catch the animal.

He's a party animal.

They saw a strange animal there.

No animal builds beautiful churches, plays tennis, tells jokes, writes songs or visits the moon.

The instinct of self-defense is inherent in any animal.

I saw a marvelous animal act at the circus.

In order to live happily and healthily with parakeets or parrots, you should understand the science of animal behavior for domesticated birds, and consider the emotional effect of eventually losing them.

The tiger, having had its wounds treated, was returned by the villagers to the animal sanctuary without incident.

What is this animal called in Japanese?

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