English example sentences with "promotion"

Learn how to use promotion in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

You are the next in line for promotion.

The company rewarded him with promotion.

Science and art must contribute to the promotion of human welfare.

All hope of my promotion went up in smoke after my reorganization plan fell through.

How about giving me a promotion from just-a-friend to boyfriend?

The big promotion of that company's stock was just a cover-up to hide their impending bankruptcy.

The scandal was an obstacle to his promotion.

Congratulations on your promotion.

This promotion properly reflects the quality and diligence of your work.

Chances of promotion are slim in this firm.

No matter how capable you are, you're not going to get a promotion.

I am sure your promotion was timely and well deserved.

Local finance are bankrolling the industrial promotion program.

My promotion hangs on his decision.

I had to compete with him for promotion.

I'm anxious for a promotion.

I have to set up a budget for sales promotion.

Promotion was an incentive to harder work.

Are you worried about the promotion?

She had no incentive to work after she was refused a promotion.

It's great that you got the promotion.

I'm afraid a promotion is out of the question now.

The chance of promotion disposed him to accept the offer.

I worked hard in expectation of promotion.

His desire for promotion blinded him to other's feelings.

The newcomers will have to compete with each other for a promotion.

I was delighted to hear of your promotion to Senior Managing Director.

Out of the four policies that were suggested, I think the most effective one would be the "Improvement of Preventive Care and Health Promotion" policy.

He looked blank when he heard the announcement of his promotion.

The meeting on sales promotion is dragging on.

He deserves a promotion.

His lack of technical knowledge precluded him from promotion.

His selfishness got in the way of his promotion.

He is happy. For one thing he's got a promotion and for another he has just got married.

He threw away his chance of promotion.

He is qualified for promotion.

He is out for promotion.

He is angling for promotion.

He was envious of his friend's promotion.

They are making every effort for the promotion of world peace.

They congratulated their 'sempai' on his promotion.

Her husband, having failed to obtain promotion, retired at the age of 55.

My secretary is pushing for a promotion.

He's had a big chip on his shoulder ever since he was passed up for promotion.

One of the perks of my promotion is a chic, corner office with a great view of the skyline.

They congratulated their colleague on his promotion.

Tom missed the opportunity for a promotion.

Tom is up for a promotion.

Tom is the next in line for promotion.

Tom deserves a promotion.

Tom is up for promotion.

Tom got a promotion.

Did you hear about Tom's promotion?

What's the promotion?

Tom resented the fact that Mary got the promotion instead of him.

Madalena was not cheerful about her husband's promotion.

I see they've given you a promotion.

Let's go celebrate your promotion.

They congratulated the veteran on his promotion.

I should have got that promotion.

I just got a promotion.

You're being given a promotion and a raise in security access level.

I assume this isn't the best time to ask for a promotion.

I assume you've heard about Tom's promotion.

I deserved that promotion.

I've decided to give Tom the promotion.

His job title change was considered a lateral move, possibly a demotion, and certainly not a promotion.

I just told Tom about my promotion.

Diligence was the principal factor in his remarkable promotion.

You're the next in line for promotion.

His promotion was long overdue.

They celebrated Sandra's success in getting a promotion.

Are you up for a promotion?

Tom's systematic problem-solving skills stood him in good stead for promotion to branch manager.

Tom is the one who deserves the promotion.

Tom was excited about the new job offer since he'd felt stagnant and unappreciated in his current position, but when he told his boss that he was thinking about leaving, his boss told him that a promotion and a pay raise were in the offing if he would stay, so it left Tom in a quandary about what to do.

Tom just got that big promotion he's been waiting for.

You're not getting the promotion.

Tom just got a promotion.

Employees can be motivated with good, fair wages, the chance to work in a good team or on exciting tasks, and with clear economic incentives such as performance pay or opportunity for promotion.

Your father got a promotion.

We have had such a successful promotion effort that even that much would suffice us.

Tom thought he was hard done by when he was overlooked for a promotion.

Tom's promotion came through.

Tom was feeling on top of the world after getting a promotion.

That's why you got the promotion.

Tom isn't interested in a promotion at the moment.

I deserve a promotion.

"I'll be working all weekend." "Why? What happened to the other cleaning lady?" "Oh, so I'm a cleaning lady now? Thank you for the promotion."

I should've gotten that promotion.

In the past, women have been barred from combat roles in the military, ergo, their opportunities for promotion have been somewhat limited.

Recently T Mall has had a sales promotion on cell phones.

Tom said that he doesn't want a promotion.

I don't want a promotion.

Tom got a big promotion.

Tom turned down the promotion.

Tom is angling for a promotion.

I got a promotion.

You're up for a promotion.

You're up for promotion.

I will do whatever it takes to get that promotion.

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