English example sentences with "either"

Learn how to use either in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

I can't explain it either.

Ray was willing to corroborate Gary's story, but the police were still unconvinced that either of them were telling the truth.

You may take either the big box or the small one.

You may choose either of the two books.

Either you or I have to go there.

Either you or your friend is wrong.

Either you or I am wrong.

Either you or she has to go there.

Either you or he is wrong.

Either you or he has to attend the meeting.

Either you are right or he is.

Either you or I must go in his place.

If you don't go, I won't, either.

Either you or your brother is wrong.

We were allowed to speak either in English or in Japanese.

He can speak either English or French.

If you do not go fishing tomorrow, I will not either.

Mary can't swim, and John can't, either.

Either Mary or you is to go.

Fred, behave, and I'm not joking, either.

The situation has come to the point where we either sink or swim.

Either Tom or I must go.

Either way I don't like him.

Either way, it's not important.

Either day would be all right with me.

I haven't read either book.

You can take either book.

Is there a clock in either room?

Either day is OK.

You can take either road.

Either way will lead you to the station.

You can reach the park by either road.

I don't know either boy.

I don't like either of the boys.

I didn't see either boy.

I don't like either watch.

You may take either of the glasses.

Either of the students may fail the exam.

A door must be either shut or open.

None of us want to go, but either you or your wife has to go.

Either of them is satisfactory to me.

It is not very polite, either.

My name's not 'girl,' either.

You may take either of the books.

I don't like either of them.

There are many stores on either side of the street.

Either turn down that noise or turn it off.

You may use either of the dictionaries.

I didn't study either of the languages.

The meeting was called off as there was no hope of agreement on either side.

Take either of the apples.

The orange didn't taste either sweet or sour.

The broccoli is either costly or of poor quality.

Susie doesn't speak Japanese, and Tom doesn't either.

Either John or I am to blame.

Jack is now either in London or Paris.

Either Jim or I have to tell her about it.

Either of these roads leads to the station.

You can have either of these, but not both.

I'll give you either of these stamps.

We can conclude that this phenomenon is not related to either pollutant.

You must be able to speak either English or Spanish in this company.

Choose either of the two T-shirts.

During the past several years, many Japanese have been either killed or injured while traveling overseas.

You may take either half of the cake.

In either case, the division is real and useful; but it can also be misleading.

Either Ann or Carol is going to take care of the baby.

That is not an orange, either.

Everybody in that company is either a vice-president or a senior vice-president; they're all chiefs and no Indians.

Yours is not bad, either.

You had better learn either English or French.

You may take either of the two books.

Either you or I should visit her.

Either you or I will have to go.

Either you or I will get the first prize.

Either you or I will have to do it.

Either you or I must attend the meeting.

Either you or I am in the wrong.

Either you or I am right.

If you don't go, I will not go either.

If you don't go skiing, I won't, either.

Either you or Jane has to go there.

I'd like to meet you either on the morning of April 5 or on the afternoon of April 6.

Would you please arrange to meet with me either on the morning of April 5 or 6?

Either of the two must go.

Choose either one or the other.

I have kept available the afternoon of the 20th and the 21st, and would like to know if Mr Grant will be available for a meeting on either of those two days.

You must not take either a shower or a bath.

The cherry trees are planted on either side of the road.

It is apt to get either cloudy or windy when the cherry-blossoms are in full bloom.

For the other 600 million people, English is either a second language or a foreign language.

We can play either tennis or baseball here.

I don't like iced coffee, and she doesn't either.

There is nothing left in my stomach, either.

I don't want to go there. He doesn't want to go either.

I don't know either twin.

I didn't attend the meeting, and he didn't either.

Either way's fine with me.

I don't know either girl.

I don't like either hat.

I've never been to New York, and my sister hasn't, either.

Also check out the following words: lunchtime, nasty, dog's, backslide, stretched, DPT, days', flown, hen, hatching.