English example sentences with "film"

Learn how to use film in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

I liked this film.

The film started at 2 o'clock.

The film lasted 2 hours.

You should see this film if you get the opportunity.

In the film, the director makes Hamlet an active person.

We saw the film and had dinner together.

I was angry about missing that film at the cinema.

Did you enjoy the film?

I would have liked to see the ending of the film, but I had to leave the theater.

The dinosaurs in the film "Jurassic Park" were true to life.

I may have seen that film before, but I can hardly remember it.

Everyone is waiting to see his new film.

I'm going to see a horror film.

My film has run out.

That was the most interesting film that we had ever seen.

That was the most moving film I had ever seen.

I think the film is a very heart warming one.

They've all gone to see the film.

The advance reviews of the new film are very favorable.

The accident was due to the drunken driving of a certain film star.

It took several months to shoot that film.

You should have seen the film.

I saw the film, which was not so good.

I wish I had seen the film.

I found the film interesting.

I saw the film and found it interesting.

I missed seeing the film. Did you see it?

If the film is on at your place, do go and see it.

The film was not a success in Japan.

The film was a great success.

The film is going over big with audiences.

Only adults may watch that film.

The film made us laugh, but it was not really exciting to watch.

I saw the film in San Francisco last year.

I've seen the film many times, but I'd like to see it again.

When will the film be released?

I found the film romantic.

The film received favourable criticism.

How did you like the film?

The film scooped up three awards at the Cannes film festival.

The film scooped up three awards at the Cannes film festival.

The film was not what I had thought it was.

How does the film end?

Stallone became famous through film.

You mustn't miss seeing this wonderful film.

You must not miss seeing this wonderful film.

Did you ever see such a film?

The novel was adapted for a film.

This film is an adaptation of a novel.

This film is worth seeing.

This film is worth seeing many times.

This film is indeed an enduring masterpiece.

I found this film very interesting.

I think it is worthwhile to see this film twice.

Are there reserved seats for this film?

Please develop this film.

Can I have this film developed?

I'd like to have this film processed.

This film develops fast.

Please develop and print this film.

I have two exposures left on this film.

I want a roll of color film for prints.

I failed to put film in my camera.

When did you see the film?

I watched the film named "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" with my girlfriend yesterday. She was very afraid.

I wish I hadn't seen such a horrible film.

That theater has a foreign film festival every other month.

This camera is not loaded with film.

Can I unload the high speed film?

What do you think is the best film that you have seen this year?

The danger of AIDS came home to me when I saw a documentary film on it last night.

We all enjoyed the film.

I found this film very exciting.

I have seen that film long ago.

I have seen the film before.

I missed seeing the film.

I intended to have seen the film by now, but I couldn't manage it.

I have a high opinion of the film director.

I saw an old film featuring Charlie Chaplin yesterday.

I identified myself with the gangsters in the film.

To tell the truth, that film was not very interesting to me.

The whole experiment was recorded on film.

The girls are wild about the film star.

Did you see the cowboy film on TV last night?

Only adults can see this film.

His new film is disappointing.

His new film is worth seeing.

He put new film into his camera.

I am looking forward to seeing the film with her.

She was believed to have been a film star before.

She was watching the film with her eyes red in tears.

Do you think they will invite us to the film showing?

They shot the film in an actual desert.

Manga are to the Japanese film industry what bestsellers are to Hollywood.

To start with the film crew travelled around the country looking for locations.

I have to wrap my sister's dinner in cling film.

The "People's Choice" award, by public polling, was announced again this year and Mel Gibson and Julia Roberts were selected as the most popular male, and female, film actors.

Even Dwarfs Started Small is a 1970 film by German director Werner Herzog.

I think a film is more interesting than any book.

I've already seen the film.

This film is really boring - the best bit is when it finishes.

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