English example sentences with "peaceful"

Learn how to use peaceful in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

The countries concerned settled the dispute by peaceful means.

We must preserve our peaceful constitution.

Sometimes I feel like living a more peaceful life.

If we want a peaceful life, we cannot help objecting to war.

Even at nighttime, it was not quiet and peaceful any more.

The strike had not been peaceful, however, and Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. begged both sides to be patient and calm.

Never have I seen such a peaceful scene.

Some of Martin Luther King's supporters began to question his belief in peaceful protests.

Atomic energy can be utilized for peaceful purposes.

It is desirable that atomic energy should be used for peaceful purposes.

Never have I seen such a peaceful sight.

Never in my life have I seen such a peaceful sight.

We must think about peaceful uses of atomic energy.

We can make peaceful use of atomic energy.

My uncle lived a happy life and died a peaceful death.

It was springtime... and everything was quiet and peaceful in the country.

Man should make peaceful use of technologies.

Mankind will succeed in making peaceful use of atomic energy.

Combat soldiers during peaceful moments like to reminisce of their halcyon days.

Country life is very peaceful in comparison with city life.

Japan may appear to be peaceful and tranquil on the surface but the fact is that there are a lot of deep-rooted problems.

He led a very peaceful life in the country.

My father died a peaceful death last night.

They are moving from the peaceful hills and the countryside to the busy world of streets and crowds.

The act known as terrorism, that rips away from us in an instant our peaceful days of happiness, is certainly worthy of being called an enemy to all mankind.

Islamic culture has given us majestic arches and soaring spires; timeless poetry and cherished music; elegant calligraphy and places of peaceful contemplation.

The world which I saw in my dream was a peaceful world devoid of war.

Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.

I guess that there are fundamentalists and radicals even in the relatively peaceful domain of language...

Conversion was peaceful and gradual.

Most people enjoy starry, peaceful nights.

I'd rather live in peaceful poverty than in wealth and fear.

Atomic energy can be used for peaceful ends.

He had worked hard to keep Kansas peaceful.

For a time, things were peaceful.

I don't like messy places like this. I'd rather live somewhere clean and peaceful.

They were attacking people, not peaceful people.

Normally, I'm a very peaceful man. But if my family is threatened, there's no telling what I'll do.

I hope they can reach a peaceful compromise.

The Soviet people are not afraid of peaceful competition with capitalism.

We believe that peaceful coexistence of the two different social systems is fully possible.

It's so peaceful.

It was so peaceful in the grove of trees.

Today is the 4th of June — a day when Chinese government killed hundreds of people on a peaceful demonstration on the Tiananmen square.

Be peaceful. Not taking revenge can be a sort of revenge, too.

The demonstration was hardly an insurrection -- on the contrary, people were rather peaceful.

The dismantling of the British Empire was relatively peaceful.

At night, this street is very peaceful.

Make it your law: logical thought, peaceful mind, virtuous action.

"Looks kinda peaceful." "Looks are deceiving when Koopas are involved."

The settlers are armed, but they're peaceful. They only shoot natives who protest against the occupation.

The settlers are the most peaceful people in the world. They cross thousands of miles to occupy a land that doesn't belong to them and they never kill anyone if they're not a savage native.

As Pat and Ray motor through the canals of Holland, Belgium, and France, then sail to Italy, Greece, Turkey, and Spain, they find beauty and danger, towering locks, salty characters, peaceful anchorages, treacherous winds-and even a forest fire.

Tom explained to Mary that dolphins were peaceful animals.

The latest round of talks have failed to lead to a peaceful solution to the conflict.

If you have faith in God, you can control all five senses and live a peaceful, long life.

It was once very peaceful there, but now you'll sometimes hear the sound of passing vehicles.

When Tom has trouble sleeping, he starts counting stoats. That quickly brings him into a peaceful mood, and he is fast asleep before he could count the stoats to fifty.

They were peaceful.

It was peaceful.

Merry Christmas to all of Tom's supporters and our best wishes for a very good and peaceful 2016.

This forest is quiet and peaceful.

It used to be peaceful here.

The people here live a peaceful life.

Esperanto is a peaceful language.

How peaceful!

Monday's protests were mostly peaceful.

The canny entrepreneur realized that the ballistic missiles, which had once carried nuclear weapons and which the former enemies no longer needed, could easily be converted to civilian rockets for the peaceful exploration of space.

However, despite his purely peaceful intent, he was frustrated in his desire to buy some surplus missiles.

The dogs drew blood from several protesters, including children, who were then pepper-sprayed in an unsuccessful attempt to drive them away from the construction site. Instead of arresting the security guards, the local police arrested 30 peaceful protesters, some of whom had been bitten by the fierce dogs.

We believe that Pirates were the original Pastafarians and that they were peaceful explorers.

It's very nice and peaceful.

I feel very peaceful.

Our international order has been so successful that we take it as a given that great powers no longer fight world wars; that the end of the Cold War lifted the shadow of nuclear Armageddon; that the battlefields of Europe have been replaced by peaceful union; that China and India remain on a path of remarkable growth.

The passion for freedom is on the rise. Tapping this new spirit, there can be no nobler nor more ambitious task for America to undertake on this day of a new beginning than to help shape a just and peaceful world that is truly humane.

We live in a peaceful, prosperous time, but we can make it better.

The peaceful transfer of authority is rare in history, yet common in our country.

Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the ability to cope with conflict by peaceful means.

It's so peaceful out here.

Layla died a peaceful death.

Nature seems peaceful, but it is actually a perpetual bloodbath of animals dying in horrific ways.

These people are so peaceful. They love their neighbors as themselves, and their speech is pleasant and gentle, accompanied by a smile.

Asking our people to vote in a peaceful way is not a crime.

So peaceful.

But behind the peaceful and sunlit country-side there rose ever, dark against the evening sky, the long, gloomy curve of the moor, broken by the jagged and sinister hills.

All was sweet and mellow and peaceful in the golden evening light, and yet as I looked at them my soul shared none of the peace of Nature, but quivered at the vagueness and the terror of that interview which every instant was bringing nearer.

The music is peaceful.

After braving perilous seas and navigating through what are now known as the Straits of Magellan, Magellan's small fleet entered an unfamiliar ocean in Nov. 1520. He called this body of water pacific, due to the calmness of the water at the time ('pacific' means peaceful).

Sami moved to a peaceful suburb.

Sami's peaceful life came to an unthinkable end.

We are fortunate to be living in the most peaceful, most prosperous, most progressive era in human history.

We are fortunate to be living in the most peaceful, most prosperous, most progressive era in human history. That may surprise young people who are watching TV or looking at your phones and it seems like only bad news comes through every day. But consider that it’s been decades since the last war between major powers. More people live in democracies. We’re wealthier and healthier and better educated, with a global economy that has lifted up more than a billion people from extreme poverty, and created new middle classes from the Americas to Africa to Asia.

The pile driver is destroying the peaceful morning with a hellish racket.

So to his shade, with funeral rites, we rear / a mound, and altars to the dead prepare, / wreathed with dark cypress. Round them, as of yore, / pace Troy's sad matrons, with their streaming hair. / Warm milk from bowls, and holy blood we pour, / and thrice with loud farewell the peaceful shade deplore.

If you prefer a peaceful life, seek a like-minded spouse.

Sami lived in a peaceful place.

Sami needed to work in a peaceful work environment.

Small rural villages or islands could be peaceful even in wartime.

The scenery is beautiful and my mind is peaceful.

Macron, later on Sunday, hosted a peace forum, which the German chancellor says is meant to demonstrate efforts “to do everything to bring a more peaceful order to the world, even though we know we still have much work to do."

“If you must have a weapon,” he said, “upon such a peaceful occasion, why did you not use the short poniard sent from Edinburgh on purpose?”

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