English example sentences with "unfortunately"

Learn how to use unfortunately in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

It is unfortunately true.

Unfortunately the telephone was out of order.

Unfortunately he refused to come.

Unfortunately, the store was closed.

Unfortunately I hit the morning rush hour.

Unfortunately, there was no one around.

Unfortunately I was not in time for his speech.

Unfortunately I have no money with me.

Unfortunately, it rained yesterday.

Unfortunately, it rained.

Unfortunately, I missed seeing the movie.

Unfortunately, you won't get anything done in that office unless you grease someone's palm.

Unfortunately it will be impossible for us to accept your proposal.

Unfortunately, full employment can no longer be taken for granted.

Unfortunately, you cannot bring him along.

Unfortunately, the hotel that you suggested was completely booked up.

Unfortunately, like other developed countries, America is graying.

Unfortunately, I didn't get the chance to see the castle.

Unfortunately the poet died in his youth.

He told me his address, but unfortunately I had no paper to write it down on.

Unfortunately, he got his leg broken in the accident.

Unfortunately, Brian met with bad weather.

Unfortunately the guide went wrong.

Unfortunately, few passengers survived the catastrophe.

Unfortunately, the food supplies gave out before the end of winter.

Unfortunately she only had five dollars with her.

She's pure bred blue-blood you see. Unfortunately that's no sort of put-on but her natural self.

Ah, unfortunately there is a small matter I need to attend to so I'll take my leave now.

Unfortunately, the results yesterday were as you see.

But, unfortunately, the game was called off due to rain.

Unfortunately, it's true.

Unfortunately, my birthday is only once a year.

Unfortunately, by the time we got there the train had been gone for fifteen minutes.

Unfortunately, she is absent.

Unfortunately, I cannot help them.

There are five tragedies in a man's life. Unfortunately, I don't know which ones they are.

Unfortunately she already has a steady boyfriend.

Unfortunately I will not have much free time.

Not all geniuses are engineers, but all engineers are geniuses. The set of all engineers is thus an, unfortunately proper, subset of all geniuses.

Christopher Columbus was notorious for repeatedly snoozing his alarm clock by hitting it with his fist. Unfortunately, his "alarm clock" was usually his first mate.

Angry at Leif Ericson for stealing his thunder 500 years before, Christopher Columbus once wrote a rigorous mathematical proof that showed how Ericson had never actually been to North America. Unfortunately, the proof was too difficult for even the brightest mathematicians to understand.

There was a time when Christopher Columbus challenged another explorer to a duel. The latter, an underhanded chap, did not take ten steps - as dictated by the rules - but two, then turned around to shoot. Unfortunately for him, Columbus hadn't taken any steps at all.

Unfortunately I hardly speak any German.

Unfortunately, there isn't any yakitori in our city.

Unfortunately, I don't have so much money on me.

Unfortunately, I don't have a reservation. Do you still have a double room available?

It is man's intelligence that makes him so often behave more stupidly than the beasts. ... Man is impelled to invent theories to account for what happens in the world. Unfortunately, he is not quite intelligent enough, in most cases, to find correct explanations.

Unfortunately, the soup is only lukewarm.

Unfortunately, my trip to Indonesia fell through because I couldn't save enough money.

Unfortunately for his résumé, he has no taste for volunteering.

Unfortunately, my teachers are not the worst ones.

Unfortunately the expensive automobile that I purchased last week has broken down.

Unfortunately, three days ago a magnitude 8.8 earthquake struck off the Pacific coast of Japan's Tohoku region.

Unfortunately, the usage of MacBooks is very limited in Turkey.

Mr. Bennet's property consisted almost entirely in an estate of two thousand a year, which, unfortunately for his daughters, was entailed, in default of heirs male, on a distant relation.

The company I worked for was downsizing. Unfortunately, I lost my job.

Unfortunately I don't think I'd be of much help.

We had the the procedures done yesterday but unfortunately, the machine won't be in operation until the engine is replaced.

Unfortunately, I have to get up early every morning.

Unfortunately, Tom refused to help us.

I didn't find the book in the library, so I decided to buy it. Unfortunately it was too expensive. However I found it on the Internet.

Unfortunately, Tom let the cat out of the bag.

Tom would have liked to attend Mary's party. Unfortunately, he had other things he had to do.

Unfortunately, I must decline the offer.

I was looking forward to seeing a scenic view of Mt. Fuji, but unfortunately it was completely hidden behind clouds.

Unfortunately, that rumor is true.

Unfortunately, I left my homework at home.

Unfortunately, she didn't come.

Unfortunately, I don't have any money with me now.

Unfortunately, my father isn't at home.

Unfortunately, my neighbor had a traffic accident and fell into a coma.

Unfortunately I must decline your invitation.

Unfortunately, the report is true.

Unfortunately, the information is accurate.

Unfortunately, I have to disappoint you.

But unfortunately, this will not occur very soon.

But unfortunately, this will not happen very soon.

Unfortunately, I don't believe she'll succeed.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure she'll succeed.

Unfortunately, it's raining today.

I would have come to the cinema with you all, but unfortunately I had a headache.

Tom wanted to stick around to see what would happen. Unfortunately, he had to leave.

Unfortunately the store was closed.

Unfortunately, Nancy was right.

Unfortunately, I already have plans for that day.

Unfortunately, I don't have time today.

Unfortunately, it's not a photomontage!

Unfortunately he has already left.

Unfortunately, our team didn't win like we expected.

I unfortunately drew a wrong conclusion.

Unfortunately, she lives abroad.

Everything has its good side and bad side. Unfortunately, we usually see only one of them.

Everything has two sides: the good side and the bad side. Unfortunately, we usually see only one of them.

The fact that these assertions have consistently proved to be without foundation unfortunately does not prevent their repetition.

Unfortunately, elephants can't sing well.

Unfortunately, Tom was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Unfortunately, I missed all the fun.

I'd like to be there, but unfortunately I'm busy and can't be there.

Unfortunately, Apple doesn't provide a warranty for accidental damages.

Unfortunately, Apple does not provide a warranty for accidental damages.

Unfortunately, I never got the chance to meet her.

Also check out the following words: Picasso, allowances, jail, she'll, gotten, Communist, illtreated, stupidity, curtain, invitation.