English example sentences with "own"

Learn how to use own in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

Mathematicians are like French people: whatever you tell them they translate it into their own language and turn it into something totally different.

Nowadays we want our children to make their own decisions, but we expect those decisions to please us.

Most people only want to hear their own truth.

Try as you might, but you cannot force a belief onto someone else, much less your own self.

Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.

Do you have a room of your own?

You should attend to your own business.

You are the master of your own destiny.

You will have your own way.

You are old enough to stand on your own feet.

Now that you have passed your test, you can drive on your own.

Did you do this on your own?

Some day you will have to reap the harvest of your own sowing.

Mind your own business!

Say frankly what, in your own eyes, is right.

Do your work in your own way.

Say what you will, I will act on my own judgement.

Few rich men own their own property.

Few rich men own their own property.

Boys have their own bikes these days.

An accomplishment cannot be looked upon as yours unless you have paddled your own canoe.

Teaching is a profession of my own choosing.

Your mind is not occupied with your own affairs.

The head of the college, whose name was Miss Baker, therefore had a special place in the car park for her own small car.

A student should not lose sight of his own identity.

Students came of their own accord to help the villagers.

Each of the students has his own shoes.

Each of the students has his own locker.

Each person has his own way of doing things.

Each country has its own customs.

You learn a lot about your own country if you live abroad.

It seems the navy jets had a major screw-up in navigation and they bombed their own troops by mistake.

We broke up and went our own ways.

We tend to think that our time is our own only on Sundays and holidays.

We didn't help him, so he did it off his own bat.

Are there other universes outside our own?

We own a few hundred acres between the three of us.

I'd send my kid out on his own for a while if I were you. A few hard knocks at this point might do him some good.

Reflect on your own motives when making a decision.

You cannot have your own way in everything.

We cannot have our own way in everything.

You can't hope to have your own way in everything.

You shall not have your own way in everything.

Living on my own, I really miss my mom's cooking.

I'd been on my own all week and was starving for conversation.

This is true partly because non-Westerners have begun to take pride in their own cultures and partly because those areas of the world where forks are not used have some of the highest birth rates.

A good doctor follows his own directions.

The son of a great actor became a good actor in his own right.

On bad roads this little car really comes into its own.

Have the devil's own luck.

There is no mother who doesn't love her own child.

All right, do it your own way, but don't blame me if you fail.

The lemon has a flavor all of its own.

Linda will try to have her own way in everything.

Mind your own business.

Every man for his own trade.

It's time you stood on your own two feet.

Everyone will have his own computer before long.

Each has his own taste.

Each of them carried their own pack.

I would rather let him have his own way.

Everyone has a character of his own.

Mum, why doesn't Dad clean his own study?

Tend to your own affairs first.

Bob has to get through this ordeal on his own.

It has been three years since Bob started his own business.

Maybe I'll just wander off on my own.

Mr Brown is looking for his own glasses.

How do you like living on your own?

Nixon was caught lying because he bugged his own office.

You can't have your own way in everything.

Come what may, you should go your own way.

However small it may be, I want a house of my own.

I'd rather have a room of my own, however small it may be.

Every nation has its own myths.

Every country has its own history.

During the tour he broke apart from the group and found his own way.

Everyone is responsible for his own actions.

Even if you have your own way, you will not always be successful.

For example, they do not have to go to a stadium to see the World Series or the Super Bowl because they can enjoy watching the games in their own living rooms.

However, as living standards gradually came to rise, more and more people began to have their own bathrooms at home.

It was a profession of his own choosing.

It is the job of his own choosing.

It was to a great extent his own fault.

That is my own affair.

That's a job of your own choosing, isn't it?

It has a value all its own.

It is important to understand that each country has its own culture.

The story is based on his own experience.

There is no evidence that the story is based on his own experience.

The old man tripped over his own feet.

The ambitious man became intoxicated with his own success.

I have my own thoughts on that subject.

The mother used her own milk to nourish the baby.

The tribe worships its ancestors and speaks its own language, and speaks an unfamiliar language.

The man couldn't so much as write his own name.

The man blew out his own brains.

The man tried to install his own antenna.

The minister contradicted his own statement.

The villagers serve their own needs by taking turns driving the bus.

You had better see the cloth with your own eyes.

Also check out the following words: ambitious, abound, banqueted, entirety, reconsider, plainer, instantly, unsettled, unsolved, uncomplicated.