English example sentences with "modern"

Learn how to use modern in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

Modern travel enables us to go around the world in a few days.

Modern methods improved industry.

The lack of modern post facilities caused trouble for many shippers.

The art of modern warfare does not necessarily require soldiers to be armed to the teeth to be effective as combatants.

Among modern novels, this is the best.

Modern technology gives us many new things.

Why didn't modern technology develop in China?

The advancement of modern medicine was a long process.

In Kyoto, you can see both old and modern buildings.

Modern jazz is not to my taste.

Modern jazz is not my line.

Once I learned what to listen for, I came to appreciate modern jazz.

If you have no liking for modern music, you will not enjoy this concert.

Tom has an eye for modern art.

Tom has a talent for modern painting.

It is the correct approach to modern ski technique.

The old proverb still holds good in our modern society.

The phenomenon is typical of our modern era.

The computer has made a great impact on modern life.

This is a book on modern English usage.

This is an instance of modern British life.

There are many modern buildings around here.

This modern machine dispenses with much hard labor.

That architect builds very modern houses.

Einstein's theories contributed greatly to modern science.

Modern technology has made our lives more comfortable.

Modern heroes are represented by rock stars.

Modern bridges are similar in shape.

Modern finance is becoming increasingly complicated and sophisticated.

Modern cars differ from the early ones in many ways.

Because of modern communication and transportation systems, the world is getting smaller.

We owe our modern life to electricity.

Modern science has turned many impossibilities into possibilities.

Modern art means little to me.

What do you think of modern art?

Modern poetry is often most obscure.

What is the role of the University in the modern society?

Modern society is overflowing with all sorts of information.

Modern people cannot do without cars.

I have difficulty understanding abstract modern art, especially Mondrian.

Modern philosophy has its beginnings in the 19th century.

Modern art has broken away from nineteenth century conventions.

Modern civilization rests on a foundation of science and education.

Old homes, especially traditional Japanese ones, can be damp and unfriendly to modern life.

Floods, violent wind storms, droughts, killing frosts, and the problems of air pollution have all, on occasion, influenced modern society.

Many men nowadays seem to have the feeling that in vast modern societies there is nothing of importance that the individual can do.

Modern ships only need a small crew.

The modern Japanese politics is bad.

Modern cats don't eat rats.

I went to the theater to see a modern drama.

I don't dig modern jazz.

I have enthusiasm for modern paintings.

I went to every modern art show that took place in Tokyo last year.

I prefer modern furniture.

I really can't understand modern sculpture.

Modern art has no interest for me.

I have read many modern authors.

I rate him among the best modern composers in Japan.

In modern times we have gone through two world wars as the end result of international disputes.

The new school is of simple and modern construction.

Products made from petroleum are vital to modern societies.

Many Europeans do not know modern Japan.

It cannot be denied that we cannot do without the telephone in our modern life.

The telephone is essential to modern life.

Japanese cameras, cars, and hi-fi equipment are used widely abroad, and few modern industries can manage without advanced electronic equipment developed in Japan.

The furniture in his office is very modern.

He is acquainted with the modern history of France.

He majors in modern literature.

He is at home in modern English literature.

He has a liking for modern music.

Modern music is familiar to him.

He is hailed as the father of modern anthropology.

He dwelt on the complexities of modern life.

He gave an interesting broadcast about modern art.

Her house is very modern.

She took a typical example of modern music.

The couple transformed chemistry into a modern science.

Drug addiction is a cancer in modern society.

Accordingly, besides noun declension patterns, there also existed a greater variety of verb conjugation patterns than in Modern English.

This book aims to provide an explanation of modern Japanese grammar that is as systematic and as easily understood as possible.

A love story that unfolds between an unlikely pair, a public prosecutor from a good family and a modern high school girl.

This e-zine is for those who, unswayed by the cajolery of the modern language industry, firmly trust that the traditional learning method of grammatical analysis is the way to go.

“The Satanic Verses” by Salman Rushdie is a real masterpiece of modern literature.

The oligarchic character of the modern English commonwealth does not rest, like many oligarchies, on the cruelty of the rich to the poor. It does not even rest on the kindness of the rich to the poor. It rests on the perennial and unfailing kindness of the poor to the rich.

The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.

The Hegelian philosophy is the last magnificent attempt to restore Christianity, which was lost and wrecked, through philosophy and, indeed, to restore Christianity—as is generally done in the modern era—by identifying it with the negation of Christianity.

Many a gentleman of the old school has been provoked to remark regretfully upon the under-bred manners and bearing of even the better classes in the modern industrial communities; and the decay of the ceremonial code—or as it is otherwise called, the vulgarisation of life—among the industrial classes proper has become one of the chief enormities of latter-day civilisation in the eyes of all persons of delicate sensibilities.

I'm not interested in modern art.

I just don't get modern sculpture.

His house is very modern.

He majored in modern French literature.

He knows about the modern history of France.

It took a lot of time to get up to date in modern medicine.

It took a while to make headway in modern medicine.

The two of them transformed chemistry into a modern science.

The furniture in this office is really modern.

This museum has a magnificent collection of modern art.

Esperanto is a modern language that is very suitable for international communication.

In modern computer systems, umlaut and diaeresis are represented identically.

Me, me, me. Now picture billions of voices screaming that and you got yourself modern civilization.

Integrative medicine refers to a many faceted medical approach that emphasises individual differences and aggressively includes the latest scientific techniques based on modern Western medicine as well as various other medical systems like traditional medicine and natural medicine.

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