English example sentences with "angry"

Learn how to use angry in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

Are you angry at what I said?

You must be careful not to make him angry.

Don't be angry with me, for I did it for your sake.

You have good reason to be angry.

It was bad of you to get angry at your wife.

The sky looks angry.

Getting excited is not at all the same as getting angry.

As soon as he entered the classroom, our teacher burst into angry speech.

The teacher is likely to get angry with the students.

He got angry because he thought that everyone was trying to make a fool of him.

I was angry about missing that film at the cinema.

He was angry at the suggestion that he was dishonest.

He got very angry, for she refused to follow his advice.

Rosa Parks was arrested, and the black community of Montgomery was shocked and angry.

Yumiko was a little angry.

If I were to tell him the truth, he would be angry.

I might have to be very angry with you if you were to come alone.

It's already ten o'clock. My mother must be angry.

Suspecting him of telling her secret to some of her friends, Mary was angry with Jim.

Bob seldom talks with Maria without making her angry.

I'm a little angry with you.

When the bartender totals the bill for a customer who is drunk and angry, he must be very careful to mind his P's and Q's.

I said nothing, and that made him angry.

I have no idea why she got so angry.

I wonder why he is so angry.

Why are you so angry with him?

Why are you angry with him?

Why he got angry is quite clear.

Why did you get so angry?

What made you so angry?

Why did you get so angry at his mistake?

Nothing ever makes him angry.

Tom got angry at the children.

Tom got angry with the high school students.

Tom heard this and got angry.

From time to time, a proposal to pull down a much-loved old building to make room for a new block of flats, raises a storm of angry protest.

What made her so angry?

Why is he angry about something like that?

What made him so angry then, I wonder?

Why are you so angry?

Because the channel was changed he got angry.

I should say he is a little angry.

There's no need to get so angry. Keep your temper.

Don't be so angry.

There's no need to get so angry.

He must be very angry to say such a thing.

That is why I am angry with him.

The policeman was confronted by the angry mob.

That is why he got angry.

A hungry man is an angry man.

John tends to get angry when he doesn't have his own way.

Jack broke his mother's valuable vase, but he didn't do it on purpose, so she wasn't angry.

Jim's angry because his date for the movie stood him up and he wasted an hour waiting for her in the rain.

Jane made an angry gesture.

This is making me really angry.

This makes me very angry.

If she heard this story, she will get angry.

This answer made him angry.

I gathered from this letter that he was angry.

There's no call to get angry over this matter.

I'm angry at the neglect of these children.

This is why she is still angry with me.

This is why he got angry with you.

I'm by no means angry with you.

Karen is angry with me.

Karen is not angry with me.

Don't get angry. It won't help you.

For the love of Heaven, don't get angry.

It is wiser to make no reply to angry words.

Mr Wilson is angry with Dennis.

I tell you it's no good your being angry with me.

It's unlike him to get so angry.

He is apt to get angry if you ask a lot of questions.

The story was a two-faced lie that she told you to make you angry with me.

Although I was angry at the man for his rudeness, I held my tongue.

He easily gets angry.

If I scold you, it is not that I am angry.

What you said is right in a sense, but it made her angry.

There is nothing for you to be angry about.

It is natural that you should get angry.

"He's a tiger when he's angry" is an example of metaphor.

"Sue's very angry with you," my new waitress said.

You don't want to make me angry.

The police held the angry crowd back.

If Katsumi is not allowed to have his own way, he easily gets angry.

At forty, he does not get as angry as he used to.

My sister fixed me with an angry stare.

The child got angry and struck at his mother.

Some children broke the window, which made Mother very angry.

Please don't get angry if I criticize.

He was angry because I wouldn't give him any help.

She looked sad because I was angry.

She got all the more angry because I kept silent.

He was very angry with me when I forgot the appointment.

She was very angry with me when I forgot the appointment.

We got angry at his words.

My letter made Susie angry.

Father is angry with me.

My mother was no less angry with me than my father.

My friend was angry at the news.

I was hungry and angry.

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