English example sentences with "ill"

Learn how to use ill in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

I think you'd better take a rest; you look ill.

You are too ready to speak ill of others.

I hear that you've been ill.

Smoking has an ill effect upon health.

I can't see you today because I feel ill.

I felt ill and was admitted to the hospital, but in the event, it was nothing serious.

I'm feeling ill, but I intend to go out anyhow.

The students were ill at ease before the exam.

He had not been abroad for one month before he was taken ill.

Judging from his appearance, he is ill.

The chairman of the meeting became ill.

What with overwork and poor meals, she fell ill.

What with overwork and lack of nourishment, he became very ill.

What with fatigue and lack of sleep, he has fallen ill at last.

When an ill wind blows it does good to no one.

The whole house was ill in bed.

We must not speak ill of others behind their backs.

Nobody likes being spoken ill of behind his back.

You should not speak ill of others behind their backs.

Don't speak ill of others behind their back.

He had been ill for a week when they sent for a doctor.

She had been ill for a week when the doctor was sent for.

Lying is forgivable when it is done by a doctor trying to give heart to a terminally ill patient.

Ill gained, ill spent.

Ill gained, ill spent.

The smaller the body, the more likely the person will suffer from the ill effects of radiation.

Better be half hanged than ill wed.

Ill news comes too soon.

Ill news comes apace.

My pet dog was seriously ill.

The rock concert was called off because the singer fell ill.

Richard said his mother was ill, which is a lie.

If I were not ill, I would join you.

If you had not followed the doctor's advice then, you might be ill now.

Mary has been ill in bed since last Monday.

Mary is said to have been ill last week, but she looks well now.

Mary is very ill and I'm afraid she is dying.

Mary said to me, "are you ill?"

Mary and I were ill in bed yesterday.

Mark had never acted on the stage and he was ill at ease.

I was ill at ease because I didn't speak French.

Frank can't have been ill. He was playing tennis all day.

She might be seriously ill.

It's an ill wind that blows no good.

Tom said he was ill, which was a lie.

Tom is ill at ease among strangers.

Tom is lying ill in bed.

How long have you been ill?

Donald doesn't like people who speak ill of others.

He seems to have been ill for a long time.

It happened that he was ill.

You shouldn't speak so ill of him.

You ought not to speak ill of others behind their backs.

The letter was to let her know that he had been ill.

The result was that she got ill.

No sooner had she gone there than she was taken ill.

While visiting Switzerland, he became ill with pneumonia.

John got suddenly ill, but in the case of Bill, he simply forgot about the meeting.

Don't speak ill of Jim in his absence.

To make matters worse, he fell ill.

To make matters worse, his wife fell ill.

To make matters worse, his mother became ill.

Don't speak ill of your classmates.

Never speak ill of others behind their backs.

Ann seems to be ill.

Can he be ill when he runs around like that?

If you push yourself too hard, you'll make yourself ill.

The girl may well think ill you.

You must take into account the fact that she was ill.

I hear that you felt ill at ease at the party.

You may fall ill at any moment.

I wasn't aware that you were so ill.

I feel ill at ease with her.

Alas, what ill luck has befallen me!

We can ill afford to lose a minute.

"Is he seriously ill?" "I hope not."

You're ill with flu.

Never speak ill of others.

Better be still single than ill married.

Careful of his health, he seldom falls ill.

Not being careful of his health, he fell ill.

This morning Tom said that his sister is still ill in bed.

This morning I got a telegram from home saying that my father had been suddenly taken ill.

Yesterday he was seriously ill, but today he is much better.

I was ill yesterday but I am feeling fine today!

It was because I was ill that I couldn't go to school yesterday.

Ill weeds are sure to thrive.

I regret to say that he is ill in bed.

They called in a doctor because the child was ill.

You mustn't speak ill of the dead.

The reason for my absence is that I was ill.

Jill was a great comfort to me when I was ill.

It happened that he was ill in bed when we visited him.

It was because he was ill that we decided to return.

We may fall ill at any moment.

Don't take my words ill.

My son is subject to ill health.

I am very ill at ease with strangers.

I was unable to leave home last Saturday, with my mother being ill.

I saw at once that he was ill at ease.

I was ill for weeks after.

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