English example sentences with "beer"

Learn how to use beer in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

The bottles of beer that I brought to the party were redundant; the host's family owned a brewery.

I went to drink a beer with friends.

Please drink the beer before it goes flat.

Do you have any imported beer?

Nothing beats a big glass of beer in summer.

There is nothing like a glass of beer after a whole day's work.

Greta chugged the beer in one gulp.

Do you have any light beer?

Would you care for another glass of beer?

I feel like another beer.

I can't drink the beer any more.

Waiter, please bring me another glass of beer.

I think I'll start with a bottle of beer.

I'm off beer.

Drinking beer refreshes me.

I feel like drinking a beer.

I really feel like a beer.

What do you say to a beer?

What about a glass of beer?

Would you like some more beer?

Could I have another glass of beer?

Wouldn't you like another glass of beer?

Could I get one more beer, please?

A beer, please.

I'll buy you a beer.

Go easy on the beer!

Beer is brewed from malt.

The beer foamed over the top of the glass.

Beer bottles are made of glass.

I would like to have something to munch on with my beer.

Beer sales are at the mercy of the weather.

I don't drink much beer.

How much beer people drink largely depends on the weather.

I'd like a glass of beer.

Have you got any beer?

Whether or not beer gardens get a lot of customers depends on the weather.

A pub is a popular gathering place in which to drink beer.

Have another glass of beer, please.

That's a gorgeous color. What kind of beer is that?

Come on, Joe. Just a glass of beer won't hurt.

This beer is not cold enough.

This beer tastes bitter.

This beer is dry.

This beer contains 5% alcohol.

This beer contains a high proportion of alcohol.

This beer mug holds one pint.

I had a glass of beer to quench my thirst.

Please bring this gentleman a glass of beer.

Ahhh! Feel that beer seep into every fiber of my being. Yep, nothing beats a cold one after work.

She took to drinking beer.

Ms Sato is no lightweight. I just saw her chug three bottles of beer.

Yeast makes beer ferment.

I'd like that beer, please.

I suspect they water down the beer in that pub.

I'm dying for a beer!

I had an awful experience today, so I'm going to have a beer and go straight to bed.

I do not feel like drinking beer tonight.

I drank beer last night.

Knowing how much school for my kids is costing, it's impossible to relax with a beer and take it easy.

We pigged out on pizza and beer.

I wonder if you could get me another beer.

As for me, I prefer beer to whisky.

I didn't like beer at that time.

I don't care for beer.

I never touch beer.

I took a bath and then had a glass of beer.

To tell the truth, I had drunk a little beer.

I bought a bottle of beer at the liquor store.

Draft beer tastes especially good on a hot day.

There is nothing like cold beer on a hot day.

Don't drink beer before going to bed.

Life is not all beer and skittles.

Years of heavy drinking has left John with a beer gut.

I used to drink beer.

What's the best local beer that you recommend?

In Japan you don't pour your own beer; someone else does it for you.

Do you have any Japanese beer?

Please pour him a glass of beer.

Please bring him his beer.

He drinks too much beer.

He doesn't even drink beer, not to mention whiskey.

He drank some beer besides a bottle of whisky.

He finished the beer and ordered another.

He was drunk on beer.

He can't go without beer even for a day.

He drank that large beer mug dry.

He asked for a glass of beer.

He called for another glass of beer.

He asked for a beer.

He drank three bottles of beer.

He called for beer.

He restricted his drinking to one beer a day.

He satisfied his thirst with a large glass of beer.

He drinks a bottle of beer at dinner.

She drank the beer down.

She prefers beer to wine.

Don't make fun of her. She just chugged three bottles of beer.

My father used to drink beer, but now he drinks sake.

My father usually drinks beer, but this evening he drank wine.

Mom was innocent enough to ask him: "Would you like any more beer?"

Thursday night is free beer night.

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