English example sentences with "wear"

Learn how to use wear in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

What size shoes do you wear?

Young people wear their hair long these days.

It's cold so you should wear a coat.

There is no reason to wear a suit to the beach.

Why don't you wear summer clothes?

It's not what you wear, it's how you wear it.

It's not what you wear, it's how you wear it.

You can wear my scarf as long as you don't spill anything on it.

Because the store is so small, he has to wear many different hats, from accountant to stock boy.

You can wear your undershirt.

Drivers should wear seat belts.

I always wear boots when it rains or snows.

Generally speaking, orchestra conductors wear tailcoats at concerts.

Good leather will wear for years.

It's best to wear a cap on your head during the cold Moscow winters.

I don't have to wear glasses any more.

It's a hassle trying to decide what to wear to the party.

What are you going to wear to the party?

New York City policemen wear dark blue uniforms.

Wear what clothes you please.

Tires wear down because of friction between the rubber and the road surface.

Everybody is supposed to wear a tie at the party.

You need to wear a tie there.

When I travel, I don't wear armor.

Better wear out shoes than sheets.

You're not supposed to wear your slippers down to the lobby.

Every boy is supposed to wear a tie at the party.

Since ski season is almost over, the ski wear that's on sale is all leftovers, so there's nothing that's just my size.

Judy decided to wear her new bikini.

Better wear out than rust out.

It is better to wear out than to rust out.

What sort of jewelry are you going to wear with this dress?

I found that she wore the same dress that I had seen her wear last time.

This ring is too big to wear on my finger.

These shoes will not stand too much wear.

This tire is showing wear.

This ski wear keeps out the cold wind.

There is plenty of wear left in this suit yet.

This shirt is too small for me to wear.

Wear this coat, or you will catch a cold.

Of all things, why did he give me a hat for my birthday? I don't wear a hat.

Croquet players must wear white clothing during play.

I wear cool clothes and cool sunglasses.

What size do you wear?

Amy wants something new to wear.

If I tried to wear shoes with heels that high, I'd sprain my ankle.

I'd love to be able to wear a dress like that. But I'll have to lose some weight first.

That store sells men's wear.

That red tie doesn't go with your suit. Why don't you wear the green one?

Do you have anything to wear to the dance?

"You had better not wear the red dress." "Why not?"

Police officers wear blue uniforms.

The factory is keyed to produce men's wear.

The school rules require students to wear school uniforms.

I think I will wear this red sweater.

What shirt will you wear to school today?

It was cold last night, yet he didn't wear a coat.

Must I wear a tie at work?

It is no business of yours what tie I wear.

We wear uniforms at our school.

We all wear uniforms to school.

We have to wear school uniforms at school.

We should always wear a seatbelt in case we have an accident.

We are liable to judge others by the clothes they wear.

We wear wool in winter.

My children wear out their shoes quickly.

I wear size six gloves.

I want the same style of coat as you wear now.

I always wear a watch so I know what time it is.

I wear contact lenses.

I have so many clothes I don't know what to wear tomorrow.

I bought a pendant to wear to the party.

I usually wear jeans on Sunday.

I like to wear my skirts knee length.

I wear white shirts on weekdays.

My sight isn't good; I have to wear glasses.

It became popular among young people to wear hunting boots.

Employees are required to wear uniforms.

Both girls wear white suits.

I always have to wear a tie because of my job.

Officers will henceforth wear ties at dinner.

You'd better wear a sweater under your jacket.

I wear my coat to rags.

He makes it a rule to wear glasses when he reads a newspaper.

Uniforms deprive youths of an important choice: what to wear.

Fewer people have come to wear hats after the war.

Honest men and knaves may possibly wear the same cloth.

Almost one-third of all office workers wear spectacles.

It is traditional to wear black to a funeral.

Wear warm clothes.

I don't have a thing to wear.

I only wear a kimono about once a year.

Do you wear a kimono?

The pain will wear off.

In the winter I wear a coat on top of my vest.

If you don't wear warm clothes in winter, it wouldn't be surprising if you caught a bad cold.

Wear warm clothes in winter.

You have to wear a helmet to protect your head.

They wear very little clothing.

They wear their hair bobbed.

She was a sight when she didn't wear makeup.

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