English example sentences with "eyes"

Learn how to use eyes in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

You opened up my eyes to what it's like when everything is right.

My eyes are an ocean in which my dreams are reflected.

Beauty lies in the eyes of the one who sees.

This song is so moving that it brings tears to my eyes.

I can't believe my eyes.

Her eyes were shining with joy.

You have lovely eyes, don't you?

Your eyes are red with crying.

Where are your eyes?

Your eyes have a certain magnetism.

Say frankly what, in your own eyes, is right.

Your eyes remind me of stars.

Tears came into my eyes when I was chopping onions.

Her eyes become round in surprise.

You have to adjust your glasses to your eyes.

A person with weak eyes can't see far.

The patient was lying in the bed with his eyes closed.

Keep your eyes closed until I tell you to open them.

The first virtue of a painting is to be a feast for the eyes.

Put the ashtray within eyes reach.

A painter's eyes are his most important tools.

Our eyes take time to adjust to the darkness.

Cars are running one after another before our eyes.

Her eyes have sunk through overwork.

The bride came into the room with lowered eyes and with everyone staring at her.

Home life was being screened from foreign eyes.

You cannot pull the wool over my eyes.

Never rub the eyes when the hands are dirty.

The smoke made our eyes water.

A strange sight greeted her eyes.

Our eyes should meet when we shake hands.

You must keep your eyes open.

Mary stood with her hand shading her eyes.

Mary's eyes were filled with tears.

Everyone's eyes were fixed upon her.

Mayuko has sharp eyes.

Paul stood with his hand shading his eyes.

What pretty eyes you have!

Why are your eyes so big?

Just as I don't have good eyes, so neither does my son.

The story brought tears to her eyes.

The old man sat in the chair with his eyes closed.

The good news brought tears to her eyes.

Both girls have blue eyes.

The beauty of the music brought tears to her eyes.

Her eyes were filled with tears when she pictured the sad scene to herself.

You had better see the cloth with your own eyes.

The girl's eyes were filled with tears.

The girl, closing her eyes, listened to the pastor.

The little boy gazed at the huge elephant, eyes wide open.

Tears welled up in the girl's eyes.

The hand of the magician was quicker than our eyes. Before we could say Jack Robinson, the cards he was holding between his fingers disappeared.

The accident happened before my very eyes.

He talked with his eyes shining.

The child talked with his eyes shining.

The child, with sleepy eyes, was sitting on the bench.

The sight fetched tears from their eyes.

The traffic accident happened before my very eyes.

The glaring light is hurtful to the eyes.

John stood still with his eyes fixed on something strange.

John, who is the youngest in a family of seven, is the apple of his parents' eyes.

But his eyes were blue and bright.

Jane brushed the tears from her eyes.

Sunglasses protect our eyes from the sun.

You'll strain your eyes trying to read in this light.

This document is for your eyes only.

This large type is easy on the eyes.

These words brought tears to her eyes.

This music is so beautiful that it brings tears to my eyes.

This doll has big eyes.

The goggles protect your eyes from dust.

Kate was lying with her eyes open.

His mother opened her eyes wide.

"Oh, darling," she said, "sit down, relax, and close your eyes."

Open your eyes to reality.

The best way to know what a country is like is to go and see it with your own eyes.

I felt so sleepy that I could hardly keep my eyes open.

Such was her fright that she closed her eyes.

She shut her eyes because the light was so strong.

He has an unpleasant look in his eyes.

That baby has charming eyes.

That girl's eyes are blue.

Can you walk with your eyes closed?

Are your eyes bad?

You had better have your eyes examined.

You should get your eyes examined by the doctor.

I feel like I'm being drawn into your eyes.

I have never clapped eyes on you before.

I saw you making eyes at Mr Nagashima.

"I love you," she murmured and closed her eyes.

You have only to close your eyes.

The police usually close their eyes to cars parked on the street.

Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, half shut afterwards.

Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open.

Open your mouth and close your eyes.

I could not keep the tears from my eyes.

My eyes popped out when I looked at my phone bill this month.

Germs are too tiny for our eyes to see.

Close your eyes for three minutes.

Take care not to strain your eyes.

The mayor screened his eyes with his hand.

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