English example sentences with "detail"

Learn how to use detail in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

Professors should explain everything in detail, not be succinct and always tell students to go home and read their books.

Mountains in the ocean and even whole ranges are still being discovered, and most of them have not yet been explored in detail.

The radio broadcast the news in detail.

Would you explain it in more detail?

We've talked over this matter in detail for half an hour already. Let's finish it off.

Mayuko explained the rules in detail.

Beth described what she had seen in detail.

The pilot described the scene in detail.

Could you explain it in more detail?

Each item was described in painstaking detail.

Please tell me the story in detail.

Attention should be paid to even the smallest detail of the report.

Describe that accident in detail.

The aviation expert analyzed the statistics in detail.

The plan was discussed in detail.

Sorry, but I have to hurry. I have no time to explain this in detail.

This sees English as a system obeying miles of grammar and sentence structure which have to be learned in detail and applied rigorously.

This subject should be discussed in detail.

Please turn over these papers and explain the matter to me in detail.

I have no time to explain this in detail.

This theme should be treated in more detail.

It is beyond the scope of this paper to argue the input theory in detail.

I'll give you our answer after we go into your proposal in greater detail.

I will discuss the question with you in detail.

The police made the witness explain in detail how the accident had happened.

You must pay attention to every minute detail from now on.

Will you explain the last part in detail?

Children need not know every detail of the family budget.

If you come to my house, I will tell you the story in detail.

I explained the reason in detail.

The question was discussed in detail.

The boy decided to observe and record honeybees in detail.

The boy decided to observe and record bees in detail.

There isn't time to explain in detail.

The expert analyzed the statistics in detail.

He described the scene in detail.

He explained this passage in detail.

He described the accident in detail to the police.

He explained the matter in detail.

He explained the rules in detail.

He described the robbery in detail.

He explained in detail what he had seen.

He explained his plans in detail.

He gave no further detail.

He explained it in detail.

He's working on the president's security detail.

He carried out the plan he had made in detail.

She described the scene in detail.

The report checks with the facts in every detail.

We're too busy to attend to such detail.

With regard to the matter in question, I will write to you in detail later.

I'll explain in detail next week.

For instance, in my father's business the timing of sales and purchases was very important, and he would sometimes write or say to his colleagues "There is a tide," without going into detail.

Well that's because in fiction that sort of fine detail gets skipped.

Please explain in detail.

Tatoeba: Where attention to detail is sacred, and punishment is swift.

We'll talk about this in detail later.

The language in a society is never a detail.

It's better to take things in stride than to stress out over every little detail.

For the rest of his life he'd remember every single detail of that morning.

He described the incident in detail.

My grandfather often doesn't remember what happened yesterday but can describe in detail what happened forty years ago.

The interpreter tries to give the most detail and information possible.

Through the internet, we are now able to acquaint ourselves, deeply and in detail, with the mental activities of even the furthest people on the planet.

Tom explained his plan in detail.

Tom reported his accident in detail.

He described what had happened in detail.

It's a detail.

I'll explain it in detail next week.

Please read the instructions in detail.

Don't put aside such an important detail.

God is in the detail.

You can see that the architect paid scrupulous attention to detail.

One of the symptoms of schizophrenia is pathological attention to detail, so I feel comforted when I forget a few commas.

I propose to investigate the vegetation of the island in great detail.

I don't have time to explain in detail.

She explained the rules in detail.

I appreciate your attention to detail.

I'd like to explain this in a little more detail.

I can't go into detail.

I want to go over it again in more detail.

I want you to explain it to me in more detail.

In detail, I'm considering the meaning of the command "exist somewhat".

We should discuss this topic in more detail at the next meeting.

He described the flight in detail.

Explain to me in detail how it happened.

They were obsessed with detail.

We think in generalities, but we live in detail.

Even though Tom explained it in detail, I'm still not sure I really understand it.

I won't go into detail if you don't want me to.

Tom loves to talk about his travels in great detail.

Would you mind explaining that once more in a little more detail?

I'm going to explain all this in more detail later.

Tom has an eye for detail.

Every detail of his writing is carefully composed.

Tom explained in detail how to do it.

Here he began to recount his misfortune in detail.

Now we’ll examine the code in detail, in our customary fashion.

The engineer knew every minute detail about the new model.

You have such a wonderful eye for detail.

Tom explained the matter in detail.

Also check out the following words: book, read, designed, transform, society, reproduce, beside, joy, vacation, fall.