English example sentences with "interesting"

Learn how to use interesting in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

It seems interesting to me.

"This looks pretty interesting," Hiroshi says.

It is said that "Hamlet" is the most interesting play ever written.

I find foreign languages very interesting.

He has just published an interesting series of articles.

That sounds interesting. What did you tell her?

To be an interesting person you have to feed and exercise your mind.

The phenomenon of interest is in itself, a most interesting subject.

As to onomatopoetic expressions, we find interesting examples in Hopi.

Scholarship must always be exact whether it is interesting or not.

It is interesting to make friends with a foreigner.

Traveling abroad is very interesting.

We got an interesting piece of information.

Mars is all the more interesting for its close resemblance to our Earth.

If you find an interesting book, please buy it for me.

Lend me something interesting to read.

To speak English is not easy, but it is interesting.

Watching movies is very interesting.

The movie was interesting, as I had expected.

On the way to London Mr Higgins told Tom and Susie many interesting things.

The history of Rome is very interesting.

If you have any interesting books, lend me some.

Another interesting source of energy is the heat that can be recovered from radioactive waste material.

It is interesting to play basketball.

Did you meet many interesting people at the party?

Because it is an interesting and beautiful city?

That sounds really interesting.

All the stories are interesting.

Whichever you read, you will find it interesting.

Some TV programs are interesting, and others are not.

Disneyland was very interesting. You should've come with us.

It is interesting that no one noticed that mistake.

That sounds interesting.

It was such an interesting book that I read it in a day.

That was the most interesting film that we had ever seen.

What an interesting story it is!

This sounds very interesting.

It's an interesting piece of news.

That's interesting, but beside the point.

The story shows us an interesting fact.

The story is very interesting to me.

The story was very interesting.

The old woman gave me two interesting books.

You'll find both of the books interesting.

Did you find the book interesting?

I found the book very interesting.

I found the book so interesting that I kept on reading it until daybreak.

I found the book interesting.

This book is interesting, also instructive.

Was the book interesting?

Neither of those books is interesting.

The story is at once interesting and instructive.

The beginning of the story was interesting.

The TV program seemed very interesting.

The television serial is getting more and more interesting.

The content of the letter had an interesting effect on my marriage.

That job was not very interesting, but on the other hand it was well paid.

The speech made by the student was interesting.

I found the picture interesting.

I found the film interesting.

I saw the film and found it interesting.

The movie was interesting.

The movie was interesting to all of us.

The movie is not so interesting as the original.

The movie was more interesting than I expected.

I found the comic book very interesting.

The project is well-planned and interesting, but its immediate impact on the bottom line is not considered substantial.

Some of the essays are very interesting.

It is interesting to play soccer.

The more I studied computers, the more interesting I came to find it.

Never have I read such an interesting story.

This is the most interesting book of all.

These stories are very interesting to me.

This is an interesting story.

This was the most interesting book that she had ever read.

This is by far the most interesting of his novels.

This is by far the most interesting of all his novels.

This is an interesting case where there is no principal determining element.

This is the most interesting book I've ever read.

This is the most interesting story that I have ever read.

What an interesting book this is!

What an interesting novel this is!

This is such an interesting story I will never forget it.

This is a very interesting book.

This story is by far more interesting than that one.

This story tells us an interesting fact.

This book looks interesting.

This book is both interesting and instructive.

This book seemed interesting.

I found this book interesting.

This book is interesting to read.

This book isn't interesting at all.

This book is interesting except for a few mistakes.

This book is still interesting even after reading it many times.

This is the most interesting.

This book is really interesting.

This book is very interesting.

This book is at once interesting and instructive.

This book is not only interesting but also instructive.

This book is interesting and, what is more, very instructive.

This book is even more interesting than that.

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