English example sentences with "describe"

Learn how to use describe in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

Bill Clinton spoke in ambiguous language when asked to describe his relationship with Monica Lewinsky.

Can you describe the object?

Words cannot describe the beauty.

Describe that accident in detail.

The scene of the murder was too terrible to describe.

Please describe what occurred there.

It is not sufficient to describe the differences in attitude between these two ethnic groups.

It is beyond the scope of the present work to describe all the components that comprise Emmet's architectural style.

Alex would correctly describe the object and color, even if he had never seen that object before.

Can you describe the situation you were in?

Can you describe to me the difference between black tea and green tea?

Words cannot describe the horror I experienced.

Words fail me to describe the beauty of this landscape.

Words cannot describe the horror I felt.

I cannot describe my feelings.

Allow us to describe our products and our business operations.

Write a paragraph using adjectives to describe the person's appearance.

The Paris syndrome is a type of culture shock. It's a psychiatric term used to describe foreigners who start living in Paris, drawn to the image of the city as a center of fashion, don't adapt well to the local customs and culture, lose their mental balance and exhibit symptoms close to depression.

Work and play are words used to describe the same thing under differing conditions.

People that have experienced so-called 'lucid dreams' often describe them as being 'more real than reality'. They also describe reality after waking up from a 'lucid dream' to be like a 'whimsical dream'.

People that have experienced so-called 'lucid dreams' often describe them as being 'more real than reality'. They also describe reality after waking up from a 'lucid dream' to be like a 'whimsical dream'.

Linguistics is the discipline which aims to describe language.

Can you describe the man who took your wallet?

Tom would describe the house as small.

I'd describe him as a middle-aged man in a yellow jacket, orange tie and a pink shirt.

Can you describe the ideal supervisor-subordinate relationship?

It is a term used to describe the warming of the earth due to increasing amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

My grandfather often doesn't remember what happened yesterday but can describe in detail what happened forty years ago.

Describe a tourist attraction you would like to visit.

Do you think you could describe the man you saw to a sketch artist?

I can describe China, especially in relation to big cities like Beijing, in one sentence - China is a country whose pace of life is both fast and leisurely.

Could you describe to the jury what happened?

The term ‘milonguero style tango’ was coined in the early 1990s to describe the style of dancing tango that was prevalent in the milongas of downtown Buenos Aires in the 1950s.

Tom can't describe how painful it was.

Tom can't describe how fun it was.

Tom can't describe how exciting it was.

Tom can't find the right words to describe his feelings for Mary.

Some people describe Tom as a cross between Robin Hood and Zorro.

I can't really describe it.

This is a term used to describe the warming of the earth, due to growing amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

The violence of one nation against another, generated by religious and nationalist ideals, led to the creation of a new term to describe the cold desire for total extinction of a group of people, based on criteria of color, ethnicity, or religion.

Describe yourself shortly in Chinese.

The aim of this report is to describe schools in Italy and to provide some suggestions on how to improve them.

Do you know how my friends describe me?

How would you describe yourself?

Describe your ideal breakfast.

Some feelings are difficult to describe.

What did James Cook describe?

I can't describe how I felt.

She uses her talent as an artist to describe places.

Words can't describe it.

The term "autistic savant" is used to describe a person who is autistic and is extremely talented in one or more specialized fields.

Words cannot describe it.

Words could not describe it.

The Anglo-Saxons will not just take your land. They will also take you as a slave, then, when you die, they're going to store your bones in a museum and describe you as a savage in their history books. They are also going to make a couple of movies to show how ugly you were and how brave their heroes were.

The Japanese word "mofumofu" is used to describe fluffy and light animals.

I asked Tom to describe it.

I don't know how to describe it.

You can't describe the result of a non-parametric test with a statistical parameter such as variance.

I won't try to describe it.

I would describe his level as beginning or intermediate rather than advanced.

A popular way to describe buying your first home in English is to get a foot on the property ladder.

"Getting a foot on the property ladder" is a popular way to describe buying your first home.

Words cannot describe how happy and blessed I am to have you.

Why are thoughts so hard to describe?

Describe Tom to me.

It would take too much time to describe the various tortures these people suffered, but Inge's punishment consisted in standing there as a statue, with her foot fastened to the loaf.

Franz Liszt created the concept of the "symphonic poem". This is a composition for orchestra that uses music to describe nonmusical content. This could include, for example, people, legendary figures, landscapes, or paintings.

Describe me the mixed martial arts.

Akanukeshita is the term which is used to describe Japanese etiquette and in practical terms refers to refined elegant manners and speech.

As an authority on such things, how can you describe the typical Lojban-enthusiast?

Linguistics is a science that tries to describe language.

You can describe reality but not know it.

"From the back through the chest in the eye" - so you can describe their procedure, because it is not possible to imagine a more complicated way to write a program.

Describe what happened next.

It's hard to describe.

As science advances as some describe it, into itself, - by creating technology which is then subsequently of a higher complexity than the ideas it is to help explain - complications often can arise, such as a need for higher education for those who utilise it. This may not be a negative complication in itself, but gives rise to another problem: that this causes education about the subject's fundamentals to be sacrificed for the training in the utilisation of ever changing technology.

Before relating the rest of the scene, it might not be useless to describe the place where it occurred.

Most languages have euphemistic expressions to describe death and dying.

Can you describe that strange guy?

Can you describe it?

Can you describe him?

Can you describe them?

Can you describe it to me?

Can you describe them to me?

Can you describe Tom to me?

Can you describe how Tom died?

If you had one word to describe Tom, how would you describe him?

If you had one word to describe Tom, how would you describe him?

It's really difficult to describe.

Please describe to me exactly what happened there.

Perhaps it's the best word to describe my condition.

How would you describe the culture of your workplace?

Tom said that no words could adequately describe his feelings of devastation and grief on losing his best friend.

How would you describe me?

How would you describe Tom?

How would you describe your relationship with Tom?

How did you describe the mission to Tom?

How did you describe the project to Tom?

Could you describe Tom's demeanor?

They had three sons, all of them young, and such brave fellows that no pen could describe them.

Also check out the following words: floor, times, mirror, London, year, ceiling, room, patient, takes, door.