English example sentences with "technology"

Learn how to use technology in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

It will take five to ten years for the technology to be ready.

The formation and movement of hurricanes are capricious, even with our present-day technology.

What is the advantage of this technology?

Modern technology gives us many new things.

Why didn't modern technology develop in China?

Improved medical technology has been one of the spin-offs of the space program.

We live in the age of technology.

Our company needs someone who is at home in advanced technology.

Technology is in itself meaningless unless it serves mankind.

Technology has failed to ease the conflict between man and nature.

Science and technology have come to pervade every aspect of our lives and, as a result, society is changing at a speed which is quite unprecedented.

Technology has differentiated our cultures.

Technology has given us immense power.

Some people argue that technology has negative effects.

A revolution has occurred in technology.

A great revolution has taken place in technology.

I don't think that technology provides us with everything we need.

Encryption technology has advanced to the point where it's pretty reliable.

Computer technology is indispensable to access many pertinent items of data.

That plane makes use of new technology.

By obtaining advanced technology from Japan, those countries also plan to provide people with a technical education.

Moving money and technology from one side of the globe to the other is not enough.

Day by day and month by month, Internet technology is growing. Actually, make that second by second and minute by minute.

America is ahead in space technology.

Compared to fifty years ago, today's aviation technology has made great progress.

Technology will make a lot of progress in the nineties.

Modern technology has made our lives more comfortable.

We are internationally competitive in production technology.

Man hopes to master nature with science and technology.

Since the war, Japan has advanced greatly in science and technology.

Japan is highly competitive in high technology industries.

Japan achieved a remarkable development in industrial technology after the war.

Old words often take on new meanings because of inventions and technology.

The fun thing about this job is that the technology is continually advancing so it continues to be stimulating.

From an ethical point of view, the great principle of technology is "responsibility to the present" but the new way of thinking, "responsibility to the future" has emerged.

If it was just a book the Space Police wouldn't be sticking their noses in. The problem is that it's a bundle of super technology.

Just press the button and a clear photo will be produced by the latest technology.

Super technology weapons from the ancients always end up out of control.

Is early medieval glass production a continuation of Roman glass technology?

This technology is an incredible thing!

I wonder what effect technical advances such as the Internet, mobile phones and digitalization technology have on the people's awareness, actions and interest in politics.

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

To say that technology changes rapidly is to utter a truism.

This technology will open up a whole new avenue of research.

It's a fledgling technology but it shows great promise.

I don't know if modern technology increases unemployment, or rather decreases it.

People want to use the new technology which is available.

Technology progresses steadily.

Do you use current technology?

We need an expert in green technology.

This new technology cannot fail, can it?

For detecting drugs or hidden explosives, there's no technology that can match a dog's nose.

Advances in science and technology and other areas of society in the last 100 years have brought to the quality of life both advantages and disadvantages.

Our company's technology has already reached the level of a developed country in the 1990s.

What is the advantage to this technology?

In its "Eleven Five Plan" (2006 to 2010), the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology pledged to implement phone connections in every village and Internet connections in every town.

Liu Manqiang, deputy director of the Chinese Research Centre and College for Social Sciences and Information Technology, says "Information and communication technology has the potential for a huge increase in value; an important goal for the development of China's information technology is allowing more rural citizens to benefit from the information technology industry."

Liu Manqiang, deputy director of the Chinese Research Centre and College for Social Sciences and Information Technology, says "Information and communication technology has the potential for a huge increase in value; an important goal for the development of China's information technology is allowing more rural citizens to benefit from the information technology industry."

Liu Manqiang, deputy director of the Chinese Research Centre and College for Social Sciences and Information Technology, says "Information and communication technology has the potential for a huge increase in value; an important goal for the development of China's information technology is allowing more rural citizens to benefit from the information technology industry."

Liu Manqiang, deputy director of the Chinese Research Centre and College for Social Sciences and Information Technology, says "Information and communication technology has the potential for a huge increase in value; an important goal for the development of China's information technology is allowing more rural citizens to benefit from the information technology industry."

Rocket technology improved during World War Two.

Technology solved many of the problems.

Improvements in technology helped them succeed.

I'm a little out of touch with new technology.

Apart from languages, I'm also interested in technology.

The use of new technology is attracting more customers.

What is the advantage of that technology?

Digital technology for language-learning is being slowly but surely set up.

The youth is in love with technology.

I am thankful for technology.

Why does technology hate me?

GPS trackers are raising new questions about privacy and a legal system that has not kept pace with technology.

Overall, the game's technology and society approximates that of an industrial or post-industrial science fiction.

Robot technology advanced to the point where biological, organic parts became essential components.

This technology is called augmented reality.

That technology is an incredible thing!

It will be five or ten years before the technology is ready.

He does not understand modern technology.

I love technology, but like most people, I've never played an active role in its development.

I'm always going to be looking for ways to use technology to automate or improve production, to make projects replicable by others.

Old people have difficulty understanding modern technology.

Old people have difficulty understanding new technology of the time.

We are designing technology for common people.

Modern technology gives us many things.

The power plant was mothballed because of its outdated technology.

Some people believe that technology interferes with teaching while others believe that it enhances the learning experience.

The technology is very helpful in daily works of people in all respects.

Perpetual revolutions in technology can mean the devaluation of fixed capital on an extensive scale.

Will a new technology be of any great use to mankind?

Man may be freed from backbreaking labor by the products of scientific technology.

Technology is always changing.

Tom rejects modern technology and lives like in the eighties.

Security experts believe Apple’s fingerprint scanning technology senses whether a digit is attached to a living human, so severed phalanges should prove unsuccessful for unlocking a stolen iPhone.

What are the advantages of this technology?

Tom is a technology addict.

Solar energy technology is cost effective today.

This technology will drastically lower the cost of solar energy.

I fear the day when technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.

The people of Atlantis had advanced technology.

This isn't very sophisticated technology.

Farmers today use technology not available to their forebears, to maximise yields from their crops and livestock.

Also check out the following words: continue, discovered, gone, ocean, dreams, reflected, phrase, reap, sow, sown.