English example sentences with "charges"

Learn how to use charges in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

The police are really good at understanding "Someone stole my credit card and ran up a lot of charges." It's a lot harder to get them to buy into "Someone stole my magic sword."

The price includes postage charges.

What are the charges in this hotel?

Public utility charges will go up next April.

He said nothing in answer to my charges.

The charges against him were dropped because of his youth.

What's the price per night including all charges?

The stated price does not include labor charges.

Admission charges aggregated $2500.

He was arrested on charges of tax evasion.

The accused was acquitted on two of the charges.

Does the price of the room include the service charges?

I'd like you to itemize the charges.

The police are reluctant to pursue criminal charges in medical cases.

What are these charges for?

In court facing charges of obscenity, the American actress Mae West was asked by the judge if she was trying to show disrespect to the court, whereupon she answered, "No, your honor, I'm trying not to show it".

The police knew he was guilty but they couldn't make the charges stick.

The victim declined to press charges.

They made many charges.

They could not prove their charges.

I deny all those charges.

No charges were brought against the Clintons.

He was convicted on trumped up charges.

Mubarak faces criminal charges.

Tom pleaded guilty to misdemeanor drunken driving charges in New York.

Tom pleaded not guilty to charges of drunken driving and reckless driving.

I think it's highly unlikely that Tom will ever face criminal charges.

Tom currently faces charges of aggravated assault.

The DNA test cleared him of all charges.

The magazine spread many important charges against the Senator.

All demolition charges have been deactivated.

No criminal charges will be filed against you.

He was jailed on trumped-up charges.

No charges have been filed.

No charges have been filed against the suspect.

The suspects will face charges for importing and possessing drugs in a Sydney court.

I'm pressing charges.

He decided not to press charges.

I want to press charges.

Do you want to press charges?

I don't want to press charges.

I'd like you to drop the charges.

No criminal charges were filed.

I won't press charges.

You've been cleared of all charges.

This restaurant charges a different price for tourists.

Tom decided not to press charges.

Tom has pressed charges against you.

I refuse to reply to these charges.

According to his information, the police will not deliver any criminal charges in connection with the event.

Tom wants to press charges against you.

A church in Los Angeles has decided to press charges against a homeless man who stole a few cookies from the church's cookie jar.

Tom has decided not to press charges.

Tom said he would strenuously defend the charges.

Tom was arrested on drug-trafficking charges.

The charges were false.

We can file charges against Tom.

Tom was never convicted of those charges.

Tom was jailed on trumped-up charges.

I'm not going to press charges.

What are the charges against Tom?

Is Tom going to press charges?

Tom was acquitted of the charges.

I wonder how much a house painter charges by the hour.

To avoid interest charges, Tom pays his credit card in full every month.

He was cleared of all charges and released yesterday.

She decided not to contest the charges in court.

Galileo was cleared of charges of heresy, but was told that he should no longer publicly state his belief that Earth moved around the Sun.

"This came for you." "Urgh..." "So hey, you remember that one that she sent you where she asked you to get her those pictures of Applejack's brother?" "Yeah." "And then she told you to write a critique on Mac's physical appearance." "Yeah." "Then she sent the critique to Mac." "...Yeah." "What did you tell her you learned from that?" "I found that a Phillips screwdriver is persuasive, but not seductive; and also Rarity charges up the butt for stuff I really think she should do as a friend."

Tom Jackson was indicted in 2013 on drug smuggling charges.

There are no hidden service charges.

Tom denied these charges.

Tom denied the charges.

We're anticipating more charges.

Tom has repeatedly denied those charges.

Charges against Tom have been dropped.

Tom now faces criminal charges.

Tom is facing criminal charges.

Tom denied all the charges.

All the criminal charges were trumped-up and the three Taliban detainees had to be released.

Tom didn't press charges.

A senior government official was arrested on corruption charges.

Although he denied the charges, the apparatchik was put on trial.

Tom was arrested on unspecified charges.

Tom was relieved that the jury in Mary's trial brought in a verdict of acquittal on all charges.

That company charges a monthly service fee of thirty dollars.

Tom can't use his cell phone here because he has very expensive roaming charges.

Mary was arrested following charges of murder.

The charges have been dismissed.

Tom doesn't want to press charges.

I was acquitted of all charges.

The charges have been dropped.

What exactly are the charges?

No charges were ever brought.

Tom isn't facing any charges.

Both charges were withdrawn.

Charges were later dropped.

All charges were dismissed.

More charges are expected.

Charges are still pending.

Tom faces criminal charges.

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