Phrases d'exemple en Anglais avec "dealt"

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Make sure that the complaints are dealt with as quickly as possible.
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A more experienced lawyer would have dealt with the case in a different way.
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Bill dealt Tom a sudden blow.
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The problem will soon be dealt with.
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The policeman dealt with the accident.
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These problems must be dealt with carefully.
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This matter must be dealt with sooner or later.
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Not having dealt with such a problem, they don't know what to do.
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I was dealt a good hand.
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We have dealt with this store for 16 years.
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Will you please check to see if my order has been dealt with?
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I dealt out three candies to each child.
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I've dealt with this store for years.
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I dealt him a blow on the ear.
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I was really nervous to see how they dealt with each other just now. I guess things were touch-and-go between them.
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He dealt me a blow on the shoulder.
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He dealt me a blow in the face.
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They dealt with the prisoners kindly.
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I have been dealt four aces.
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I dealt with the accident.
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Our problems must be dealt with through partnership; progress must be shared.
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They have affiliates in many countries and are trying to expand their reach. These are not opinions to be debated; these are facts to be dealt with.
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You have dealt well with Your servant, O LORD, according to Your word.
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He was dealt a deadly blow.
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We found a glitch in the program that will have to be dealt with before we move on.
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The devaluation of the currency dealt a crippling blow to the nation's economy.
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Today I haven't dealt with the things I wanted to deal with; I'll have to work overtime again.
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Tom dealt the cards.
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Tom could have dealt with the problem in a better way.
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Tom has an emergency that has to be dealt with.
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Pierre dealt cards to all the players.
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Have you ever dealt with a problem like this?
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I dealt with it.
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I got dealt a bad hand.
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I've dealt with the matter.
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The original book dealt primarily with the natural language processing of English.
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Tom dealt fairly with me.
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And I said, My leanness, my leanness, woe unto me! The treacherous have dealt treacherously; yea, the treacherous have dealt very treacherously.
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And I said, My leanness, my leanness, woe unto me! The treacherous have dealt treacherously; yea, the treacherous have dealt very treacherously.
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The new agreement included a provision that dealt with the ramifications of the outbreak of a war.
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As a child he dealt with development challenges that left him socially awkward.
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Have you ever dealt with this kind of a problem before?
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This problem must be dealt with carefully.
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Tom dealt five cards to each player.
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Tom dealt with the problem.
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As of the last meeting, the problem hasn't been dealt with.
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Tom picked up the five cards he had been dealt and saw that he had a pair of aces and three kings.
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That's how we dealt with it.
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To take part in religious ceremonies is an attack against the common morality. Protestants must be dealt with more severely than Catholics and the liberal more severely than the conservative. The closer Christianity is to science, the more criminal it is. A philosopher is therefore the very worst of criminals.
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I dealt with the problem as I saw fit.
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We have more important things that need to be dealt with.
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In Japan, even the whites who spoke Japanese fluently were not dealt with as Japanese.
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Play the hand you're dealt.
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Tom needs to be dealt with.
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Tom has been dealt with.
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I've already dealt with that problem.
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We've had problems in the past but we've dealt with them and we haven't argued since.
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We have problems that need to be dealt with.
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I thought I dealt with it well.
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Anyone who considers protocol unimportant has never dealt with a cat.
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I've never dealt with such pain.
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They will have been dealt with.
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I dealt directly with Tom.
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We dealt with it.
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Fadil was dealt one more cruel blow.
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I dealt the cards.
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I shuffled the cards and then dealt them.
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Sami dealt the cards.
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That's a problem we haven't yet dealt with.
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That's a problem we haven't dealt with yet.
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That's a problem that still needs to be dealt with.
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We've already dealt with that problem.
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Before we began, we explained the rules of the game and dealt out the cards.
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Sami dealt with his anger.
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Sami dealt with his anger issues.
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Tom could've dealt with the problem in a better way.
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A more experienced lawyer would've dealt with the case in a different way.
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Sami dealt used car.
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Sami dealt Layla a fatal blow.
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Sami dealt with his personal pain by writing about it in his diary.
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Tom must be dealt with.
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The case might have been dealt leniently with, but the laws were more harshly administered thirty years ago than now, and on my twenty-third birthday I found myself chained as a felon with thirty-seven other convicts in 'tween-decks of the bark Gloria Scott, bound for Australia.
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I thought that I dealt with it well.
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Tom should've dealt with the problem differently.
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Tom should've dealt with that problem right away.
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Tom should've dealt with that problem yesterday.
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Therefore God dealt well with the midwives: and the people multiplied and grew exceedingly strong. And because the midwives feared God, he built them houses.
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Naomi said to her two daughters-in-law, "Go, return each of you to her mother's house. May the Lord deal kindly with you, as you have dealt with the dead and with me. May the Lord grant you that you may find rest, each of you in the house of her husband."
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She said to them, "Don't call me Naomi. Call me Mara, for the Almighty has dealt very bitterly with me. I went out full, and the Lord has brought me home again empty. Why do you call me Naomi, since the Lord has testified against me, and the Almighty has afflicted me?"
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Straw is not given us, and bricks are required of us as before; behold we, thy servants, are beaten with whips, and thy people is unjustly dealt withal.
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Mennad dealt with really nasty people.
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Mennad dealt with depression.
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Now I know, that the Lord is great above all gods; because they dealt proudly against them.
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Tom hasn't dealt with that yet.
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Tom should've dealt with that himself.
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Tom hasn't dealt with it yet.
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You should've dealt with that yourself.
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I should've dealt with that myself.
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This problem has to be dealt with.
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This problem needs to be dealt with.
Translate from Anglais to Français

We should've dealt with that ourselves.
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Consultez également les mots suivants : begin, until, eightthirty, boat, far, playing, cards, met, somewhere, student.