Примеры предложений на Английский со словом "materials"

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Certainly there are inequalities in level of education even within a generation, but there have been no visible inequities between machines and materials in recent years.
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We import raw materials and export the finished products.
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We got all the materials together.
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Plastics have taken the place of many conventional materials.
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The ship transports raw materials from Indonesia.
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The novelist gathered materials for his work.
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The province supplies its neighbors with various raw materials.
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Furniture made of good materials sells well.
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But light does not travel at the same speed through all materials; it goes slower through some than through others.
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The suit materials of this sort will not stand up well.
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Building materials are expensive now.
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Light waves travel through space and various kinds of materials.
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Another thing to consider is the quality of the materials, knots, and dyes in the carpet.
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We need a sample in addition to materials.
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We get the materials from Malaysia.
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Will you take care of gathering materials for the climb?
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Japan is lacking in raw materials.
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Japan imports various raw materials from abroad.
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Japan has to import most of its raw materials.
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Japan depends on imports for raw materials.
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Japan imports raw materials from China and exports finished products to it.
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He is engaged in developing new materials.
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Ken is the best guy to communicate with Mr. Ogata. That is, if he prepares presentation materials.
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If you can, get a sketchbook and a 4B pencil. You don't need such expensive art materials yet.
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Delivery of the materials took two whole months so it will be late for the 12th of December.
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The life preserver must be made of high quality materials.
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I'm going to go buy some materials today.
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When I was very young, my father died. His younger brother, due to the vicissitudes of the times and to his own laziness, dissipated his own fortune and afterwards became a peddler of writing materials. He often came to our house, but when he came, my mother would scold him and he would be troubled.
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Examples can be taken from the course materials, or can be texts you've found yourself.
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Building materials can include tiles, carpet, blinds and tools.
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A crane raises heavy construction materials.
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Can you tell us about your experience in developing technical materials?
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I wonder what materials the garment is made of.
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I prefer traditional characters. Due to the abundance of reading materials in simplified characters, I can recognize many of them too.
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How much time per week do you spend reading materials of your own choice?
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Builders, like my cousin, often have to carry heavy materials to site.
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These two pairs of pants are made from different materials.
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I have not yet collected sufficient materials to write a book.
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I don't call it colonization, I call it systematic raw materials exploitation.
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The prices of raw materials such as oil or coal continue to rise.
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What auxilliary materials or machines can presenters use when making a presentation?
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I need some Japanese listening comprehension materials.
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Legislation clearly distinguishes between dangerous goods and hazardous materials.
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Do not place any rubber or vinyl materials on the product exterior for an extended period of time.
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Paper, glass and plastic are recyclable materials.
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Good conductors of heat are usually good conductors of electricity, but that puts the causal relation backwards. Conduction-band electrons can't help but transport kinetic energy, which--randomized--is heat. Putting heat before electricity is reasonable only because of the rarity of materials like diamond that conduct heat via the quasi-particles called phonons, which are communicable crystal-lattice vibrations.
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All materials must be produced trilingually to meet the needs of our customers.
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I prefer plain materials.
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As a result of new ultra-light materials, our product now only weighs about half as much as before!
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Read carefully the materials.
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I want to start learning French. Can you recommend me any materials to study with?
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The bus carries a lot of inflammable materials.
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The only train that crosses the city doesn't carry passengers but raw materials.
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"Don't you think that people from English-speaking countries earn an unreasonable amount from the English language industry? Since I'm Japanese, I'd like to use materials exclusively made by Japanese people." "But you know, you can't really tell if the English is good or not unless it's been checked by a native speaker." "What do you mean by good English!? English used by native speakers? Are natives really that great, anyway?"
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Aluminium and glass are important materials in civil construction, even though not as important as steel and wood, for instance.
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The raw materials must be shipped in from abroad.
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This chair is made from recycled materials.
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Tom received the materials you sent him.
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Clyde was dissatisfied with his store-bought telescope and decided to build one for himself. Clyde's father took a second job to pay for the materials needed to build it.
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Vegans are people who avoid products from animal sources or products tested on animals in an effort to avoid harming animals. Freegans take this a step further by recognizing that in a complex, industrial, mass-production economy driven by profit, abuses of humans, animals, and the earth abound at all levels of production (from acquisition to raw materials to production to transportation) and in just about every product we buy.
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Construction materials are very expensive at this time.
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Materials will be provided.
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Construction materials are expensive at the moment.
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Please come to class having reviewed the materials beforehand.
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Doing some quick back-of-the-envelope calculations, he reckoned that the raw materials actually cost less than one-thirtieth of the selling price.
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Fadil sells building materials.
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Tom sells building materials.
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We're trying to phase out the use of non-biodegradable materials.
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Strength of materials is one of the most basic tools for engineers.
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I don't compose. I assemble materials.
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Don't bother buying that armour set; you can craft it yourself if you have the right materials.
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All the ladies were busy studying her clothes and head-dress, so that they might have theirs made next day after the same pattern, provided they could meet with such fine materials and able hands to make them.
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Sami worked for a company that sold building materials.
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Tom works for a company that sells building materials.
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Sami purchased defective materials.
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Kelvin–Helmholtz waves are found across the universe wherever two materials of different density move past one another. They can be seen in cloud formations around Earth and have even been observed in other planetary atmospheres in our solar system.
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Superconductors are materials through which electricity can flow without any resistance, when they are cooled below their critical temperature.
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Current microscopes allow us to observe with fine detail the molecular structure of materials.
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The challenge of ensuring every child has access to high-quality books and reading materials is not one that any single institution can meet alone.
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The company has entered into $70.0 million of material long-term non-cancelable materials and supply purchase obligations.
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Each time a fossil is found, paleontologists make careful notes about its geographic position, which rock layer it came out of, what materials were used to dig it up, and lots of other contextual information like noting the weather, who was in the field crew, and what time the discovery was made.
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Collection of plants, rocks, petrified wood, fossils, archeological objects or other materials is illegal anywhere in the park.
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This is made out of recycled materials.
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This chair is made out of recycled materials.
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A family of musicians, Lyravlos have recreated exact replicas of the ancient instruments from natural materials including animal shells, bones, hides and horns.
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It is a great idea to prepare your materials well.
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When buying materials from unknown sellers, do your due diligence.
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I work with dangerous materials.
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I have a website for Berber-learning materials.
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These materials are all reusable and recyclable.
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The sand is made up of organic materials built from carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen, completely unlike what you’d find on any beach on Earth.
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Ferromagnetic materials can be magnetized.
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We publish Islamic materials.
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“In recent years we've noticed that the artists in our shows have been working with more renewable materials and methods that are environmentally safe,” said JoAnn Symons, president of the Smithsonian Women’s Committee. “So we’ve decided we would reward those efforts by offering the Sustainability Award every year in our show.”
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Mimi Kerchner enjoys collecting scraps of materials to add charming touches to her “art” toys, which include many types of animal figures.
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One designer in California devoted quite a bit of time and energy to creating sneakers that are not only made from recycled materials but are fully recyclable themselves.
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We, vulgar Internet users, are just raw materials, from which Google and Facebook extract our digital lives to make the predictive products sold to enterprises that want to exploit us.
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In our lab we create new materials.
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Can we turn Martian materials into resources?
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Algeria has a lot of raw materials.
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Algeria needs raw materials for its burgeoning industry.
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Также ознакомьтесь со следующими словами: achieved, effort, drift, through, purpose, totally, pointless, changes, exams, ruining.