English example sentences with "yet"

Learn how to use yet in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

And yet, the contrary is always true as well.

"Have you finished?" "On the contrary, I have not even begun yet."

Have you taken your medicine yet?

Have you solved all the problems yet?

Have you finished doing your homework yet?

Have you finished reading that book yet?

Have you finished the work yet?

You haven't washed your hands yet, have you?

Have you read this book yet?

I think I might join you, but I haven't decided yet.

He is rich yet he lives like a beggar.

The wind blew harder yet when we reached the top of the hill.

The train hasn't arrived yet.

The train has not arrived yet.

The deterioration of corporate earnings has yet to bottom out.

We have yet to discover an effective remedy for cancer.

I have yet to find a perfect husband.

Mountains in the ocean and even whole ranges are still being discovered, and most of them have not yet been explored in detail.

Our plans are not yet concrete.

Has the shipment arrived yet?

Have you finished packing yet?

Has the movie started yet?

The rain hasn't stopped yet, has it?

Has it stopped raining yet?

It's raining hard and yet I must go.

No sooner had we finished working on one tough problem than the president sent us yet another straight from the top.

The chair hasn't arrived yet.

The committee has not yet arrived at a decision.

We have yet to learn the truth.

We have yet to learn all the facts.

I have not yet learned whether he reached there or not.

Robert has not yet been late for a meeting.

Has Lucy telephoned yet?

Have you answered that letter yet?

Have you eaten dinner yet?

Have you read the book yet?

Have you got over your cold yet?

Have you cleaned your room yet?

Have you called her yet?

Did you call him yet?

Have you met him yet?

Have you worked out the answer yet?

Have you eaten lunch yet?

Have you eaten your lunch yet?

Have you finished your homework yet?

Are you through yet?

Have you finished yet?

Have you washed your hands yet?

Have you read today's paper yet?

Have you arrived at a decision yet?

Have you decided what to do yet?

Have you applied for a passport yet?

Have you turned off the gas yet?

Has Father come home yet?

Have you started reading the book yet?

Has Mary started yet?

Mary has not started yet.

He hasn't been proven guilty yet.

The baby doesn't walk yet.

You must keep this plan a secret as there may be some changes yet.

I don't know yet.

As yet he has not succeeded.

Don't hang up yet, please.

I haven't eaten lunch yet.

Some of the luggage hasn't arrived yet.

Nobody has come up yet.

No one has been convicted of the crime yet.

The full story was yet to be told.

I haven't finished my homework yet.

I don't know my address yet, I'm going to stay with my friend for a while.

There is yet time.

I haven't decided yet, but I prefer flying to going by train.

I haven't decided yet, but I'll let you know by the time we leave.

I haven't made up my mind yet.

Haven't you decided yet?

I'm not strong enough yet to go to school.

I'm not good at speaking English yet.

We're all waiting because there's no news about the test results yet.

No one has shown up as yet, but we're expecting at least 50 students.

It is said that nobody has solved the problem yet.

I haven't put on the jacket yet.

The time is yet to come.

I haven't had a chance to see the movie yet.

I'm afraid the time is not yet ripe for it.

If you haven't driven a bike yet, you should give it a shot.

I'm not ready yet.

I haven't decided yet.

I have not finished the task yet.

The paint hasn't dried yet.

The bell has not rung yet.

They made huge, grotesque, yet beautiful poles of red cedar.

Bill, did you take Spot for a walk yet?

The chances are that he has not heard the news yet.

I have not got rid of my bad cold yet.

The bus hasn't come yet.

I haven't decided yet whether I will attend the party.

I cannot make out why he isn't here yet.

Tom's already here, but Bill hasn't come yet.

Tom is not yet able to swim.

Tom may have missed the train. He hasn't come yet.

We have not yet discussed which method is better.

Also check out the following words: complained, extended, Diligence, fortune, element, Industrious, laziness, succeeds, scholarship, virtue.