English example sentences with "wore"

Learn how to use wore in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

I wore out two pairs of jogging shoes last year.

In the days of the knights, they wore shields to protect themselves from sword-fight wounds.

Visiting all the tourist sights really wore me out.

The doctors wore white masks over their mouths and noses.

Mayuko wore a flower crown.

Mike wore an indignant look.

No matter how cold it was, he never wore an overcoat.

The lady wore a necklace of pearls.

The man wore a gun on his hip.

The man wore a mask of a tiger.

The girl wore a yellow ribbon in her hair.

The two girls wore the same dress to the dance.

Jeff wore the tie which Kim had given him for a birthday present.

Jane wore the same ribbon as her mother did.

I found that she wore the same dress that I had seen her wear last time.

This T-shirt wore quite well.

Grace wore an indignant look.

Please look at the girl who wore the blue clothes.

You could pass for a teenager if you wore a T-shirt.

To avoid confusion, the teams wore different colors.

I wore a hat yesterday because it was very cold.

The girl wore yellow ribbons in her hair.

The teacher wore a harsh expression on his face.

I wore several hats at my last office so I'd like to specialize this time.

I wore sunglasses to protect my eyes from the sun.

My brother wore his shirt inside out.

The burglar wore gloves, with the result that there were no finger-prints to be found.

The woman who wore the white clothes was out to a party.

He wore a light blue tie.

He wore a coat too large for him.

He wore a very loud necktie.

He wore a robe over his pajamas.

He wore a blank look.

He wore glasses.

He wore old shoes.

He wore a dark sweater.

He wore a mask so that no one could recognize him.

He wore red pants.

He wore his hat askew.

I remember that she wore a green hat.

She wore a pretty hat.

She wore a green dress.

She wore heart-shaped earrings.

She wore glasses.

She wore a loose jacket.

She wore a blue dress made by her mother for the concert.

She wore a plain blue dress.

She wore a simple dress.

She wore a diamond ring on her left third finger.

She wore a sweater that she'd knitted herself.

She wore a red dress.

She wore a long, loose coat.

She wore a dark blue scarf.

She wore a white dress.

She wore a sad expression.

She wore such thin clothes that she might well catch a cold.

They wore identical dresses.

I wore a coat lest I catch a cold.

It became colder as the night wore on.

She wore a beautiful dress.

The flatboat carrying the two silent men went on gliding atop the dark waters as the moonlit night slowly wore on.

He wore a mask so no one would recognize him.

Yesterday was very cold so I wore a hat.

She wore her hair in plaits.

I wore my best clothes.

The police officer wore a bulletproof vest.

Imogen of the Internet wore an eyepatch under her glasses, a look which hipsters would imitate on and off for the next ten years.

The tall man wore a pink carnation in his lapel.

In a lawless outpost deep within the desert, everybody wore football shoulder pads and mohawks.

He had entertained hopes of being admitted to a sight of the young ladies, of whose beauty he had heard much; but he saw only the father. The ladies were somewhat more fortunate, for they had the advantage of ascertaining from an upper window that he wore a blue coat, and rode a black horse.

He wore a jaunty coat of chocolate-colored velvet, with diamond buttons, and with two huge pockets which were always filled with bones, dropped there at dinner by his loving mistress.

He wore a pullover sweater to keep from getting cold.

The son of Heaven, when sacrificing, wore the cap decorated with twelve pendants of jade beads hanging down before and behind, and the robe embroidered with dragons.

Tom wore a new coat to school today.

Tom purposely wore his shirt inside out just to irritate Mary.

Tom wore gloves to avoid leaving his fingerprints on the murder weapon.

Tom wore a white shirt.

Tom wore a red and white striped tie.

Tom couldn't fit into the pants he wore last summer.

Mary wore a simple white dress.

It's something a bit different and the people I was hanging around with wore them.

She wore a dress with a boned bodice.

Jeff wore the tie Kim had given him for a birthday present.

Jeff wore the tie that Kim had given him for a birthday present.

I wore a coat so I wouldn't catch a cold.

She wore a red blouse.

Tom wore only his birthday suit.

Mary wore a pale blue dress.

He wore a hat, which meant that he wasn't being followed and it was safe to proceed.

Tom wore a silk shirt.

Mary wore a silk blouse.

When was the last time you wore a coat?

When was the last time you wore your earrings?

The girl wore a light blue kimono.

The only mystery in life is why the kamikaze pilots wore helmets.

He wore a top hat and a monocle.

He wore a morning coat.

She wore an incredibly low-cut, breathtakingly nice dress.

He wore a pirate costume for Halloween.

She wore a pirate costume for Halloween.

This is something I wore when I was much younger.

Also check out the following words: shoes, small, ones, getting, cops, coming, Merry, Christmas, languages, wake.