English example sentences with "training"

Learn how to use training in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

I was given training in that school.

There is a training camp with the club.

To teach Alex, Pepperberg used a special form of training.

Military training is training given to soldiers.

Military training is training given to soldiers.

Training conditions workers to react quickly to an emergency.

The training session is scheduled to begin at 4 p.m.

A strict father makes his children toe the line by thorough training.

Does my training qualify me to teach?

I am training hard so that I may win the race.

I prepared for the game by training hard.

I ran away from the training camp.

I am training a horse for the race.

The people protested against the low altitude flight training.

Senior executives spend a lot of time training their subordinates.

To fly big passenger airliners calls for long training and experience.

He had not gone through all that hard training for nothing – he won first prize.

Give him rigid training.

They attributed his bad manners to lack of training in childhood.

He is training a horse for a race.

He cannot put up with hard training.

However hard the training was, she never cried.

He gave up under the severe training he faced.

In addition to the general curriculum there are tutorials in the essentials of machinery, training is also carried out for skills in and learning how to use the various types of machinery.

It is strange that a cameraman heading for a war-zone should not know about the danger of unexploded shells. The newspaper company is being negligent in its training.

With both mind and body in their best condition, let's look forward to the newcomers' training camp.

The key to raising every soldier into a great warrior is in strengthening training.

Right now I'm training in preparation for the day we set off.

I'm going to a training camp tomorrow. However it's not the physical side that I'll be training, but the mental.

I'm going to a training camp tomorrow. However it's not the physical side that I'll be training, but the mental.

I do a training at Ford.

Has he been training recently?

So... he has training three hours a day, five days a week.

One should not confuse education with job training.

The best ear training is tuning a piano or harpsichord.

It takes many years of training to become an astronaut.

The Fuzhou Zoo in China's Fujian Province has done more than its counterparts in training pandas.

They needed jobs and training.

What kind of training have you had?

Tom does weight training.

Tom did weight training at a local gym.

Tom can't ride a bicycle very well yet, so his bicycle has training wheels.

We offer you the chance to obtain training in the mathematical sciences.

Training flies sounds like great fun.

I think you should stick to your training schedule.

Tom still needs more training.

I am training to be a forwarding agent.

No amount of training can prepare you for this.

Stamina is the capacity to carry on a physical or mental activity for an extensive period of time without getting tired. You can increase your stamina by training, by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and by consuming a healthy and balanced diet.

No matter how hard the training was, she never cried.

It's good training.

The China National Table Tennis Team had a month's closed training in winter.

Tom is training.

I am training with my friends.

Training for a marathon is taxing.

Tell her that I am training.

The idea to propose computer-based training to salaried employees is maturing in businesses.

It was a very hard training.

Training with them is not a game.

Special forces training is already a torture.

She likens the impact of his training to a piano student progressing from the ability to play a simple tune to performing a concerto.

"What do special forces do apart from training and fighting?" "Training."

"What do special forces do apart from training and fighting?" "Training."

We are already training for the eating challenge!

Tom needed training.

Tom needs training.

I'm in training.

I don't have medical training.

When apprentices complained that they got more harassment than training from their employers, Granny said calmly: "Well, time spent in apprenticeship is not like time spent being the master."

I supervised Tom's training.

They discovered a very talented player during summer training.

I'm still training Tom.

I'm still in training.

You need to have a lot of stamina to run a marathon, but even more for the training before the race.

The soldiers are going through severe training.

The cane works for training dogs, but people need instruction.

Tom is training his dog.

I've been spending a lot of time training my dog.

Flying in darkness without adequate training is a major cause of light aircraft accidents.

I'm not training your officers.

Do you know anything about training dogs?

Tom has had special training in this field.

Religion is the masterpiece of the art of animal training, for it trains people as to how they shall think.

None of them had any formal science training.

As science advances as some describe it, into itself, - by creating technology which is then subsequently of a higher complexity than the ideas it is to help explain - complications often can arise, such as a need for higher education for those who utilise it. This may not be a negative complication in itself, but gives rise to another problem: that this causes education about the subject's fundamentals to be sacrificed for the training in the utilisation of ever changing technology.

Tom got a job commensurate with his training and experience.

Tom is looking for a book about training guard dogs.

Tom hasn't finished his training.

Their lack of training in fire safety and cardiopulmonary resuscitation could put members of the public at risk.

Jack’s coach decided to keep him on the bench for being late to training.

I'm still training them.

I'm still training him.

I'm still training her.

Dan didn't expect the training to be so hard.

Once selected to join the astronaut corps, training begins at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas.

This call maybe monitored or recorded for quality assurance or training purpose. How may I help you?

What kind of training do you have?

If someone has sharpened blades in their hand, no matter the length, or their training, they always are a threat.

The training of lions is very dangerous.

A competitor in training.

Mary is training for a marathon.

Also check out the following words: Maybe, exactly, Innocence, beautiful, Humans, were, meant, lose, ideas, even.