English example sentences with "six"

Learn how to use six in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

At the age of six he had learned to use the typewriter and told the teacher that he did not need to learn to write by hand.

You have to leave home at six.

Six percent home loans represent the industry average now.

The milkman came around at six every morning.

The express starts at six and gets into Tokyo at nine.

The train was due at six.

I studied in England for six months when I was a student.

School begins at nine and is over at six.

This was third school shooting incident in six months.

It's going to be six dollars because it's international.

We got to the station at six.

Our plane took off exactly on time at six.

Although CFIT accounted for just over a third of crashes in the past six years, it caused 53% of the deaths.

What on earth do you want six copies of the same book for?

We have six lessons a day.

They are a party of six.

The doctor made six house calls in the afternoon.

It would be unwise, not to say stupid, of you to quit your first job after only six months.

Mr Young has no less than six cars.

In another six months you will be able to speak German fluently.

It's six o'clock already.

Bob will be home at six.

Henry has no more than six dollars.

Bill has not less than six dollars.

Only six people were present at the party.

Tom gets up at six every morning.

Tom has bought a house which has six rooms.

Every student has to leave school by six.

Please wake me up at six tomorrow morning.

For six years, I was an early riser. That only changed recently.

Dan came for Julie at six.

It's almost six o'clock.

Let it be done by six this evening.

How amazing that your mother speaks six languages!

TV may be seen on six channels in that city.

Six people applied for the job, but none of them were employed.

Six were invited, including the boy.

The play begins at six this evening.

The play ran for six months.

The business hasn't been paying for the last six months.

The boy did not reach his father's stature of six feet.

The work had been finished by six.

The work will be finished at six.

The recipe serves six people.

The bridge must be built in six months.

The pay is not adequate for a family of six.

The party was composed of six girls and four boys.

Cut the melon into six equal pieces.

The group is made up of six members.

And now, think about a county, any county, and imagine this county divided into five or six different areas.

Jack has been living in New York for six years.

The revision of this dictionary took six years.

This house has six rooms.

This boat has six oars.

This table accommodates six people.

Six families live in this apartment house.

There are no more than six persons here.

Gary will have been in Japan for six years next month.

You only have to be here at six tomorrow morning.

There were six children in the Evans family.

Six months have passed since the author was killed in an accident.

You must get up at six.

You should start between six and seven.

She'll be gone abroad in another six months.

I missed school for six days.

We need accommodation for six.

It's no easy matter to maintain a family of six.

Six professors constitute the committee.

Six members constitute the committee.

One-third of the six members were women.

I want to catch the six o'clock train to New York.

You should come home before six.

Got up at six, and left home at seven.

After six hours' climbing, we finally succeeded in reaching the top of the mountain.

The medicine has to be taken every six hours.

Take this medicine every six hours.

Any time will do so long as it is after six.

Let's wait until six o'clock.

Wait till six.

I cannot start till six o'clock.

I must have it done somehow by six.

My plane leaves at six o'clock.

My airport shuttle bus leaves at six o'clock.

If we are to be there at six, we will have to start now.

I don't mind leaving at six o'clock.

Let's meet at Shibuya Station at six.

I'll pick up the photographs at six o'clock.

Please wake me at six.

I don't mind getting up at six.

Come home before six.

Please pick me up at the hotel at six o'clock.

I'll call for you at six.

I have an appointment with him at six.

I'd like to reserve a table for four at six.

Six o'clock will suit me very well.

Will six o'clock suit you?

I will pick you up around six.

I got up at about six.

I've been waiting since six o'clock and still my turn hasn't come.

Please give him a dose of medicine every six hours.

Children of six and above should attend school.

Also check out the following words: cave, must, together, brothers, perish, fools, How's, working, heights, coward.