English example sentences with "told"

Learn how to use told in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

I told them to send me another ticket.

The last person I told my idea to thought I was nuts.

At the age of six he had learned to use the typewriter and told the teacher that he did not need to learn to write by hand.

When both girls told John they had feelings for him, he was in a quandary as to which girl he should be with.

But you've never told me about this!

He told me the story of his life.

Sadly many people will believe things told to them via an email which they would find implausible face-to-face.

I have been told that I am pragmatic, and I am.

This is the town I told you about.

He told me he would go to Venice.

Brian repeatedly told Chris that he owed him a pretty large amount of money.

You told her that you had finished the work three days before.

You should have told him the truth.

You told him that he should have a reward.

You should have told him about it while he was here.

I wish you had told me the truth.

You should have told me the truth.

You must do as you are told to do.

You should have told me a long time ago.

I wish you had told me the truth then.

In the light of what you told us, I think we should revise our plan.

I regret that I told you.

I hadn't recognized the importance of this document until you told me about it.

It's to your credit that you told the truth.

What you've just told me chimes in with what I heard yesterday.

It's evident that you told a lie.

I wish you had not told the story to my mother.

If only you had told me the whole story at that time!

The doctor told me to give up smoking.

He told me to wash my face.

The nurse told us not to enter the room because the patient was in a critical condition.

The members numbered thirty, all told.

We should have told him the truth.

The landlord told him to leave because he hadn't paid his rent.

The landlord told me a cock and bull story about why we didn't have heat for three days.

If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times.

If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times.

He told me that whatever might happen, he was prepared for it.

I told her that if I could be of any use I would be glad to help.

The driver told us which bus we should take.

When it began to rain, she told her son to take in the washing.

Whoever told you such a ridiculous story?

She told him once and for all that she would not go to the movie with him.

The doctor told her that she should take a rest.

His doctor told him to cut down on drinking.

The doctor told him to rest at home, which is advice he followed.

The doctor told him to give up smoking and drinking.

The doctor told him to cut down on smoking.

The doctor told me that I would recover soon.

The doctor told Mr Smith to give up smoking if he wanted to live long.

The doctor told Mr Smith to give up smoking.

My doctor told me to lay off the liquor so I have this uneasy impatient feeling.

The following is what he told me.

He told us to come on time.

On the way to London Mr Higgins told Tom and Susie many interesting things.

Lucy's mother told her to take care of her younger sister.

The bike ride told on Louie.

Lisa told me that she had tried natto.

Yuji told his friend a story about his adventure during the summer vacation.

He stuck to his opinion though I told him not to.

I've told you over and over again not to do that.

I've told you again and again to be more careful.

You should have told it to me sooner.

If he had told me the truth, I would have forgiven him.

Had he known the truth, he would have told me.

If I had known it, I would have told it to you.

Had I known about it, I would have told you.

If he told me the truth, I would have forgiven him.

Had I known it, I'd have told you about that.

If I had known the news, I would have told you.

Why don't you try expressing your opinion a little more gently? Think about how he feels getting told flatly that he's being cut loose.

I met Meg, who told me the news.

Mary told me that she was glad to see me.

Mary told John the secret.

You probably think she told me she was on her way to visit her sick grandmother.

Marie told me that she enjoyed the drive.

The full story was yet to be told.

You drank alcohol again? I told you not to!

Marcia looked grim when I told her the story.

Bob told Jane not to interfere in his personal affairs.

My hotel told me to call you.

The bell rang. The teacher told the students to hand in the papers.

Beth told Chris to bathe or she will not agree to date him.

Fred told his wife about the goals that he wanted to accomplish.

You should have told me that you wanted me to come alone.

The teacher told me that Hitler killed himself.

The bus conductor told her to get off because she could not pay the fare.

The driver told us to be careful when we got off the bus.

Nancy told me about the fire.

Nancy cannot have told a lie.

Why do you think I told her about it?

Tell me why you have told on me to the teacher.

Tom told her that he had written that poem two years before.

Tom told us that he had a headache.

When Tom told Chris he didn't like her scarf, she got rid of it.

Well, I think it's time the real story was told.

I wonder why nobody told me.

Takuya told me to start at once.

A good many people have told me to take a holiday.

That's why I told you not to go by car.

That's why I told you not to go by yourself.

Also check out the following words: exuded, perused, demoted, lieutenant, seance, exhale, knife's, serrated, condone, starlet.