English example sentences with "things"

Learn how to use things in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

I thought you liked to learn new things.

I have too many things on my mind these days.

You never have time for important things!

It's no use pretending to make me believe that I believe things you don't believe!

I'm so dumb... I'm trying to explain things to you that I don't understand myself.

There will always be things I will never learn, I don't have eternity before me!

It would be fun to see how things change over the years.

We don't see things as they are, but as we are.

These things aren't mine!

There are too many things to do!

My parents keep arguing about stupid things. It's so annoying!

People are often quite skeptical about things unless given believable proof.

You will say and do things your parents said and did, even if you swore you would never do them.

Sadly many people will believe things told to them via an email which they would find implausible face-to-face.

There are a lot of things you don't know about my personality.

There are things in this world which simply cannot be expressed in the form of words.

Never lose sight of the importance of a beautiful sunrise, or watching your kids sleep, or the smell of rain. It's often the small things that really matter in life.

The problem with many things is the pre-conceived ideas we have about them!

Pick up your things and go away.

Wealth comes to those who make things happen, not to those who let things happen.

Wealth comes to those who make things happen, not to those who let things happen.

The world is divided into people who get things done, and people who get the credit.

More people get into trouble for things they say rather than for what they do.

In business today, too many executives spend money they haven't earned, to buy things they don't need, to impress people they don't even like.

We tried so hard to make things better for our kids that we made them worse.

There's quite a lot of things to do; do you want some help?

If you take care of the small things, the big things will take care of themselves.

If you take care of the small things, the big things will take care of themselves.

You are no better at remembering things than I am.

You shouldn't do things by halves.

You bought the food, so if I buy the wine that will even things up.

Indeed you know a lot of things, but you're not good at teaching them.

You must take things as they are.

You always take things too easy.

Where are your things?

You must study hard and learn many things.

It's good to talk things over before you buy something.

You are hearing things.

But for air, all living things would die.

There are many things which we cannot evaluate in terms of money.

We see things differently according to whether we are rich or poor.

Modern technology gives us many new things.

Close things look blurred.

The burglar was traced by one of the things he had left on the scene.

Milk can be made into butter, cheese, and many other things.

Cows supply us with many things we need.

You make mistakes if you do things in a hurry.

Be more careful. Rushing through things is going to ruin your work.

Strange things happened on her birthday.

Seen close-up, things have a way of showing their defects, their innate ugliness.

You shouldn't expect things to be easy.

I can't resist sweet things.

Don't buy things on credit.

Each person has his own way of doing things.

Altogether, things are going well.

Traveling abroad is one of my favorite things.

In conversation, one is likely to find out certain things about the other person quite easily.

We see things differently, according to whether we are rich or poor.

We talked of many things.

We should deny our children things too sweet.

All our things were turned upside down.

In days gone by, things were different.

Hanako seems quiet, but she also get things done when it's necessary.

Science as such is not interested in the value or worth of things.

All things must have an end.

Moderation in all things.

Best of all, he learns things fast.

Few things give us as much pleasure as music.

Distant things look blurred.

Don't attempt two things at a time.

Don't try to do two things at a time.

I can't do two things at a time.

No. I don't know. It's a lot of things.

The cheap prices tempted me to buy things I didn't need.

My love for you won't let me tell you everything. Some things are better left unsaid.

On the way to London Mr Higgins told Tom and Susie many interesting things.

The radio warned us of the coming earthquake and we started gathering our things.

Desperate men often do desperate things.

Try to see things as they really are.

If the sun were to go out, all living things would die.

If the sun were to stop shining, all living things would die.

Other things being equal, the simplest explanation is the best.

If you are a member of a primitive community and you wish to produce, say, food, there are two things that you must do.

Take things a little more seriously.

I'm still feeling a little homesick and so many things seem strange to me.

He handled things wonderfully, playing it by ear the whole way. I have to say he did an excellent job.

I will not go to the length of saying such things.

I have some things in the hotel safe.

Many of the things Pizzaro had heard about the Inca treasure were true.

I noticed, among other things, that he was drunk.

Above all things, we must not be selfish.

Among other things, he has an eye for good pictures.

He's very forgetful of things.

Why can't you take things just as they are?

Department stores sell numerous things.

You can get all kinds of things to eat if you go to the free samples area in a department store.

Let's go and see as many things as we can.

Clear away the table things.

Don't get upset about small things. Try to think of things like a rich person who can afford not to argue.

Don't get upset about small things. Try to think of things like a rich person who can afford not to argue.

Don't waste your allowance on useless things.

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