English example sentences with "theater"

Learn how to use theater in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

I recognized the bank teller as the man I had seen in the movie theater.

You cannot take a picture in the theater without permission.

During the interval, Takashi and Harumi got a drink at the theater bar.

There's an old movie theater in town.

We went to the theater early, so we could be sure that everyone could get a seat.

The fire caused a panic in the theater.

We're going to the theater.

There were already a lot of people waiting in a line in front of the movie theater.

I was at a movie theater.

The movie is now showing at a theater near you.

I would have liked to see the ending of the film, but I had to leave the theater.

The evening performance at the Royal Theater had ended, and the audience had gone home.

I went to the theater quite early with a view to getting a good seat.

What's playing at the Music Box Theater?

A ballet theater is a place in which I can study motion.

Tom saw a play in the new theater.

Tom wishes he had gone to the theater last night.

The doorman did not permit me to enter the theater.

Television has almost taken the place of the movie theater.

Once in a while, I visit the theater.

Which theater is that?

The store is just across from the theater.

What is on at the theater this month?

What is playing at the theater?

The play was so popular that the theater was almost full.

Go along this street, and you'll find the movie theater.

That movie theater always shows good movies.

Here we are at the theater.

This is a direct broadcast from the Showa theater.

This is the theater where we see foreign movies.

This theater has a seating capacity of 500.

We are not supposed to drink in this theater.

Clint Eastwood's latest movie is on at the theater.

Do you like the theater?

As usual, he was the last to arrive at the theater.

Let's go to the theater early so that we can get good seats.

That theater has a foreign film festival every other month.

They are putting P on at that theater.

Do you feel like going to the theater?

A stream of people came out of the theater.

At the theater, Kathy changed seats with her mother.

There was a large audience at the theater.

There was a large audience in the theater.

We ran out of gas on the way to the theater.

I met Yoko on my way to the theater.

I found the theater crowded.

Theater attendance usually falls off in summer.

Let's meet in front of the theater.

He looked just like his picture on the wall of the theater.

There is a parking lot behind the theater.

On my way to the theater I saw a traffic accident.

Are you going to the theater tonight?

I wish I had gone to the theater last night.

I ran into my friend at the theater last night.

We met Mrs. Brown at the theater.

I went to the theater to see a modern drama.

I would rather go to the art museum than to the movie theater.

I am going to the theater on the corner.

I was at the theater.

I sat behind a very tall man in the theater.

I like to see comedy in the theater.

I met with my teacher in the theater.

I saw Miss Smith in the theater yesterday.

I went to the theater to see a period drama.

I have two passes to the Imperial Theater.

All of us went to the theater to see a play.

Did you enjoy yourself at the theater?

People thronged the theater to see the star.

Be quiet. Don't talk in the theater.

Were you at the theater last Saturday?

The entire theater turned to chaos when somebody cried "Fire!".

The oldest movie theater in town is being pulled down now.

The audience walked out of the theater, looking bored.

All of a sudden, a fire broke out in the movie theater.

He's the projectionist at the theater.

He wishes he had gone to the theater last night.

He adores going to the theater.

He had the kindness to show me the way to the theater.

He has a good acquaintance with Japanese theater.

They had to be turned away from the theater.

She would often go to the theater when she was in London.

Do you want to go to the movies or to the theater?

This movie theater has two floors.

The movie theater was filled with people.

During the intermission, Takashi and Harumi had a drink at the theater bar.

Hurry, or you won't get to the movie theater in time!

Daddy, I'll stop doing theater and won't sing anymore.

I showed my ticket to the man at the door, then entered the theater.

A crowd of 500 filled the theater.

The theater is empty.

The theater group performed the new play.

The theater in my neighborhood is being rebuilt.

Would you like to go to the theater this evening?

We waited in the movie theater for the film to start.

I saw Tom and Mary making out in the movie theater last night.

The theater company's characterization of Anne Frank was very emotional, but tasteful.

Yesterday at this time, we were at the movie theater.

In the evening, they would go to the theater.

He had fled the theater after the murder.

Many in the theater recognized him.

I don't know the theater play, but I know the author well.

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