English example sentences with "spiders"

Learn how to use spiders in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

I hate those spiders. They're always there to freak me out when I'm cleaning.

Spiders spin webs.

I abhor spiders.

Spiders wait for insects to get caught in the webs. This is how they get their food.

Spiders always weave their webs in three dimensions.

Formidable looking spiders do not attack people.

Spiders prey on flies and other small insects.

He hates spiders.

Spider-Man is cool. Spiders are NOT.

Spiders like to build spiderwebs.

When I get sick of what men do, I have only to walk a few steps in another direction to see what spiders do. Or what the weather does. This sustains me very well indeed.

Fried spiders are a regional delicacy in Cambodia.

I'm afraid of spiders.

Some people are afraid of spiders.

Spiders scare me.

It's well-known that spiders are not insects.

It's a well-known fact that spiders aren't insects.

Spiders, scorpions, and ticks are arachnids.

Mary is afraid of spiders.

Birds have nests, spiders have webs, and humans have friendship.

Birds have nests, spiders have webs and people have friendships.

Not all species of spiders are poisonous.

It's crawling with spiders.

My bedroom is crawling with spiders.

The room is crawling with spiders.

Someone told me recently that hairspray is good for killing spiders.

I hate spiders.

Don't be surprised if you wake up with spiders inside your mouth.

When I say that this spider is harmless, I don't mean that you can catch it with your hands and handle it as you like. Big spiders don't attack people unless they are provoked, and they should not be taken for toys.

He ate insects and spiders.

Emily is afraid of spiders.

Emily isn't afraid of spiders.

You hate spiders, don't you?

Tom hates spiders.

She hates spiders.

Mary hates spiders.

We hate spiders.

They hate spiders.

Tom isn't scared of spiders.

I don't like spiders and snakes.

Spiders wait for insects to become entangled in their nets. That's how they get their food.

I don't understand why people are so afraid of spiders.

Spiders aren't insects but arachnids.

Tom is terrified of spiders.

Many women are afraid of spiders.

Tom is afraid of spiders.

Dan used to be so scared of big hairy spiders.

Dan studied spiders and learnt everything he could about them.

Dan once got bitten by one of his big hairy spiders.

Dan loves spiders more than any other animal.

Are you still afraid of spiders?

Spiders aren't insects.

Spiders are loathsome little creatures.

I don't like spiders.

There are people who are afraid of spiders.

There are people that are afraid of spiders.

Spiders need love too.

My favourite animals are squirrels and stoats, while my girlfriend is fascinated by spiders, strange as it may seem.

I want to write a book about the spiders in my region.

This is one of the most venomous spiders in the world.

You know what I hate? I hate spiders.

Spiders have eight legs.

Spiders and scorpions have eight legs.

I used to be scared of spiders, but not anymore.

I'm really scared of spiders.

Arachnophobia is the fear of spiders.

I'm no longer afraid of spiders.

Tom isn't afraid of spiders.

How many of you are afraid of spiders?

I am extremely scared of spiders.

I am scared of spiders.

I'm scared of spiders.

My friend always runs away from spiders.

I like to watch spiders.

"Insects have six legs." "But that would mean that spiders are not insects." "That's exactly how it is."

I'm not afraid of spiders anymore.

You seem to be afraid of spiders.

Spiders are very adaptive, especially when spinning a web.

Tom said that Mary was afraid of spiders.

This jungle is full of snakes and spiders.

Tom breeds exotic spiders.

Are you afraid of spiders?

I'm terrified of spiders.

Do spiders scare you?

Spiders terrify me.

If the 5 trillion spiders in the Netherlands took to eating humans rather than insects, they’d consume all Dutch people in just three days.

There are spiders everywhere.

I want to write a book about the spiders of my region.

Most spiders weave webs.

Tom is terrified of spiders, isn't he?

Very few species of spiders in my country are actually dangerous.

Spiders can detect electric fields.

Spiders use electric fields to fly around the world.

I'm frightened to death of spiders.

The venom of most spiders is harmless to humans.

How many different species of spiders are there?

Tom is afraid of spiders, isn't he?

Mary is afraid of spiders, isn't she?

I'm not afraid of huge spiders.

I think that Tom is afraid of spiders.

I know that Tom is afraid of spiders.

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