English example sentences with "uncomfortable"

Learn how to use uncomfortable in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

Stop it! You're making her feel uncomfortable!

It will make most Americans uncomfortable if you insist on their accepting expensive gifts.

The trains are inconvenient and uncomfortable; in addition, they never run on time.

As a result, people have got so used to being paid this way that they're uncomfortable with any other.

Our company has never had that kind of system, and it's never made us feel uncomfortable.

I am uncomfortable in these new shoes.

I feel uncomfortable in this chair.

I always have an uncomfortable feeling.

I feel uncomfortable with those people.

His face was red and he felt hot and uncomfortable.

Many Americans are uncomfortable with silence, and they tend to regard silence in a conversation as a signal that they need to start talking.

I felt uncomfortable with those kids loitering around in the train.

His friends were uncomfortable with his high-handed attitude.

He felt lost and uncomfortable.

The atmosphere was uncomfortable.

Curious gazes, gazes carrying a bit of murderous intent...it goes without saying that I couldn't be more uncomfortable.

Come to that the uniform had a bit more starch than that I usually wear, it's a bit uncomfortable.

It's fine, there's no need to feel uncomfortable!

"It was a big dumpster," Dima said. "And there was a lot of food, so... It wasn't exactly uncomfortable. But yes, smellier than a donkey's behind."

I felt an uncomfortable tightness in my chest.

I feel a little uncomfortable bringing this up, but I love you.

Tom felt uncomfortable.

I'm uncomfortable.

The opposite of uncomfortable is comfortable.

I saw immediately that he was uncomfortable.

That made Tom uncomfortable.

It is uncomfortable to be sitting on this chair.

It makes me feel uncomfortable.

Everyone looks uncomfortable.

Tom seems uncomfortable and annoyed.

The sofa is uncomfortable.

I get very uncomfortable when I catch him staring at me.

I didn't want to make you uncomfortable.

Tom's uncomfortable.

Tom became uncomfortable.

Tom is uncomfortable.

Tom looks uncomfortable.

Tom seems uncomfortable.

I'm not uncomfortable.

It looks uncomfortable.

It's very uncomfortable.

Are you uncomfortable?

This chair is uncomfortable.

Tom is very uncomfortable.

I hope you're not too uncomfortable.

I felt a bit uncomfortable at Tom's party.

My boss headed me off today and struck up an uncomfortable conversation.

I know how uncomfortable you are.

I made you feel uncomfortable, didn't I?

I'm uncomfortable around people like Tom.

I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable.

I'm very uncomfortable with this.

Tom looks slightly uncomfortable.

Tom looks quite uncomfortable.

Tom looks very uncomfortable.

I've had a runny nose for two days and I've been feeling an uncomfortable sensation in my throat.

Tom seems a little uncomfortable.

The tight band around one of her arms made her feel uncomfortable.

Does that make you uncomfortable?

That would be uncomfortable.

That's got to be uncomfortable.

Sometimes when people are uncomfortable they smile.

You have no idea how uncomfortable these shoes are.

Tom always seems uncomfortable around children.

Tom appears to be uncomfortable.

Tom is definitely uncomfortable now.

Tom is obviously uncomfortable.

Tom suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

Would it make you feel uncomfortable to tell me about that?

Tom seems to be extremely uncomfortable.

The universe is merely a fleeting idea in God's mind — a pretty uncomfortable thought, particularly if you've just made a down payment on a house.

Tom looked a little uncomfortable.

Tom looks a little uncomfortable.

Her body was in an uncomfortable position.

I am very uncomfortable with how this television show portrays women.

You're making me uncomfortable.

They both look very uncomfortable.

I might not understand much of the information on Japanese sites, but I don't feel as uncomfortable as many other people who get there for their first time.

Tom's uncomfortable with close personal relationships.

I'm feeling uncomfortable.

I've never been so uncomfortable in my entire life.

It made me uncomfortable.

It was rather uncomfortable.

Tom felt very uncomfortable about the whole thing.

Tom seems very uncomfortable about something.

Tom looked uncomfortable.

You're making Tom uncomfortable.

I was uncomfortable.

Tom still felt uncomfortable.

That made us uncomfortable.

That made them uncomfortable.

That made me uncomfortable.

That made him uncomfortable.

That made her uncomfortable.

Tom seemed self-conscious and uncomfortable when he had to make the announcement at the party.

I bet you have to twist your body into uncomfortable positions to be able to apply sunblock to your back.

The heteronormative propaganda made me uncomfortable.

Obsequious people make me feel uncomfortable.

I was really uncomfortable.

Where do you feel uncomfortable?

She felt decidedly uncomfortable faced with the old woman’s frosty manner.

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